PA Bill Number: HB837
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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New York Times anti-gun agenda not limited to editorial page :: 02/14/2015
The Wednesday ruling that the federal ban on interstate handgun transfers is unconstitutional, and that Attorney General Eric Holder and ATF Director B. Todd Jones have been enjoined from enforcing that provision of the Gun Control Act of 1968, is unquestionably huge news. While no one knows at this point what an appeal will result in, the “strict scrutiny” standard employed by U.S. District Court Judge Reed O’Connor and his definitive opinion that the ban “is unconstitutional on its face” is sending shock waves through the citizen disarmament community, trying its best to downplay the significance of this setback to their goals.
Congressman Stutzman renews concealed-carry reciprocity effort :: 02/13/2015
Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-3rd, announced Thursday that he has reintroduced legislation that would let people cross state lines with concealed handguns.
Cornyn Introduces Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act In Senate :: 02/13/2015
Texas Senator John Cornyn has announced the “Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act” today, a bill that will establish the same sort of “common sense” acceptanace of concealed carry permits that everyone in the country currently enjoys for driver’s licenses.
New York Times spreads anti-gun junk science hysteria against concealed carriers :: 02/13/2015
Falling back on a tradition of deceptive hysteria in order to subvert gun rights, the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The New York Times are scaring those who don’t know any better into thinking lawful concealed carriers represent a significant menace to society.
Obama Administration & BATF Silence Is American Consent to Unreasonable UN Gun Control :: 02/13/2015
As some of you may already know, TSM has been monitoring the situation with respect to the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and the UN International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) from Geneva for several years.
Prosecutors Against Gun Violence Want Universal Background Checks :: 02/13/2015
On February 13, Prosecutors Against Gun Violence (PAGV) released a letter stating their support for the implementation of “universal background checks” for firearm sales throughout the country.
Senator Says Cops Can Own Assault Weapons, But Anyone Else Only Wants 'Armed Insurrection' :: 02/13/2015
The Senator claims that any and all who want guns that hold more than 10 rounds are only interested in “armed insurrection” and have essentially committed an act of treason. In 2012, Cleveland, Ohio police officers fired 137 rounds into a car full of unarmed African Americans suspects who they had been pursuing. Not one person in the vehicle had threatened officers, or made any move that would indicate they were reaching for a firearm…
Federal Judge Strikes Down Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban :: 02/12/2015
In a ruling issued today, a Federal judge has declared that the longstanding ban on gun dealers selling handguns to residents in different states is not only unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, but also violates other fair trade provisions of the United States Constitution. The full decision is available here, but from what I can tell this looks to be a major win for the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Louis Bonham, one of TTAG’s consulting lawyers, wrote the following analysis of the ruling:
Gun Control Act of 1968 crumbling around the edges :: 02/12/2015
If you were born around 1950 or earlier, you may recall going into your local Western Auto store and being able to handle all the guns, because they were all in readily accessible racks. At least that is the way it was in Douglas, Georgia.
John Lott (CPRC) - Bloombergs false racist claims about who commits crime :: 02/12/2015
At 41:10 into this Q&A session in Aspen, Colorado last week, Michael Bloomberg made this claim about who the criminals are
PA Preemption - York County municipalities repeal gun-related ordinances under threat of lawsuits :: 02/12/2015
Dover and North York boroughs have repealed ordinances regarding firearms after receiving letters from a mid-state attorney threatening legal action on behalf of a number of gun-rights groups and individuals.
PUNK'D: NY Times Editorial Board Falls For VPC "Gun Violence" Report :: 02/12/2015
The editorial board of the New York Times has shredded the last vestiges of their remaining credibility today as they uncritically parroted the findings of a faked gun violence “study” created by inebriated rhesus monkeys and/or Violence Policy Center (VPC) interns.
Slate: Guns Are the Problem, Not the Solution :: 02/12/2015
On January 25, Slate magazine ran a column to disprove once and for all NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s talk about the need for Americans to arm themselves for self-defense.
Idaho & South Dakota pushing for concealed carry without a permit :: 02/11/2015
Lawmakers in the states of Idaho and South Dakota are trying to change their respective state's laws on concealed carry, making it legal for citizens to carry concealed firearms without a permit.
John Lott (CPRC) - Yet another mall shooting where guns were banned: Monroeville Mall near Pittsburgh :: 02/11/2015
Time after time at the mall shootings keep occurring at places that ban guns: the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake; Westroads Mall in Omaha; Nebraska, the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Portland, the Mall in Columbia, Maryland; Oregon; or Melbourne Square Mall in Florida. Often these attacks occur at the only enclosed malls in the area that banned guns.
Running the 'Gun Violence' Numbers :: 02/11/2015
If you listen to the media, you know the United States is in the middle of a crisis. Blood is running in the streets. Children are dying. Violence is at epidemic levels. And to the anti gun contingent, this is no surprise. After all, by some estimates, there is a gun for every man, woman and child in the United States of America. This makes the people who would like to control the average citizen a bit nervous.
Senate panel led by SCW lawmaker votes to block enforcement of certain federal gun laws :: 02/11/2015
Declaring state law to be above all others, a Senate panel voted Tuesday to both block federal gun laws they believe violate the Second Amendment and punish the city of Tucson for enacting its own restrictions.
SUNK: Constitutional Carry Bill Will Not Be Heard In Texas Senate Thanks To OC Extremists :: 02/11/2015
A Texas Senate committee will hold the first public hearings on open carry and campus carry legislation on Thursday, but thanks to the antics of attention-starved Open Carry Tarrant County (OCTC) and their leader, cop-hating anarchist Kory Watkins, a bill arguing for constitutional carry—carrying openly or concealed without a permit—won’t even be heard.
Bloomberg: No 2nd Amendment for minorities :: 02/10/2015
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently said that firearm crime could be reduced by eliminating the 2nd Amendment rights of young minority populations in the U.S.
California Lawmaker Wants to Make Filing False "Gun Violence Prevention Orders" a Felony :: 02/10/2015
In California right now, a “concerned family member” can call the police and claim that a law abiding gun owner is really a psychotic murderer bent on taking out a bus load of children. They they can watch gleefully as the police bust down that gun owner’s door and confiscate their firearms. The gun owner has no recourse available — there’s no contesting a “gun violence restraining order” until after the firearms have already been confiscated. Involved in a contentious divorce? There’s not much to stop your spouse from falsely claiming you’re a wannabe Elliot Rodger as filing a false report is only a misdemeanor, roughly the same as a parking ticket. It’s a nightmare inducing situation, one that a Republican senator is trying to fix . . .
13576 Total News Items