PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Latest News

Should Timothy White Be Prosecuted For Firing Back At The Chattanooga Shooter? :: 07/24/2015
The aftermath of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’s July 16th massacre of five service members at a Chattanooga Navy facility left some wondering how a lone gunman could survive such a target.
Two Largest Gun Rights Organizations Are Setting Up to Block Obama's Latest Gun Control Attempt :: 07/24/2015
Two of the country’s most influential gun rights organizations have plans to thwart the Obama administration from implementing any new, sweeping gun control measures.
Critics of no-guns-on-base rule say U.S. soldiers are 'sitting ducks' :: 07/23/2015
Last week’s shootings at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tenn., have some questioning why military personnel on U.S. bases aren’t allowed to carry weapons for self-defense.
For more Americans, owning a gun = safety :: 07/23/2015
Americans are increasingly convinced that owning a gun makes them safer.
New legislation filed to review gun-free zones :: 07/23/2015
WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – The Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts announced Wednesday that it filed new legislation to address the dangers of gun-free zones. The group’s executive director, Jim Wallace, says gun-free zones have become “no-defense” zones, and therefore have become targets for terrorists and murders.
Operation Protect the Protectors: Oath Keepers National Call to Action :: 07/23/2015
Vegas, NV – -(Ammoland.com)- This is a national Oath Keepers call to action. Oath Keepers is launching a nation-wide Oath Keepers Operation Protect the Protectors.
Sen. Moran Introduces Legislation to Safeguard Service Member's 2nd Amendment Rights :: 07/23/2015
WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) has introduced legislation to eliminate “Gun-Free Zones” at American military installations – including military recruitment centers – and restore service member’s 2nd Amendment Rights.
Activists angry over remark about armed citizens at recruiting office :: 07/22/2015
A remark in the reader comments section of yesterday’s Tacoma News Tribune story about armed citizen volunteers providing security for the Army recruiting office in Spanaway has infuriated some gun rights activists because it called the two men “a couple of wingnut jackasses.”
Codrea: Press Remarkably Incurious About BLM Agent Behind Stolen Gun Used in SF Slaying :: 07/22/2015
Bolstering the sentiment that establishment media commits sins of omission as well as of commission, a curious void exists in the media narrative of the oft-deported illegal alien felon who allegedly shot a woman to death with a gun stolen from a BLM agent: The identity of the agent.
Criminal justice reform advocates lobby for PA to expand expungement laws :: 07/22/2015
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Changing Pennsylvania’s expungement laws could give ex-offenders a better opportunity at a second chance.
Gun laws aimed at the good guys :: 07/22/2015
In response to Washington Post columnist E.J Dionne's column, "What about the right not to bear arms?" June 28, page C4:
Navy Times: Navy Officer and Marine Fired Back At Chattanooga Terrorist :: 07/22/2015
As we noted, the investigation into last week’s terrrorist attack on two Chattanooga military facilities seemed to indicate that, despite policy, at least one Marine was armed at the time. Now, according to a Navy Times report two servicemen with guns engaged the shooter. “A Navy officer and a Marine fired their sidearms hoping to kill or subdue the gunman who murdered five service members last week in Chattanooga, Tennessee, according to multiple military officials familiar with internal reporting on the tragedy.” Good to hear, right? Well . . .
Obama administration seeks to add impaired Social Security recipients to background check system :: 07/22/2015
As part of the ongoing administration efforts to at least dampen the feverish pace of gun violence in America, the White House is looking toward the Social Security rolls.
PA - Franconia won't reverse firearms law [Preemption] repeal :: 07/22/2015
FRANCONIA >> In February, the Franconia Township Board of Supervisors approved doing away with rules that previously had banned firearms from township parks.
Shannon Watts: Hold All Gun Sales Until The ATF Is Good And Ready :: 07/22/2015
Former Monsanto shill and current AstroTurf organizer Shannon Watts is at it again. This time in a CNN op-ed bemoaning the ability of recent terrorist shooters to pass background checks. How does semantics come in to play? It’s all in what’s NOT said . . .
Texas Republican: Hospitals are dangerous - so everyone there should be able to carry guns into them :: 07/22/2015
Ask any hospital worker and they’ll probably tell you chaos, unpredictability and even violence come with the territory of their jobs. Now, a Texas lawmaker would like to add one more ingredient to the combustible mix that includes stress, psychiatric disorders, traumatic injuries and the gamut of social issues: guns.
There's A Reason They're Called The Armed Forces :: 07/22/2015
So far in 2015 our enemies killed four US military service personnel in Afghanistan and three in Iraq. On one day this year a terrorist killed five US military service personnel within the continental United States. That’s right, there were more U.S. servicemen killed here in the U.S. than in either of the two wars we’re currently fighting abroad. That’s easy, ugly, math. As reported by the Marine Corp Times our current administration is dealing with this threat by closing offices and telling recruiters not to wear uniforms . . .
A Time For Mourning - And Then Time To End The Military Gun Ban :: 07/21/2015
Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- Once again, a tragic shooting — this time at the two military locations in Chattanooga, Tennessee — has gripped the nation.
Cop Fired For Maliciously Modifying Another Cop's Weapon To "Teach Him A Lesson" :: 07/21/2015
Georgetown, Texas – Officer George Bermudez was fired from the Georgetown police department after it was discovered that he intentionally and maliciously tampered with a fellow officer’s weapon. The situation began on February 2nd when Bermudez was asked to pick up another officer’s weapon from the Williamson County Firearms Range where they were practicing.
How Britain Cooks The Books :: 07/21/2015
President Obama—one of the most vehemently anti-gun presidents in our nation’s history—has never missed an opportunity to praise other countries that have enacted harsh, restrictive gun laws. Clearly, he would have the American people believe that such laws have led directly to lower violent crime in those countries.
13576 Total News Items