PA Bill Number: HB887
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 12, 2025

Latest News

How "Crazy Negroes" With Guns Helped Kill Jim Crow :: 07/22/2014
Chinn was a black man in Canton, Mississippi, who in the 1960s owned a farm, a rhythm and blues nightclub, a bootlegging operation, and a large collection of pistols, rifles, and shotguns with which he threatened local Klansmen and police when they attempted to encroach on his businesses or intimidate civil rights activists working to desegregate Canton and register black residents to vote.
John Doe, et. al., vs. City of Philadelphia :: 07/22/2014
Settlement in Philadelphia Class Action Lawsuit Regarding Disclosure of Confidential LTCF Information
I (Josh Prince, Esq.) am proud to announce that a settlement has been reached with the City of Philadelphia in the matter of John Doe, et al., v. City of Philadelphia, et al, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas docket no. 121203785, stemming from the City’s posting and disclosing of what we alleged was confidential license to carry firearms (LTCF) information. You can download a copy of the Press Release – here. This was a collaborative effort between Benjamin R. Picker, Esquire of McCausland Keen & Buckman, Jonathan Goldstein, Esquire of McNelly & Goldstein, LLC, Jon Mirowitz, Esquire, and myself.
Missourians will vote on whether right to keep and bear arms is 'unalieanable' :: 07/22/2014
Missourians will vote on whether right to keep and bear arms is 'unalieanable'
Two weeks from today, Missourians will vote on Proposed Constitutional Amendment 5, which declares the right to keep and bear arms "unalienable."
Movie Shoot Confuses Police after Deadly Shooting :: 07/22/2014
CARRICK, PA (KDKA) One man is dead, another is in critical condition after a shooting in Carrick early Tuesday morning. According to police, the incident around 2:30 a.m. inside an apartment on Merritt Avenue.
The perfect number is zero. Magazine capacity limits according to the anti-gunners. :: 07/22/2014
Following Governor Christie’s veto on the magazine ban capacity in NJ, our dear Opposition is back again with the ten round wailing and how that helps. Of course, you ask them to present the study where it shows why ten rounds is OK but not eleven or nine and they kinda look at you, blink hard and stutter as ten was always a number brought forward for no logical reason and whomever came up with it way back in the Clinton Administration is unknown.
9 Year Old Gun Activist-We should follow her lead. :: 07/21/2014
The Future of Gun Rights in America. Nashville, Tennessee.
And she can outshoot most Soldiers, cops and security professionals or as she says, "beat boys' butts," and giggles.
Gun Cleaning Safety Rules to Follow :: 07/21/2014
Earlier this month, I called my dad to wish him a happy 4th of July. As soon as the conversation began he said to me, “I’m going to visit John (name changed) today, he just had his leg amputated and he’s not dealing with it very well.”
Gun Math. Finally somebody on their side is getting it. :: 07/21/2014
You can’t have it both ways. That of course is hypocrisy, but when you know their motivations, it’s just dishonesty. They don’t care HOW many guns are owned by civilians, or the military, the only number they care about is ZERO! They want private citizens to own NO firearms. Zip, Zero. And that includes single-shot rifles, double-barreled shotguns, and guns like black powder arms, and air rifles that even the ATF doesn’t count as guns.
via Anti-Gun Hypocrites.Weer’d World.
Straw Purchase Prosecutions are few because "its hard". :: 07/20/2014
JOHNSTOWN — Of the three young suspects in the recent shooting death of Tyrone Williams in the city’s Oakhurst section, only one was old enough to legally purchase a handgun.
A Sarcastic Look at Stand Your Ground Laws :: 07/19/2014
Top 5 Reasons “Stand Your Ground” Laws should be Repealed.
1-It helps causing Global Warming. So many shootings are happening due to Stand Your ground that the greenhouse gases produced by the burning on the propellant are warming the planet by at least 17 degrees.
2-Illinois Nazis are back. Thanks to Stand Your Ground, the previously dissipated group is back and roaming the streets of Chicago in old station wagons.
3-Increased birth rate. With many people now carrying guns as penis enhancers and the added stimulus of Stand Your ground, the population rate has suddenly increased due to new-found sexual stamina. It does get awkward when women are carrying guns and they somehow develop penises.
4-Twerking. I kid you not, Twerking came about as an interpretative dance showing how people were so afraid of Stand Your Ground that they literally shake out of their undergarments.
5-Obamacare. Due to the exorbitant number of people being shot due to Stand Your Ground (At least 389,050 in Florida alone in May of 2011,) Congress was forced to pass Obamacare to pay for medical expenses and free beer for those uninsured.
We’re not usually inclined to be wise guys, but this sarcasm from gunfreezone.com is a hoot.
Happy Birthday, Sam Colt :: 07/19/2014
Samuel Colt, Born on this Date 200 years ago. He made more for Equality than the whole damned United Nations could ever dream.
Nuff said.
Hillary Clinton Equates Gun Control Opponents with Terrorists :: 07/19/2014
Clinton's idea of a more thoughtful conversation about gun control involves equating disagreement with terrorism while claiming some opinions are so dangerous that "we cannot let" people hold them.
Hillary Clinton: We Cannot Let a Minority of People Hold a Viewpoint Opposed to More Gun Control :: 07/19/2014
We cannot let a minority of people, and that's what it is, it is a minority of people, hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people" said the former Secretary of State.
Moms Demand: Lax Gun Laws in Colorado? How's that again? :: 07/19/2014
Wait. Lax Laws in Colorado? Whatever happened to the laws that your Master Michael Bloomberg shoved down the throat of the citizens with the help of Hickenlooper and a compliant legislature? You promised that stuff like this would not happen because Coloradoans were safer because of those laws…were you lying? Did Shannon Watts deceived people?
Shannon Watts tell a falsehood? Uh, the answer is yes, she does, consistently.
Philly Mom-Facing Jail For Licensed Gun :: 07/18/2014
A single mother from Philadelphia could be facing up to three years in prison for what she and her attorney say was her effort to be honest with New Jersey authorities.
VPC gets called by its own people for BSing. :: 07/17/2014
VPC once again tries to pull bring back of the Gun Control’s favorite zombies. But the reality is that unless you are toting a very old revolver (or some cheap no longer in production semi auto), your sidearm will be safe enough that it may fall and not go off. Barring quality control issues, a right-out-off-the-box pistol is one of the safest tools in production.
Warning Shots-Continued :: 07/17/2014
PD CYA: Man charged for shooting when cops went to wrong house.
Brandon Watson said he was protecting his family when his wife heard noises in the back yard on January 3, 2013: “She said, ‘oh my gosh, someone is in the backyard.’” The noises got closer and then she heard the clicking of the backdoor handle.”
DC Coverup (?) - Miriam Carey Killing by Secret Service 'Mystery' Deepens :: 07/16/2014
The attorney for the family of the late Miriam Carey usually has an exceptionally calm demeanor.
This is what gun control looks like-WARNING-GRAPHIC PHOTOS :: 07/16/2014
This is what Gun Control Looks Like. (NSFW. Graphic Content)
Once again, the paradise of Gun Control also known as Venezuela gives us the most outstanding example of the price we pay when we allow a government dictate our security. Yes, those are bodies that fell off the morgue wagon in Caracas. According to the site I got the pics from, they are the remains of people killed by criminals and that died at local hospitals. And just like in a really bad “B” movie, the doors of the truck popped open while in transit and bodies fell to the pavement.
Wanted: a bit of common sense. :: 07/16/2014
DADE, Fla. (WSVN) A South Florida family is speaking out after their loved one was shot during an altercation over the recovery of a stolen gaming system.
13576 Total News Items