PA Bill Number: HB837
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 8, 2025

Latest News

Ohio School Has 30 Loaded Guns in Fingerprint Safes :: 11/25/2014
A gun is either on your hip or in a safe. That’s the advice this website gives gun owners to prevent potentially tragic unauthorized access. Like all safety rules, that one has a bunch of caveats. For example, a gun on your hip is better than a gun in a safe if you need it quickly. And never assume that a gun in a safe prevents unauthorized access; teach all children firearms safety. So when I read [via daytondailynews.com] that Sidney City, Ohio schools has “placed 30 loaded hand guns strategically around its seven school buildings in a locked in a box that can only be opened by a fingerprint” I thought . . .
The Truth About Kids & Guns :: 11/25/2014
It seems like every couple months, another report surfaces that tries to make the argument that the existence of a firearm in a home endangers the lives of children. The first one I debunked was a report from the New York Times published almost two years ago, and while the name of the organization publishing this “shocking report” may be different, the facts of the matter remain the same.
7 Killed in Knife Attack at China Military Clinic :: 11/24/2014
Six nurses and a janitor were killed Thursday in a knife attack blamed on another employee at a military hospital and resort in a northeastern coastal town favored by the country's Communist Party elite, police said.
Connecticut Child Advocate report on Newtown argues for gun bans :: 11/24/2014
Unsurprisingly, a report released Friday by the Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate prioritizes placing the blame for the “Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School” on ownership of firearms, with particular emphasis on the semi-automatic kind that can accept standard capacity magazines. The “findings” are the result of direction from the Connecticut Child Fatality Review Panel “to prepare a report that would focus on Adam Lanza [and] develop any recommendations for public health system improvement that emanated from the review.”
E-mails show White House tried to muzzle [CBS's] Sharyl Attkisson :: 11/24/2014
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PA Preemption-PA-Firearm owners organization supports gun restriction lawsuits :: 11/24/2014
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Advocates to Utah officials: Campuses are no place for guns :: 11/23/2014
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Ben Carson Clarifies His Stance on 2nd Amendment, Supports Owning Any Type of Firearm :: 11/23/2014
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Israel needs more than temporary gun solution to stop "final" one :: 11/23/2014
Israeli Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich is “temporarily easing” gun laws following an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue by Palestinian terrorists that left four rabbis and a policeman dead and seven wounded, The Wall Street Journal Law Blog reported Tuesday.
Smart guns: Can tech bring transparency to law enforcement? :: 11/23/2014
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Gun laws vary state by state: CNBC Explains :: 11/22/2014
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Russians can now carry guns for 'self-defense' :: 11/22/2014
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Strict Washington Gun Control Law Forces Museum To Strip WWII Exhibit :: 11/21/2014
According to the director of Washington’s Lynden Pioneer Museum, the state’s strict gun laws are forcing him to get rid of 11 guns currently on display. The specific law in question, Initiative 594, makes it illegal to transfer firearms outside of antiques and transactions among family members without background checks. Since there is no exemption included for museum exhibits, Troy Luginbill said he has no choice but to return the borrowed rifles to their owners.
Gabby Giffords Gun Control Group: We'll Be Back In 2016 :: 11/20/2014
After spending $10.6 million in the Nov. 4 elections and “barely [winning] half its contests,” Gabby Giffords’ gun control group—Americans For Responsible Solutions (ARS)—says it will be back in 2016.
Preemption News: West Mifflin on Tuesday took a step toward repeal of a 2009 lost or stolen ordinance :: 11/19/2014
By a 6-0 vote, council authorized drafting a law that would overturn Ordinance 1165.
Preemption News: White Oak plans repeal of gun law :: 11/19/2014
In reaction to a new state law, White Oak council on Monday unanimously authorized advertising the repeal of an ordinance that prohibits the carrying of firearms on borough property.
West Mifflin takes steps to repeal gun-loss ordinance :: 11/19/2014
West Mifflin on Tuesday took a step toward repeal of a 2009 ordinance requiring that lost or stolen handguns be reported within 72 hours.
'No Guns Allowed' Sign at Wal-Mart Sparks Internet Protest :: 11/18/2014
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has long been considered a retail giant that is gun friendly and pro individual rights. When it comes to their right-to-carry policies, the company subscribes to local, state, and federal laws. In other words, if a gun owner has a legal carry permit that is recognized in the state that they are in, Wal-Mart allows the gun owner to carry in the store.
Tom Brokaw Uses Hunting Show Promo to Push Gun Control :: 11/18/2014
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Want one of those fancy new DC concealed carry permits? Good luck. :: 11/18/2014
Following a series of court orders, the casual observer might think that the Second Amendment was alive and well in the nation’s capital, particularly after a court ordered the city to begin issuing concealed carry applications. But as we suspected at the time, just because you are handing out applications, that doesn’t mean you’re actually going to give anyone a permit. This week we have a live, in person testimonial from Washington Free Beacon reporter Stephen Gutowski about his efforts thus far to obtain the seemingly mythical document.
13576 Total News Items