PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Latest News

Supreme Court's Landmark U.S. Gun-Rights Ruling Not So Landmark :: 06/10/2015
The dire warnings that the U.S. Supreme Court’s recognition of an individual right to bear arms would lead to a wholesale voiding of gun-control laws seem to have been overblown.
Christie pardons gun rights advocate as he courts potential GOP voters :: 06/09/2015
For the second time in two months, Governor Christie has pardoned someone convicted of violating New Jersey’s strict gun laws, this time a North Brunswick man preparing to become a police officer whose arrest became a cause célèbre for Second Amendment supporters.
Following the Destruction of Australia's Firearms Heritage, Aussie Shooters Fire Back :: 06/09/2015
Australia –-(Ammoland.com)- In 1996, Australian shooters were subjected to confiscation of their semi-automatic rifles and pump action shotguns on an unprecedented scale.
New doubts on Second Amendment rights :: 06/09/2015
Raising significant new questions about how much protection the Constitution’s Second Amendment actually gives to gun owners, the Supreme Court on Monday left intact a local ordinance that restricts access to guns even within one’s own home. The denial of review drew a fervent dissent from two Justices, who argued that the Court is narrowing the amendment’s “right to keep and bear arms.”
Open Carry: the New Normal. So How Should Folks React? :: 06/09/2015
When I was growing up on a series of Marine Corps bases across the country, the phrase “man with a gun” was comforting, not scary. Yet as the anti-gun movement gradually took control of the public debate, it became not just frightening — especially to those who knew nothing about firearms — but a matter for instant police action.
Two Year Rise In Shootings Prove New York's SAFE Act Not Working :: 06/09/2015
Two Year Rise In Shootings Prove New York's SAFE Act Not Working
ATF bullet ban defeated in win for gun rights :: 06/08/2015
Like many of you, I learned a lot of invaluable lessons from my grandfather. He grew up in Robeson County and worked for the railroad all his life. One of the things he taught me was the importance of a strong work ethic.
Chicago Pastor Urges Black Community to Think Again About Their Democratic Loyalty After Yet Another Year of Little Progress :: 06/08/2015
For a long time, the vast majority of Black voters have lined up at the polls to cast their ballots in favor of the Democratic Party.
Cowardice in the Courts: Supreme Court Rejects NRA Challenge To San Francisco Gun Rules :: 06/08/2015
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to block two San Francisco gun control measures that were fiercely opposed by the National Rifle Association. At least one veteran court observer says the high court's decision raises questions about how the justices interpret the Second Amendment.
Dean Weingarten Doesn't Like Gun "Buy Backs" :: 06/08/2015
The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office in San Jose, CA held a gun surrender event last Friday. The event netted “nearly” 200 firearms – a meager amount of guns for such a large population center. mercurynews.com reports that one owner turned in 47 firearms. I can’t find any photographs of the confiscated firearms. We could speculate all day long about pre-war Colt and Smith & Wesson revolvers, WWII trophy Lugers and WWI Webleys, classic Browning Auto-5 hunting shotguns and Remington pump .22 rifles. But the more important point is that . . .
NRA: Obama State Dept. seeks to censor online speech related to firearms :: 06/08/2015
On Friday, the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action said the Obama State Department has been quietly pushing a proposal that could censor online speech related to firearms. The NRA said the proposed regulation was published in the June 3 issue of the Federal Register and constitutes what it called an affront to the First and the Second Amendments to the Constitution.
NYC Embraces Bloomberg's Gun Control & is Rewarded with 20% Increase In Homicides :: 06/08/2015
Washington DC – -(Ammoland.com)- New York City has Michael Bloomberg’s favorite gun control measure in place and is facing a crime epidemic that includes a “nearly” 20 percent increase in homicides.
Our Constitution in Peril :: 06/08/2015
Ft Collins, CO (Ammoland.com)- “Whenever you hear people talking about ‘a living Constitution,’ invariably they are in the process of slowly killing it by ‘interpreting’ out of existence its restrictions on government.” ~ Thomas Sowell - Our Constitution provides for the destruction of each of its elements, and indeed the entirety of itself. The process of destruction is “amendment.”
PA Senate GOP rejects Wolf's nominee for state police commissioner :: 06/08/2015
HARRISBURG — The Republican-controlled Senate on Monday rejected Gov. Tom Wolf's nomination of Marcus Brown for Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner. Republicans refused to honor Wolf's request to recall Brown's nomination. The deadline for considering his confirmation is Tuesday.
WHAT CONSTITUTION? Obama Plans To Muzzle Gun-Related Speech :: 06/08/2015
The foreign-raised President of the United States—who never set foot on the U.S. mainland until he was an adult—has proven throughout his rogue administration that he has no respect at all for the Constitution. He’s proving it yet again with a dual attack on both the First and Second Amendments, with an attempt to twist ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) regulations to ban online speech about firearms, claiming that information posted online is “exporting” data.
Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new Obama regulation :: 06/07/2015
Commonly used and unregulated internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a "gag order on firearm-related speech," the National Rifle Association is warning.
How Many Federal Laws Are There Again? :: 06/07/2015
It should come to no one’s surprise that we have way too many federal laws. It’s to the point where–on average–we break at least three of them every day without ever knowing it. Conservatives may complain about out tax code–and they should–but our criminal code is also out of control.
(PA) Hanover Township approves hunting in bid to conform to state gun law :: 06/07/2015
Despite that there really are no hunting grounds in Hanover Township, Lehigh County, township officials altered a law to make the outdoor sport legal – though a celebration of the hunt was not their motivation.
She Killed Her Rapist, and Now She's Running For Political Office in Mexico City :: 06/07/2015
Yakiri Rubio is sometimes known in the Mexican news media as a "sharp-edged woman."
Anti-Gunners Celebrate National Gun Violence Awareness Day By Wearing Prison Orange :: 06/06/2015
According to a press statement released by Wear Orange.org, “more than 200 organizations, cultural influencers, elected officials and Americans across the country participated in the first-ever National Gun Violence Awareness Day by wearing orange.”
13576 Total News Items