PA Bill Number: HB800
Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.
Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

Latest News

Media 'conflicted' since TV shooter is black :: 08/26/2015
Radio host Rush Limbaugh said the national news media will be conflicted in their reporting on Wednesday’s slaughter of a Virginia news crew live on the air because the shooter was a black man, and his victims were white.
Obama Admin. Again Warning That White 'Militias' are as Big a Threat as Islamists :: 08/26/2015
Since the day his regime took over in Washington, Barack Obama’s blinkered “intelligence” agencies have been warning that it is white people, conservative groups, tea partiers, military veterans, and “militias” that are the real danger lurking in America and recently Obama’s FBI did it again claiming that “militias” (read white male gun enthusiasts) are looking to attack Muslims inside the USA.
World Invokes Charleston Massacre To Denigrate The Bill Of Rights :: 08/26/2015
An Associated Press article datelined Beijing described how the world fell into a state of shocked lamentation over the gun violence and racism believed to plague the Untied States in light of the horrific Charleston Church Massacre.
Decade Later, Remember New Orleans . . . Gun Confiscation Can (And Has) Happened In America :: 08/25/2015
August 29th marks the 10-year anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, La. The memory of the devastation wrought by the storm and the resulting chaos is a human tragedy of such a vast scale that it endures to this day; and will well beyond.
No matter how they wrap it, it's still gun control :: 08/25/2015
Once again the city of Seattle is attempting to enact gun control laws contrary to Washington state law regarding firearms ownership, according to the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association.
Reduce Firearm Ownership, Say Anti-Gun Researchers :: 08/25/2015
Fairfax, VA -(AmmoLand.com)- A new “study” by David Swedler, trained at the (gun control crusader Michael) Bloomberg School of Public Health, and co-authored by longtime anti-gun researcher David Hemenway, of the Harvard School of Public Health, uses rigged methodology to conclude that law enforcement officers are more likely to be murdered in states that have higher levels of gun ownership.
Senator Bernie Sanders' Gun Control Affair: It's Complicated :: 08/25/2015
Bernie Sanders, while being a political darling of liberal Democrats, has found himself in a political quagmire on gun control. The Washington Post has featured a story on his cataclysmic rise to Congress with the NRA's support.
Study Claims Hawaii's Gun Control Laws Work . . . Until You Look Closely :: 08/25/2015
You know, for all the protestation from the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex that the ban on federal funds is stifling gun-related research there sure are a ton of gun control studies being published.
Trains, Planes and Automobiles - How I Carried on My Summer Vacation :: 08/25/2015
On a recent family vacation from Phoenix to Chicago and Minneapolis I decided to carry my sidearm, a .45 SIG SAUER 1911, as much as legally possible. I knew from the outset this was likely to be difficult, but as an open-carry advocate, I decided to educate myself and accept this challenge . . .
WEBER: Congress, states must thwart judicial activism :: 08/25/2015
The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the United States Constitution. Unfortunately, over the past few years, the Court has expanded its role from interpreter of the law to an independent policy maker.
When Is A Non-Story A Story? When You're An Anti-Gun New York Times Writer :: 08/25/2015
It’s not often that a story runs out of gas by the third paragraph. The Year After Death, Business as Usual at Arizona Gun Range is one of those stories. After briefly introducing a Spanish family visiting The Last Stop gun range – where a nine-year-old girl shot and killed an instructor trying to show her the ways of a full-auto Uzi – nytimes.com scribe Julie Turkewitz’s “exposé” takes a dirt nap.
Murray signs Seattle gun tax; Detroit top cop has better idea :: 08/24/2015
Seattle anti-gunners are gloating, and soliciting money, following Friday’s signing by Mayor Ed Murray of the gun and ammunition tax ordinance, which the Civic Skunk Works blog contended yesterday will “undoubtedly save lives.”
Obama Officials Heading to Mexico to Discuss International Gun Control Via UN Treaty :: 08/24/2015
On August 24 officials from the Obama administration will be attending the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference in Mexico City.
On Firearms, Reporting Obscures the Truth :: 08/24/2015
There is no subject on which reporting is so consistently poor as firearms. Most reporters are anti-gun; as a result, even when reporting is not overtly biased it is generally so murky as to obscure rather than reveal basic facts.
Philadelphia - Buy these or I take your car: Secret video shows officer pressuring driver during traffic stop to support police fundraiser :: 08/24/2015
A patrolman in Philadelphia has been seen in a video pressuring a driver to support a police fundraiser or have his car towed has been placed on desk duty, police said.
Study: More guns, more mass shootings in U.S. :: 08/24/2015
A new global analysis of public mass shootings shows the United States has five times the incident occurrence of any other nation.
Uniformed Officer Booted From Chuck E Cheese Over Duty Handgun :: 08/24/2015
A uniformed Bowling Green Police Officer was booted from a local Chuck E Cheese franchise because the employees are, well, ignorant.
If You Can't Stop Prisoners From Bringing Guns Into a Holding Cell . . . :: 08/23/2015
what chance do you have preventing criminals from accessing guns on the street? I’ll tell you: none. There is no chance whatsoever that gun control legislation will stop bad guys from tooling up. I choose the phrase “tooling up” carefully; a firearm is a tool of the criminals’ trade.
NSSF Threatens Costly Lawsuit If Seattle Mayor Ed Murray Approves Gun & Ammo Taxes :: 08/23/2015
No one has ever unjustly accused Seattle’s liberal government of using their brains when emotions were available, and that inability to act intelligently is likely going to lead to the city into a costly lawsuit if Mayor Ed Murray signs in law a “gun violence tax” that clearly runs afoul of state preemption laws.
Planned Parenthood Controversy Reveals The Left's Double Standard on Gun Control :: 08/23/2015
“Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz published an opinion piece in USA Today using Fox News talking points to advocate for the full defunding of Planned Parenthood,” mediamatters.com reports. “That could result in millions of Americans losing access to crucial health care — all thanks to a handful of lies pushed by conservative media.” Do you see where I’m going here? Try it this way . . .
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