proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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Study: Gun control groups should undermine our 'gun culture' to reduce gun ownership :: 07/04/2015

There’s a dangerous scientific study making the rounds, even some pro-gun websites have featured it, titled “Gun ownership and social gun culture.”


Subtle anti-gun media bias is tyranny of a different sort :: 07/04/2015

A story in yesterday’s U.S. News and World Report contained a reference to “so-called Second Amendment rights,” while another piece in that same publication back on June 23 suggested that Americans “feared increased gun control” because of the “first black president.”


CA Senator Diane Feinstein: Why I Oppose National Concealed Carry Reciprocity :: 07/03/2015

TTAG reader MK contacted U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein to ask her support for national concealed carry reciprocity. (I know, right?) The email he received from the California Democrat – who never met a gun control law she didn’t like – was less than enthusiastic . . .


Column: Constitutional ignorance By Walter Williams :: 07/03/2015

The nation’s demagogues and constitutionally ignorant are using the Charleston, S.C., AME church shooting to attack the Second Amendment’s “right of the people to keep and bear Arms.” A couple of years ago, President Barack Obama said, “I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations.”


Fort Bragg Soldier Arrested After Carrying AR-15 Into Mall For Photo Shoot :: 07/03/2015

The dumbs. He took all the dumbs, and used them all at once.


Here's where you're most likely to own a gun :: 07/03/2015

Nearly one in every three Americans owns a gun, according to a recently published study in the journal Injury Prevention by researchers Bindu Kalesan, Marcos Villarreal, and Katherine Keyes of Columbia University, and Sandro Galea of Boston University.


How To Bring Your Gun Into Canada. . .Assuming You Really Want To :: 07/03/2015

Some of the very best hunting and fishing in North America can be found in Canada.  However, our brother to the North does not have the same thoughts about firearms as we do. As a point of curiosity, we decided to investigate what it would take to bring our everyday carry (EDC) firearms across the border . . .


Kim Kardashian: My Guards Should Have Guns, But Not You Average People :: 07/03/2015

Kim Kardashian…I actually don’t know who she is. I hear she broke the internet once, but I’m one of the guys running the thing and I didn’t notice so much as a blip. It turns out he’s a famous person — for what, no one can really tell me — and she opened her yap the other day and let something amazingly idiotic slip out about gun control in the United States.


The Firearm Is The Symbol Of Individual Sovereignty :: 07/03/2015

New York –-( Even with the combat technology wielded by our armies today, the single person firearm is more than just a symbol of individual sovereignty.


The New First Responders :: 07/03/2015

“Multiple Terrorist Attacks Raise Questions of Coordination.” So goes the Powerline headline referring to the three June 26 terror attacks in Kuwait, Tunisia and France. Is it possible the attacks, occurring within hours of each other, were a coincidence? One would have to work in the Obama Administration to believe that. The death toll in these attacks has now surpassed 60.


Black Pastor: Armed Congregants Won't Allow Attackers Time to Reload :: 07/02/2015

Washington DC – -( On June 28 2015 Bishop Ira Combs said various congregants in his church are armed and that any would-be attackers would not given the chance to reload if they began shooting.


ITAR Issues: Proposed regulation could keep 3D-printed gun blueprints offline for good :: 07/02/2015

Those handy digital blueprints that enable anyone to 3D print gun parts or even a weapon from scratch could be under threat thanks to a new proposal from the State Department.


NBC Segment on Gun Culture 2.0 Makes Us Look Good :: 07/02/2015

The mainstream media is rabidly anti-gun, and so it’s not surprising that Matt Lauer and Ronan Farrow attempted to tie all gun owners to “gun violence” leading into and coming out of a segment on the “next generation” of gun owners, the very diverse group of Millennials who make up what some are calling “Gun Culture 2.0.”


Reports Nationwide Of Unexpected NICS Delays & Denials for Gun Buyers :: 07/02/2015

Covington VA –-( One of our members, who is an Federal Firearms License (FFL) , has been hearing from other Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders across the country that they are receiving more denials and delays than in the past.


Serious Anti-Gunners Show What Compromise on Gun Control Would Mean :: 07/02/2015

Fairfax, VA -( Whether to capitalize on a tragedy for political purposes, or because their urge to “do something” isn’t tempered by a sense of reality, Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) reacted to the deplorable murders at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, last week by saying that they may reintroduce so-called “universal” background check legislation to require background checks on private sales and trades of firearms, including those between many family members and friends.


A curious new gun group :: 07/01/2015

When a new pro-gun group surfaces, unfortunately, I’ve become somewhat suspicious.


Gun-Grabbing Senator Chris Murphy Gets Hammered For Lying About Guns :: 07/01/2015

Poor Chris Murphy. The rookie Democrat Senator from Connecticut has attacked your natural right to bear arms for self-defense at every turn, and has shown that he isn’t above deception to push his tyrannical views. Unfortunately for him, Murphy went so far with his latest howler that even the rabidly anti-gun Washington Post Fact Checker felt compelled to call him out in public.


How Bloomberg Fudged the Numbers to Claim Gun Control Reduced CT Firearms Fatalities :: 07/01/2015

Our man Leghorn did an excellent job fisking the gun control movement’s claim that “tight” gun control laws led to a reduction in firearms-related homicides. The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Legislative and Policy Research Director Elizabeth Karasmeighan had a bash at Bloomberg’s anti-ballistic bile, too ant it’s worth a second look . . .


Missouri to Become 7th State to Adopt Constitutional Carry? :: 07/01/2015

“The Missouri Supreme Court has upheld a constitutional amendment that broadened gun rights in the state,” reports. “Voters approved Amendment 5 in August 2014 with 61 percent of the vote. It made the right to own firearms, ammunition and other accessories in the state ‘unalienable,’ and said any form of gun control should be subjected to “strict scrutiny.”


Support low for Obama gun control, assault weapons ban dead :: 07/01/2015

Neither President Obama's new calls for gun control or the public's reaction to the horrific church killings in Charleston, S.C., have boosted support for White House action on pistols and rifles, according to a new CNN Poll.


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