PA Bill Number: HB837
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

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Report Shows Distressing Drop In American Freedom :: 11/29/2014
It may come as no surprise to millions of Americans, but a recent report confirms the fact that liberty – specifically freedom of the press – has taken a precipitous hit under Barack Obama’s leadership. Unfortunately, the administration lapdogs within the mainstream media are too often freely giving up their rights based on an apparent allegiance to the leftist cause.
Washington Post - AP Misrepresent Black Friday Background Checks :: 11/29/2014
Once upon a time, a long time ago, I worked behind the gun counter of a large retail sporting goods store, selling firearms. It doesn’t come as a surprise to me that two of the busiest days for the FBI’s NICS background checks are the two most recent Black Fridays.
Australia-Narooma HuntFest: battleground over gun culture :: 11/28/2014
The gun culture debate ignited again this week with the Eurobodalla Shire Council voting to allow the sale of firearms at next year's Narooma HuntFest. Hunters say they are responsible people engaged in a sport that's highly regulated. They say a Green agenda is driving opposition to HuntFest. Opponents of HuntFest say they are concerned about the growth of a gun culture in Australia.
Cognitive Dissonance and the Second Amendment :: 11/28/2014
“Cognitive dissonance” denotes the state of psychological stress which affects an individual who simultaneously entertains two mutually contradictory beliefs, or who comes upon information which conflicts with his beliefs. (Cognitive dissonance differs from “doublethink”, as imagined by George Orwell in his novel 1984, because “doublethink” describes an individual’s ability to hold two mutually contradictory beliefs in his mind at the same time, believing both of them to be true, even and especially if neither of them has any relationship whatsoever to truth.)
Micheal Brown got shot by Officer Wilson because you own a Glock. :: 11/28/2014
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What happens to a 'Disarmed Populace'? Government Manipulates Crime Data as Crime rate increases! [UK Edition] :: 11/28/2014
This Is What Happens To A Disarmed Populace: Their Crime Rate Plummets!
Bracken: Stonewalled In Obama's Garden Of Beasts :: 11/27/2014
Everytown for Gun Safety Releases Gun Control Talking Points for Thanksgiving Dinner :: 11/27/2014
Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety has released a guide to help gun control proponents talk their family members and friends into supporting more gun control at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Ferguson thugs beat, carjack elderly white man on oxygen :: 11/27/2014
While businesses burned to the ground and black mobs ran wild through the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday night, an elderly white man, dependent on oxygen to breathe, strolled out to his car in the parking lot of a pizza joint to retrieve an oxygen tank from his car.
FSU shooting revives debate over guns on campus :: 11/27/2014
TALLAHASSEE — Thursday's shooting at Florida State University has spurred a renewed call for allowing guns on college campuses. Among those leading the charge: Nathan Scott, one of three people shot and wounded last week when Myron May opened fire at the FSU library. Scott is part of a group called Students for Concealed Carry at Florida State, which on Tuesday asked state lawmakers to allow concealed-weapon permit holders to carry firearms on college grounds.
Gun Sales Expected to Skyrocket on Black Friday, FBI Worried :: 11/27/2014
From Cabela’s to Wal-Mart guns will be on sale a everywhere on Black Friday, and what better time is there to load up on a firearm? The manic shopping frenzy lands right before Christmas and right in the midst of deer hunting season.
The U.K's Solution to Police Brutality Is Something the U.S. Would Never Consider :: 11/27/2014
Fact: Police officers in America keep shooting — and killing — unarmed (and largely innocent) black men. Nearly every 28 hours the police shoot and kill an unarmed person, usually a black male (man, teenager or child), and they're doing so without repercussion. This has resulted in myriad calls to "demilitarize the police," but no one has stated the obvious. To "demilitarize the police," and to find a solution to police brutality, there is one clear solution: Disarm the police.
Two Arguments Against Campus Carry :: 11/27/2014
There are lots of good reasons why young Americans shouldn’t be able to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms on campus. Wait. No. There are a few reasons and they all suck. But they do exist. They have to exist, otherwise people who want to ban guns from campus (except for local, state and national police; campus security and the National Guard) would appear as what they are: hopeless hoplohobes with a tenuous grasp of reality or, dare I say it, common sense. deseretnews.com has pubished an article that reveals the anti-gunners’ anti-campus carry logic, such as it isn’t. Starting with the first sentence . . .
FSU Shooting Should Have Been Prevented, & Could Have Been Stopped :: 11/26/2014
Florida - -(Ammoland.com)- The tragedy at FSU should have been prevented, and could have been stopped as soon as it started.
Ken Carr: Banning guns would not eliminate guns, evil :: 11/26/2014
As a conservative libertarian liberal retired law enforcement officer, I feel the need to address numerous points in Mr. Ensley’s editorial.
Tallahassee Democrat: We ARE Coming for Your Guns :: 11/26/2014
Gun control advocates want to take your guns. They want to disarm you and millions of American gun owners. According to gun control advocates like The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, nonsense! Brady’s jefe Dan Gross and MDA doyenne of disarmament Shannon Watts constantly tell credulous journalists that they support the Second Amendment. Watts “reveals” that her family served in the military and hunted – with guns! If you believe these anti-gun groups, they simply want to make it harder for criminals and crazies to get guns. Not you.
Anti-Gun-More Guns, More Crime? Yes, Study Says; Do You Favor Right-To-Carry Laws? :: 11/25/2014
Claims that more guns actually lead to LESS crime are debunked by new Stanford research. "Carry" laws, in fact, connected with more violence
Daily Beast article favors licensing, mental evaluations on gun owners :: 11/25/2014
For the second time this year, a self-identified Navy veteran yesterday proposed strict gun control measures including licensing, 80 hours of training for a concealed carry permit and an ammunition tax of ten cents per cartridge to pay for all of that, plus mental health screenings for gun owners every five years when their licenses are renewed.
FBI-Officers Killed With Firearms Decreased 40 Percent As Gun Sales Soared In 2013 :: 11/25/2014
On November 24 the FBI released stats showing the number of officers killed in the line of duty during 2013 decreased by approximately 40 percent at a time when private gun sales were breaking records.
For Modern Societies To Survive, Lawful Citizens Must Be Armed :: 11/25/2014
Despite the images of soldiers that carry their firearms off duty, Israel is a land where gun control is relatively tight. You must meet a set of rigid criteria to own a firearm, the firearms you may own are limited in number and type, the amount of ammunition you may own is limited to a single 50-round box, and permits must be renewed every three years.
13576 Total News Items