proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB837

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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Survey Shows Increasingly Positive View Of Concealed Carry :: 04/18/2015

A survey conducted by John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center shows a profoundly favorable view of concealed carry as a tool for a safer society.


The New York Times's Dumb Second Amendment Argument :: 04/18/2015

I understand that to many people who work at the New York Times, guns are frightening animistic objects. But Andrew Rosenthal, the editorial page editor of the Times, just took the following swipe at Ted Cruz, under the headline "Ted Cruz’s Strange Gun Argument," and it is his argument, not Ted Cruz's, that is strange to say the least:


What a GOP Senator and Potential 2016 Contender Says Is a 'Better Check' Against 'Governmental Tryanny' Than the Second Amendment :: 04/18/2015

An informed electorate is a better check against governmental tyranny than the Second Amendment.


How A Philly Mom's Legal Battle Rallied Pro-Gun Advocates :: 04/17/2015

Shaneen Allen and her family were only a few minutes away from the hotel when they were pulled over by a New Jersey state police officer. “What are you doing out here?” Allen said the officer asked. “Where are you coming from?”


Letter: Why background checks run counter to freedom :: 04/17/2015

People need to understand why it is counter-productive to freedom and liberty to allow the government to mandate background checks on "free" citizens. NICS, National Instant Criminal Background Check System, is sold as being about saving lives and protecting people. All licensed dealers (holding a Federal Firearms License) are required to do these checks.


Rand Paul's Pro-Gun Past Is Remarkable, Even Among Republicans :: 04/17/2015

WASHINGTON -- When Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul was not invited to speak at the National Rifle Association's annual convention last week, insiders with knowledge of conversations with Paul's office floated that his affiliation with a more conservative gun rights group was partly behind the snub. Paul's association with Second Amendment proponents such as these could alienate moderates as he embarks on a presidential race.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer-just think about those words :: 04/17/2015

Just think about those words.  The idea is both laughable and incredibly bizarre. What does Schumer do that is senatorial, anyway? And what of that would qualify him as a leader?


Sen. Grassley to AG Eric Holder: Why Are So Many Veterans on the NICS Gun Ban List? :: 04/17/2015

WASHINGTON – Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is requesting an explanation for why nearly all of the names on the Justice Department’s gun ban list in the “mental defective” category belong to veterans or their dependents . . .


The man who fired the shot heard 'round the world' :: 04/17/2015

This Sunday, April 19, is rightly identified as "Patriots' Day." In truth, April 19, 1775, should be regarded as important a date to Americans as July 4, 1776. It's a shame that we don't celebrate Patriots' Day as enthusiastically as we do Independence Day. It's even more shameful that many Americans don't remember what happened on this day back in 1775. This was the day the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired. It was the day America's War for Independence began.


Blinded by laser-armed cops - scared yet? :: 04/16/2015

Last summer’s riots in Ferguson, Missouri, prompted much talk by President Obama and certain members of Congress about the need to demilitarize local police forces. Nearly a year later, the opposite is happening.


Gun advocates hit three Oregon lawmakers with recall petitions -- warn more could be coming :: 04/16/2015

Gun rights activists troubled by surging legislation meant to expand background checks for gun sales have filed recall petitions against three Oregon lawmakers. And they warn more could be on the way.


Oregon Passes Background Check Bill With Confiscation Provision :: 04/16/2015

On Tuesday, Democrats in Oregon’s Senate ignored sheriffs and passed SB 941 by a vote of 17-13. This bill applies background checks to all gun sales in the state, retail and private, and provides a mechanism by which the guns of certain persons can be confiscated.


Ted Cruz on what the ATF is and what it should be :: 04/16/2015

Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz discussed with at the National Rifle Association’s annual convention what the role of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should be. He didn’t go all “let’s abolish the ATF” like he has with other federal agencies, but his answer did align with a running narrative at the convention and general commentary.


Bill would stop the federal government from forcing gun buyers to disclose their race and ethnicity :: 04/15/2015

In 2012, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) slipped a little-noticed new provision into one of their forms, requiring gun buyers to declare their race and ethnicity. Two Republican lawmakers want to ax that requirement, calling it a privacy concern.


EDITORIAL: Gun Group harms gun rights :: 04/15/2015

Forget Michael Bloomberg, Gov. John Hickenlooper and legislative Democrats for now. The bigger threat to gun rights in Colorado is Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, headed by political operative Dudley Brown.
The organization raises money billing itself as more pro-gun than the NRA. It is notorious for launching primary challenges against pro-gun conservatives, replacing them with ineffective activists who reject incremental victories and the art of compromise.


Tim McGraw Poised To "Dixie Chick" Himself With Gun Control Benefit Concert :: 04/15/2015

In 2003, the country music trio Dixie Chicks were near the top of the charts and starting a world tour in England when leader singer Natalie Maines criticized President George Bush in the run up to the Iraq War. The statement led to a harsh backlash from country music fans who viewed the act of lashing out against a President on foreign soil prior to conflict as inappropriate. While the group produced albums since then, they were never accepted back into the country music fold, and have faded from prominence.


Williams: Reality may be optional :: 04/15/2015

One of the wonders of modern times is that reality is often seen as a social construct and therefore optional. Thus, if one finds a particular reality offensive or inconvenient, he just "changes" it.


Hillary Clinton's Anti-Gun Quotes :: 04/14/2015

Nick already did a stellar job highlighting Hillary Clinton’s anti-gun stance. gives pro-gun rights voters more reasons not to support her candidacy – as if you needed them. With the prospect of a Jeb Bush nomination, the question becomes: are you a single-issue voter?


Michael Bloomberg: Jeb Bush is the Best GOP Candidate :: 04/14/2015

Last week in Nashville, Jeb Bush dutifully appeared before the NRA faithful, sticking up for Florida’s stand your ground law (which he signed) and dinging President Obama for his resolute anti-2A stance. So…brownie points, no? The former Florida gov, widely seen as a middle-of-the-roader, got up there in front of a decidedly right-leaning crowd and presented his pro-gun bona fides. But maybe the (at best) polite response he got was due to those in the crowd who use the New York Times as something other than fish wrap. Because just the day before, the paper of record had reported that Mayor Mike had anointed Jeb as the only worthy GOP candidate . . .


Ted Cruz: The constitution trumps public opinion :: 04/14/2015

“When it comes to Constitutional rights, what matters is what the Bill of Rights says. It doesn’t matter what might be popular at the moment,” said presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz about voting against an expanded background check measure in April 2013.


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