PA Bill Number: HB274
Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025
Latest News
Biden's DOJ Proposes Model Anti-Gun Legislation, ATF Rule Changes :: 06/15/2021
The Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) released model legislation it says states can use to craft “extreme risk protection order” laws, also known as “red-flag laws,” and a proposed rule change to how handguns equipped with stabilizing braces are classified and regulated.
President Joe Biden was being intellectually dishonest, and the legacy media has allowed him get away with it by pushing gun control on the anniversary of the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
Teens Arrested After Confronting Armed Citizen Outside Ohio Amusement Park :: 06/15/2021
Kings Island, just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio, is known for its thrilling rides and world-class roller coasters like the Orion and Diamondback, but unfortunately as the park has re-opened for business this summer, there’ve been a growing number of violent incidents in and around the amusement park. According to one local paper, a large fight earlier this month resulted in the park shutting down early, and there’s been an increased police presence at King’s Island over the past few weekends in an attempt to prevent any further violence from taking place.
The Federal Abuse of Gun Collector Albert Kwan :: 06/15/2021
The following is a slightly edited version of a plea I wrote for a GoFundMe campaign for my friend Albert Kwan. It should make your blood boil. In 2005, Albert Kwan was living the American dream. Then the US government stepped in and turned his world upside down for no valid reason. They incarcerated him, ruined his reputation, destroyed his businesses, and almost cost him his US Army pension, then they prosecuted him on bogus charges that took Kwan over a decade, and almost a half-million dollars to overcome.
Below The Radar Untraceable Firearms Act of 2021 :: 06/14/2021
Anti-Second Amendment extremists have often tried to make various aspects of our Second Amendment rights seem downright scary to our fellow Americans. For instance in the 1990s, Senator Frank Lautenberg tried to push federal legislation that would have overridden the shall issue concealed carry laws on multiple occasions, using the term “concealed weapons.”
Gun Rights Groups Up Game Against Biden-Harris Gun Control Agenda :: 06/14/2021
A pair of leading gun rights organizations announced Thursday they will expand what they’re calling a “two-pronged television advertising offensive” against the Biden-Harris administration’s gun control agenda, asserting the president and his “Capitol Hill cohorts” are actually trying to “eradicate” the Second Amendment.
Leak Shows People Being Added to Prohibited List Without Due Process :: 06/14/2021
Can you be added to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) “Prohibited” list without being convicted of a crime? According to leaked documents received by AmmoLand News, the answer appears to be “yes.”
Missouri Nullifies Federal Gun Control with New Law :: 06/14/2021
In a major victory for liberty and the U.S. Constitution, Missouri enacted legislation over the weekend to enforce the Second Amendment in the face of leftist efforts to subvert it.
Newsom Says Judge Who Overturned California Gun Ban "Owned" By The NRA :: 06/11/2021
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Thursday that the state will appeal a decision by U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez that threw out the state’s ban on modern sporting rifles as a violation of the Second Amendment, blasting the judge for his ruling and declaring that Benitez is a “wholly owned subsidiary of the NRA.”
Obsessed Shrinks Show Insanity of Trusting Haters with a Say on Gun Disabilities :: 06/11/2021
U.S.A. – -( “Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white” people have a particular susceptibility,” the abstract for “On Having Whiteness” in The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association asserts. “Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples.
Philadelphia Police Claim They've Seized More "Ghost Guns" Than All Of Last Year :: 06/11/2021
So-called ghost guns have become all the rage with anti-gunners. It’s not difficult to imagine why, either. I mean, it supposedly allows criminals to bypass background checks. The truth is a bit more complicated than that, though, since it’s unlikely these criminals are building these guns themselves, meaning there’s a whole criminal industry that isn’t likely to go away with a ghost gun ban, but that has never really stopped them before.
The Rule of Law Is Being Replaced by the Rule of the Left :: 06/11/2021
The efforts of New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance to do whatever possible to find — or, one might be tempted to think, fabricate — credible charges against President Donald Trump might be funny if the implications weren’t so serious. The Democratic Party has succeeded in destroying the Rule of Law in America.
Antigun Advocacy Group Tries To Rewrite Current History Of Gun Buyers :: 06/10/2021
It’s widely established that law-abiding Americans are buying firearms at record levels. No one disputes it. Gun control groups decry the trend. Supporters of the Second Amendment celebrate it. But during the past 18 months, the fact is a historic number of Americans have taken ownership of their self-defense and that includes millions of first-time buyers who bought a gun.
George Floyd Square Is Ground Zero For Democrats' Conflict Between Policing And Gun Control :: 06/10/2021
During my weekly live chat for Townhall Media VIP Gold members (available as a replay here) my colleague Ed Morrissey from Hot Air brought up a story he was working on about the attempts by the city of Minneapolis to reopen George Floyd Square, which has become either an “autonomous zone” or a no-go area depending on your perspective. As Ed reports, the city’s half-heartedly tried to reopen the square to traffic several times in recent weeks, but have done nothing to prevent activists from moving back in and shutting down traffic after work crews remove barriers and debris.
North Carolina Legislature Approves Expanded Church Carry :: 06/10/2021
When lawmakers first started passing laws allowing carrying guns in churches, it was with the intent that people could meet the threat of a mass shooter entering their houses of worship. For many states, this happened right after Sutherland Springs. A mass shooter entered a church and slaughtered the unarmed congregation. It wasn’t stopped until an armed citizen across the street engaged the killer. A lot of lawmakers didn’t want that to happen in their states.
The Greatest Threat to Mainstream Media Is the Truth :: 06/10/2021
The mainstream media is under attack.
Associated Press Discovers The "Gun Lobby" Is More Than Just The NRA :: 06/09/2021
When New York Attorney General Letitia James aimed her legal fire at the National Rifle Association and its leadership, seeking to dissolve the 150-year old organization over alleged financial misdeeds by top officials, there was much rejoicing among gun control advocates. If the NRA were to disappear or be weakened, anti-gun activists believed that support for the Second Amendment would crater and Congress could finally embrace gun bans, magazine bans, and other restrictions on gun owners without having to worry about what the “gun lobby” had to say.
Gun Control Howls, Gnashes Teeth When California's Rifle Ban Struck :: 06/09/2021
U.S.A. -( Gun control supporters are howling. They’re gnashing teeth with rage knowing that their “failed experiment” and labyrinth of lies came crashing down. Their gun grab is revealed for what it is – unconstitutional.
Pa. legislators set to pass concealed carry without a gun permit. Will it become law? :: 06/09/2021
A bill that would allow Pennsylvanians to carry a concealed handgun without a permit could soon be up for a vote in the state House.
Reclaiming Responsible Gun Ownership From Anti-Second Amendment Extremists :: 06/09/2021
United States – -( Some anti-Second Amendment extremists have tried to play gun owners off against each other – a form of divide-and-conquer strategy. The Brady Campaign has notoriously used this approach over the years, saying it has no beef with “responsible gun owners,” just the “radical gun nuts” and the “gun lobby” who are endangering public safety.
The thing is… Second Amendment supporters – including loyal Ammoland readers – believe in responsible gun ownership.
13576 Total News Items