proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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Latest News

'Strongest firearms preemption statute in the country' overturned by court :: 06/26/2015

A controversial Pennsylvania bill signed by Gov. Tom Corbett (R) last year which allows third parties to sue municipalities over local gun codes stronger than the state’s was overturned Thursday.


When Police Wouldn't, Deacons for Defense Protected Civil Rights Workers :: 06/26/2015

Fifty years ago, on June 25, 1965, a Bogalusa civil rights leader filed a lawsuit against city law enforcement.


5 Problems with the New Study 'Proving' that More Background Checks Lowered Connecticut's Gun Murder Rate by 40 Percent :: 06/25/2015

A new study in the American Journal of Public Health purports to show that a 1995 tightening in Connecticut's gun permit laws led to a 40 percent reduction in gun homicides over the next decade—nearly 300 fewer gun homicides than their counterfactual construction of a Connecticut without those laws would have had. Despite its immediate adoption by gun control advocates, the study may not actually deliver what's advertised.


America's center on gun control might shock New York :: 06/25/2015

Could New York City, where for all intents and purposes the Second Amendment doesn’t exist, play a role in the next national debate over guns?


Anti-gunner's Logic Bending, Lies And Disregard For Human Life - Deputy Matt-Deputy Sheriff :: 06/25/2015

In their continued push to pass more restrictions on American’s civil rights, a recent article on the notoriously left leaning, quite ironically named “Think Progress” (since they seem to lack both thought or progress) touted that “The Number Of People Who Use A Gun In Self-Defense Is Pretty Much Negligible.”  In fact, they felt that so strongly, that is what they titled the article.


Bloomberg School of Public Health Tries to Pass Off CT Background Check Study as Fact :: 06/25/2015

5 Problems with the New Study ‘Proving’ that More Background Checks Lowered Connecticut’s Gun Murder Rate by 40 Percent. Article Excerpt from


Conspiracy-Theory Spouting Pope Attacks Those Who Defend Him, Humanity :: 06/25/2015

Recently, Pope Francis made eye-raising comments about firearms and the Holocaust during a disjointed address that made many question whether or not the 78-year-old head of the Catholic Church is suffering from either ignorance or senility.


Gun Rights Benefited Black Americans During the Civil Rights Movement and Still Do :: 06/25/2015

Dylann Roof’s racially motivated murders of nine black churchgoers have brought predictable calls for new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. How ironic this is we shall soon see.


Most "assault weapon" owners are ignoring NY gun law :: 06/25/2015

Ever since the hilariously inaccurately named SAFE Act was passed in New York, gun owners and Second Amendment advocates have been stonewalled by the state government whenever attempts were made to find out more about how it was being implemented. But one group, the Shooters Committee on Political Education, (SCOPE) managed to break through the wall of silence this month and found out residents have been largely turning their backs on at least one aspect of the law.


Scottish journalist says Second Amendment should be repealed :: 06/25/2015

Writing yesterday in The Scotsman, journalist Allan Massie – a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature – contended that not only has the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment been misread, it should also be repealed.


The Mistaken Argument: Fewer Guns = Fewer Murders :: 06/25/2015

Taken at its face if we had no guns there would be no firearm murders. That is a fact same as saying that before we had cars there were no motor vehicle fatalities. Still there are those, especially following some horrific crime, who insist on trying to make it harder for Americans to own guns. They claim that the fewer guns the fewer gun fatalities. They are correct in an extremely simplistic way. However, taking guns away from people does not make them less violent, crazy or racist; just less capable of acting on those impulses.


Why Disarming the 'Mentally Ill' Is Not a Sensible Response to Mass Shootings :: 06/25/2015

After the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association's executive vice president, sought to counter calls for gun control by recommending people control instead. Specifically (or not so specifically), LaPierre recommended  "an active national database of the mentally ill" to identify and thwart the next mass shooter.


Confederate Ideology and the Second Amendment :: 06/24/2015

It is all to the good that the Confederate flag is now being seen as odious and hateful by most Americans. It truly has been a symbol of hate and injustice going all the way back. In the Civil War it was used to rally slave-holders and their sympathizers to battle. And in the segregationist South of the 1950s and 1960s, it was revived as a means of expressing resistance to the cause of civil rights and equality.


Dem Hopeful O'Malley Doubles Down on Gun Control :: 06/24/2015

Martin O’Malley used to be the governor of Maryland, one of the states which enacted some of the most ridiculous and restrictive gun control laws in the United States. And despite all of those laws putting roadblocks up to make civilian gun ownership more difficult, shootings in Maryland have increased.


EMPIRE STATE REBELLION: New Yorkers REFUSED To Register More than 95-Percent Of "Assault Weapons" :: 06/24/2015

In a stunning repudiation of Governor Andrew Cuomo, his anti-gun Democrat allies, and the hastily-passed and clearly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act, New Yorkers refused to register an estimated one million firearms that the 2013 law arbitrarily determined were “assault weapons.”


Gay Open Carry Group Kicked Out of Gay Pride Rally Due to "Psychological Harm" :: 06/24/2015

As you may have noticed, we here at TTAG are big believers in individual rights. All of them. As we have said many times (in one way or another), we want to live to see that day that homosexual married couples defend their legal marijuana plantations with machine guns.


Gun Rights Advocates Don't Just Want Guns in Order to Kill Criminals (Believe it Or Not!) :: 06/24/2015

A much-hyped new Violence Policy Center study grossly misses the point about guns' value in self-defense.


Here is where all the presidential hopefuls stand on gun control :: 06/24/2015

Guns are back in the spotlight after a mass shooting at a Charleston, South Carolina, church last week in which a 21-year old white man shot nine African-Americans to death with a handgun he was able to legally obtain.


Police Killed More Americans In 2014 Than All U.S. Mass Shootings Combined :: 06/24/2015

The media supports the agenda to remove gun ownership from law abiding citizens because of conveniently timed and fishy looking mass shootings by deranged males - but not from deranged, gun-wielding males with badges. With another recent mass shooting having taken place last week in Charleston, South Carolina – such a crisis is the perfect opportunity for the President to yet again stop just short of using the “C-word” – confiscation. Or “C” for the gun Control he promoted.


Sandy Hook families gather, Toomey speaks on gun control :: 06/24/2015

WASHINGTON - The event was scheduled months ago, well before nine people were killed while praying in a South Carolina church.


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