proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB809

Title: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized.

Description: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 5, 2025

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Self-defense in the UK Is Illegal :: 06/03/2015

British citizens seeking advice on what’s legal to use for self-defense found some answers at, a website sponsored and operated by the government’s Police National Legal Database.


The Racist Roots of New Hampshire's Concealed Carry License Law :: 06/03/2015

Milford, NH –-( You may have heard of the Womens Defense League of New Hampshire. They do some terrific work advocating for womens rights, specifically the right to armed self defense.


Washington DC Thumbs It's Noses at the Courts While Denying Concealed Carry Licenses :: 06/03/2015

Buckeye, AZ –-( Some people thought the Heller and McDonald decisions would solve, or at least seriously mitigate the problem of states and localities enacting or enforcing draconian restrictions on guns and gun owners, but so far the impact of those two Supreme Court rulings has been limited, and the Court has refused to hear any subsequent cases that would have helped the situation.


We Needed the Supreme Court to Tell us This? :: 06/03/2015

Buckeye, AZ –-( In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that when a person who owns firearms is convicted of a felony – which makes firearm possession illegal for them – they still retain the right to dispose of their firearms as they see fit, as long as they don’t do so in a way where they would have access or control over those firearms.


1 in 13 people killed by guns are killed by police :: 06/02/2015

America's law enforcement officers have shot and killed upwards of 385 people so far this year, according to a new Washington Post investigation. That's a rate of about 1 every 9 hours, or 2.5 shootings per day. That's a lot compared to other countries -- cops in Germany killed only 8 people in 2013-2014, for instance. British police didn't kill anyone last year.


Anti-Gunners: 15 Facts About Gun Violence That Will Have You Wearing Orange Tomorrow :: 06/02/2015

If Hadiya Pendleton were still alive, she’d be turning 18 tomorrow. But in 2013, shortly after performing at Barack Obama’s inauguration, she was shot and killed while hanging out in a Chicago park.


Gabby Giffords Stays Focused on Domestic Violence Bill :: 06/02/2015

With attention focused on the state budget debate, former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is turning up the heat on the Connecticut legislature to act on a bill to address domestic violence and guns.


Rep. Carolyn Maloney Flies Anti-gun Flag in U.S. House :: 06/02/2015

Fairfax, VA -( Reliably anti-gun Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) has introduced two new rights-restricting bills in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Actor Vince Vaughn defends US gun rights :: 06/01/2015

Hollywood star Vince Vaughn has insisted that guns should be allowed in US schools – saying that banning them is like banishing forks “to stop making people fat”.


Obama Administration Proposes Sweeping Gun Regulations :: 06/01/2015

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration will propose sweeping regulations on gun ownership aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of those convicted of domestic violence and the mentally ill. It’s a move that is likely to set off a firestorm of criticism and opposition from gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Gun Owners Of America (GOA) who argue such regulations would keep guns from people who are not dangerous and pose no risk of violence.


The Painless Ladder of Self-Defense Activism :: 06/01/2015

Gun owners talk about inviting more people into the shooting sports and the self-defense community.  That is fine and good, but let’s not forget the 110 million gun owners we already have.  They do a lot in their communities today.  There is also a lot more we could do to support the right of self-defense.  Here is a painless ladder of activism.  It is how movements and leaders are made.  Step at a time.


UK Police Tell Subjects Not To Harm Their Attackers, Get A Rape Alarm :: 06/01/2015

The latest dispatch from the United Kingdom’s ongoing campaign to eliminate all forms of armed self-defense seems too incredible to be true. Unfortunately, after tracking down the origin of a publicly distributed statement regarding self-defense products on the country’s “Ask the Police” website, we can confirm that British subjects continue to live at the mercy of their potential attackers.  Even to the point of baffling absurdity.


'Covering Guns': Columbia University's 'workshop' for journalists far from objective :: 05/31/2015

Columbia University would never sponsor an event funded by the National Rifle Association. What’s more, the idea would seem especially outlandish if most of the speakers at the event were NRA supporters.


CPRC: Heather MacDonald's false claim about "Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America" :: 05/31/2015

Heather MacDonald’s piece in this weekend’s WSJ tries to scare American’s nationwide with the claim: “Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America.” Her piece starts this way:


CPRC: Murder capital: Baltimore's homicide explosion in wake of Freddie Gray case dwarfs rate of similar cities :: 05/31/2015

The double murder Thursday of a young mother and her 7-year-old boy brought Baltimore's bloody monthly homicide tally to 38, a figure that dwarfs that of similar-sized cities and even exceeds the total for the same period in New York.


CPRC: Texas joins 12 other states that allow permitted concealed handguns on college campuses, copy of final bill available here :: 05/31/2015

By a 98-47 vote the Texas House and a 20-11 vote in the Senate, the Texas legislature overwhelmingly passed a bill that allows concealed handgun permit holders to carry guns on college campuses. Nine states allow permitted concealed handguns on college campuses: Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin, and public universities in Pennsylvania outside of the Penn State system mandate concealed carry on campuses.  And Florida, Kentucky, and North Dakota public universities let permit holders keep their guns in their cars on campuses.   From the Dallas Morning News:


Obama's last gasp effort at gun control :: 05/31/2015

The Department of Justice is getting ready to issue up to a dozen new regulations directly assaulting the Second Amendment rights of American citizens.


Anti-gunners: Incendiary Image of the Day: CSGV Mask Slips :: 05/30/2015

The guy who runs the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s Facebook page is a nasty f%&k. He constantly posts links, pics and comments that treat gun owners like vermin. By doing so, he encourages anti-gunners to pour anti-ballistic bile onto their fellow Americans. His rhetoric antagonizes gun owners – by intent – hardening into hatred toward those who gladly, indeed enthusiastically infringe on their right to keep and bear arms. That said, the CSGV mostly tries to sugar-coat their contempt. Except when the mask slips and they don’t. This is one of those times. And here’s some of the feedback on their page . . .


BATFE Planning to Finalize Rule on NFA Trusts in December :: 05/30/2015

Back in 2013, Nick reported that the BATFE was toying with the idea of requiring all responsible parties in an NFA trust to get a Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) sign-off, just as individuals are required to do. The wheels of bureaucracy being slow as ever, we hadn’t heard much on that lately. An eagle-eyed TTAG reader, however, noted that something may be about to break on that front later this year . . .


CCRKBA Blasts Suggestion That More Gun Control Needed In Baltimore :: 05/30/2015

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said a White House suggestion that more gun control is one solution to the kind of violence that rocked Baltimore over the holiday weekend in that city’s continuing unrest is “simply ludicrous.”


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