proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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Bloomberg poaching Gray Lady talent for 'fast commentary' project :: 07/30/2015

Why buy the New York Times when you can raid its newsroom? Bloomberg View, the opinion-writing wing of Bloomberg News, is looking to hire about 30 reporters — and has poached a top Times’ DealBook editor — for a new “fast commentary” operation that will provide context for breaking news.


Gun-free zones are killing us :: 07/30/2015

Hours before the latest shooting at a movie theater in Louisiana, President Obama lamented what he regards as his greatest failure as president – his inability to pass gun control measures.


North Carolina SWATting: Gun Owners' Kobayashi Maru? :: 07/30/2015

“Newton, North Carolina police say around 10:30 Saturday night someone called claiming they were Sean Prince, Karen’s son,” reports. “The caller also used the mother’s address. The caller informed them he shot and killed his girlfriend and was thinking about killing his parents, who he said he was holding hostage.


N.Y. Data Reveals Futility of Gun Registration Laws :: 07/30/2015

In an utter embarrassment to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and anti-gun legislators in Albany, recently released New York State Police data reveals massive noncompliance with the SAFE Act’s registration provisions. Out of an estimated 1-1.2 million semi-automatic firearms within the state that are required to be registered under the new law, 23,847 people have registered a grand total of 44,485 guns.


Senate Democrats Asking Gun Dealers For Help In Expanding Background Checks :: 07/30/2015

Senate Democrats eager to expand background checks are reaching out directly to those vendors since their bills that chip away at Second Amendment rights was rightfully blocked in 2013.


Swedish Pols: More Crime, More Gun Control :: 07/30/2015

If anyone ever suggests that the security theater known as “gun laws” ever do good, please point them towards Sweden. So far this year we have had 30 explosives go off this year and one mass shooting along with numerous minor shootings.


THAT 'SMART GUN' WILL GET YOU KILLED: Hackers Take Over Computerized Rifle, Charge Targets :: 07/30/2015

TrackingPoint is a technology integration company known for marrying high-end precision rifles with sensors and software to create a weapon system that enables even novice shooters to make long range shots with a minimum of training.


The entire background check system is flawed :: 07/30/2015

FBI Director James Comey recently said a flaw in the gun background check system allowed Dylann Roof to purchase the gun he allegedly used to kill nine people in a church in Charleston, S.C.


WaPo & MSNBC choked: Americans support gun rights, carrying sidearms :: 07/30/2015

The Washington Post must have choked yesterday when it published a blog headlining the fact that Americans “increasingly see more guns as the solution, not the problem,” while a new Quinnipiac poll released yesterday – and covered by the Denver Post – shows Colorado voters oppose tougher gun laws by a 56-39 percent margin.


What guns has Obama taken from you? :: 07/30/2015

There’s a meme going around social media showing an empty room with the caption identifying that location as the place where Obama keeps all the guns he’s taken away.


Who Are The Mass Murderers? :: 07/30/2015

There is much speculation about how to identify people at risk of committing violence, in order to preempt their possessing firearms. This ignores risks from violence done with, say, hands and knives, but it’s a worthy goal. However, it’s not one easily accomplished—and risks restricting Second Amendment rights from too many people who don’t present any risk at all.


3 things to consider after another theater shooting :: 07/29/2015

Amid the national news media coverage of the Colorado theater shooting trial, some totally evil person decided to murder moviegoers in Louisiana. This makes me think of three things: the gun debate, understanding evil people, and being proven innocent by reason of insanity.


ATF Re-Classifies Certain Flares and 40mm Chalk Rounds as Explosives, Begins Confiscation :: 07/29/2015

The ATF is on a bit of a hit streak when it comes to random reclassifications. First they arbitrarily and capriciously changed their collective mind on the pistol stabilizing brace. Then they tried to ban M855 ammunition by branding it as “armor piercing.”


Christie's lies about his gun record are just a click away :: 07/29/2015

It is now clear that the 2016 Chris Christie presidential campaign is the first one predicated entirely on the hope that nobody knows how to use Google.


Key Democrat Pours Cold Water on Gun Background Checks Bill :: 07/29/2015

A recent string of mass shootings has Democrats and gun safety advocates renewing their call for legislation to require background checks for firearm purchases. But West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, the Democratic co-author of the bill, says it's going nowhere fast.


L.A. City Council bans large-capacity ammunition magazines :: 07/29/2015

Defying sharp warnings from gun rights groups, Los Angeles thrust itself into the national debate over gun control Tuesday, as city lawmakers voted unanimously to ban the possession of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.


More Americans carry guns - and feel safer :: 07/29/2015

Americans are increasingly convinced that owning a gun makes them safer. A new Rasmussen poll found that an overwhelming majority of Americans (68 percent) "feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed." And a series of polls by Gallup, the Pew Research Center, and ABC News and the Washington Post show similar results.


Q-Poll: Colorado Voters Oppose Tougher Gun Laws :: 07/29/2015

Well, what do you know; Colorado voters really don’t want tougher gun laws, according to a Quinnipiac poll. At the same time, the majority of Coloradoans approve of the job that Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper is doing:


VA doctor regrets post telling gun advocate to 'off' himself :: 07/29/2015

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A Department of Veterans Affairs psychiatrist said Tuesday he regrets a Facebook post suggesting that a gun-rights supporter “off” himself.


Wave of gun carry deregulation sweeps USA :: 07/29/2015

There’s gun rights policy grid-lock in the nation’s capital, where the Administration keeps proposing restrictions on gun rights through executive action, and Congress members primarily introduce pro-gun bills.


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