PA Bill Number: HB887
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 12, 2025

Latest News

New York Oath Keepers Refute Accusations By State Intelligence Agency :: 08/06/2014
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NJ cop to citizen: 'If Obama doesn't have to follow the Constitution, we don't have to' :: 08/06/2014
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Trail shows 'Nevadans for Background Checks' a front group for 'Everytown/Bloomberg' :: 08/04/2014
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Gun prohibitionists can't have it both ways! :: 08/03/2014
A column posted today on Town Hall and a story reported late last night by the Los Angeles Times add new perspectives to an old dilemma for gun prohibitionists who adhere to the "only cops should have guns" mantra, but are then corner-boxed by their own rhetoric when a policeman shoots the wrong person.
The Courts Advance Concealed Carry of Firearms :: 08/03/2014
Gun-control advocates are learning the downside of getting their way. Recently, a federal judge struck down the District of Columbia's ban on the carrying of concealed handguns. Anti-gun forces have been losing in legislatures for a long time. Now they are finding that even where they win, they lose.
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The Magical Astroturf Math of Moms Demand Action. Apparently the anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-self-defense group, 'Mom's Demand Action' (funded by anti-gun billionaire Bloomberg) are meeting in Colorado (No, we don’t know if they got free trip, room & board) to finally get serious about Gun Control.
13576 Total News Items