PA Bill Number: HB274
Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025
Latest News
13 Examples of How Miami’s Police Chief Is Wrong on Defensive Gun Use :: 06/20/2021
In one incident last month, a woman used her firearm to protect herself and her children when a man broke in and threatened the family with a knife. She shot him dead. (Photo illustration: RichLegg/Getty Imgaes)
Firearms Policy Coalition Challenges Nevada Ban on Self-Built Firearms :: 06/20/2021
Yesterday, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a motion for preliminary injunction in its federal Second Amendment lawsuit challenging Nevada’s unconstitutional statutes enacted in Assembly Bill 286, which established a new, confiscatory ban on all unserialized, self-manufactured firearms as well as all “unfinished frames or receivers.” The filings in Palmer v. Sisolak can be found at
FL Op-Ed Nails Where "Gun Control" Efforts Should Focus :: 06/20/2021
Gun control basically hinges on the idea that if you remove a weapon from the equation, you won’t have violent crime. At least, you won’t anywhere near to the degree we currently have. It seems none of these people have ever heard of any other weapon with which to kill someone other than a firearm.
Tennessee Felon Sentenced After Guns, Ammo Found In His Fishing Store :: 06/20/2021
Clinton Paul Wilborn used to run a fishing and tackle store in Chattanooga, Tennessee, but after authorities accused him of selling guns under the table the 47-year old is now going to be spending several years in a federal prison instead of casting his line in the waters of the Tennessee River.
Democratic Mayors Call for Tighter Federal Gun Laws Amid Rising Crime :: 06/19/2021
CHICAGO—Following a weekend of four major shootings in 6 hours covering four cities, over two dozen Democratic mayors turned to the White House for solutions, asking President Joe Biden to push for tighter federal gun laws.
Hearing Protection Act Reintroduced :: 06/19/2021
It was announced on June 16, 2021 that S. 2050: The Hearing Protection Act has been reintroduced. S 2050 aims “to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms, and for other purposes.” The bill is sponsored by Idaho Senator Mike Crapo and co-sponsors include Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota), Jerry Moran (R-Kansas), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Roger Marshall (R-Kansas), John Boozman (R-Arkansas), Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia), Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), James Lankford (R-Oklahoma), Mike Braun (R-Indiana), Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina).
Is There A New Split Emerging At SCOTUS? :: 06/19/2021
We’ve seen some surprisingly harmonious decisions from the Supreme Court over the past couple of weeks, including a 9-0 decision in favor of religious liberty and a 7-2 verdict rejecting a challenge to the Affordable Care Act for lack of standing handed down on Thursday. Behind that newfound comity, however, is conflict… at least according to POLITICO, which suggests in a new piece that the Court isn’t split 6-3 between conservative and progressive justices, but is actually split 3-3-3; with a “moderate” conservative bloc developing alongside the three liberal justices and three stalwart conservatives.
Leonard Pitts Jr.: The right to bear arms does not extend to Black people :: 06/19/2021
onservatives have a special purgatory for uppity black women who dare question America’s founding myths.
ATF Halts All New Opinion Letters For Unfinished Frames and Receivers :: 06/18/2021
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has halted all issuances of new opinion letters to any company submitting samples for “non-firearms” items.
Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most Dangerous Man Alive? :: 06/18/2021
Of course you’ve heard the name “George Soros,” often invoked as a sort of folk demon on the American and international right, it’s likely that you have some vague notion of why you think he’s a bad guy, or maybe you think the whole thing is a bunch of hype.
Judiciary Delays Chipman Vote; 2A Activists Flood Capitol Switchboards :: 06/18/2021
The Senate Judiciary Committee has delayed voting on the nomination of retired federal agent-turned-gun control advocate David Chipman one week, until Thursday, June 24, and during that time, grassroots Second Amendment activists are expected to be flooding Capitol Hill with messages of opposition.
Missouri's Devastating Response To DOJ Attack On 2A Preservation Act :: 06/18/2021
The Biden administration’s attempt to challenge Missouri’s new 2A Preservation Act is off to a rocky start after Gov. Mike Parson and Attorney General Eric Schimitt laid waste to the DOJ’s objections in a 7-page letter that explains the constitutionality of the new law and declares the state ready to “fight tooth and nail” for the Second Amendment rights of residents.
141 Congress members urge DOJ to withdraw pistol brace guidance that 'will make millions of Americans, incl. disabled vets, criminals overnight' :: 06/17/2021
Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), along with 140 other members of the House, sent a letter on Monday to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Acting Director Marvin Richardson, urging the officials to withdraw suggested rules on stabilizing brace accessories, warning that the guidance would “make millions of law-abiding citizens, including disabled veterans, criminals overnight.”
If Hawaii's Gun Control Won't Stop Violent Crime, What Will? :: 06/17/2021
A lot of mayors and governors tend to blame their violent crime problem on other states. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is notorious for that. Chicago’s problems are the result of Indiana’s gun laws, for example. She’s not alone. But what about a gun-controlled state that shares a border with no one?
New Released Government Documents Indicate FBI May Have Orchestrated January 6 "Insurrection" :: 06/17/2021
January 6 is constantly held up as the darkest day in American history by the mainstream media. The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue publicly called it “the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war.” It has been falsely described by liberal pundits and politicians as an “armed insurrection.” Now, what many have long suspected to be the case appears to be true: January 6 was orchestrated by elements within the government to squash not only Donald Trump, but anyone who supports either him or his “America First” ideas.
Some stolen US military guns used in crimes :: 06/17/2021
Pulling a pistol from his waistband, the young man spun his human shield toward police. “Don’t do it!” a pursuing officer pleaded. The young man complied, releasing the bystander and tossing the gun, which skittered across the city street and then into the hands of police.
140 Members Of Congress Reject Biden's Backdoor Gun Ban :: 06/16/2021
According to the federal website, more than 44,000 people have already submitted public comments on the proposed rule by the Department of Justice and the ATF that would result in a backdoor gun ban of millions of lawfully-owned firearms, and now more than 100 Republican House members are weighing in as well.
Abbott Signs Constitutional Carry Into Law In Texas :: 06/16/2021
The wait is over, and concerns that big city police chiefs might be able to scuttle the signing of Constitutional Carry legislation in Texas turned out to be unfounded. Gov. Greg Abbott put pen to paper on Wednesday, officially signing the state’s permitless carry legislation into law.
Gov. Edwards expected to veto constitutional carry bill :: 06/16/2021
BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Gov. John Bel Edwards is looking closely at a bill that would allow most people to be able to carry their firearms concealed without taking a training course but the bill’s chances of being signed into law are looking slim-to-none.
Shooting Spree In Georgia, Alabama Motivated By Race :: 06/16/2021
Everywhere we turn, all we hear about is how white supremacy is the greatest threat facing this nation. At least until it goes back to climate change or something. This is especially true if they can link a shooting to white supremacy in any way.
13576 Total News Items