PA Bill Number: HB912
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses.
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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SCOTUS Rules on Warrantless Cell Phone Searches :: 06/26/2014
WASHINGTON (The Blaze/AP) A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Wednesday police may not generally search the cell phones of people they arrest without first getting search warrants.
The justices said cell phones are powerful devices unlike anything else police may find on someone they arrest.
"The fact that an arrestee has diminished privacy interests does not mean that the Fourth Amendment falls out of the picture entirely," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the opinion of the court.
UN Gun Ban takes on a new and dangerous tact :: 06/26/2014
The UN is getting ready for our fall. You better be ready too. It's no secret that the United Nations, with assistance from members of the Executive and Legislative branches in the United States, has been actively working to reduce Americans' accessibility to firearms. In 2012 President Obama, along with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spearheaded a backdoor move that would have imposed gun control on the United States through foreign means by signing a global disarmament initiative known as the Small Arms Treaty. Though that attempt failed, mass shooting incidents at Sandy Hook and elsewhere have kept the pressure on gun owners with the President having made repeated suggestions that he would mandate gun restrictions through Executive Order should state and federal legislatures fail to act.
Please read the rest of this fairly long article. The UN is ready to recruit AMERICANS to confiscate guns, AND re-orient other Americans. Political re-orientation? Really? Stalin and Hitler had re-orientation, and so did Pol Pot. A bullet to the back of your head is the ultimate re-orientation.
"Well-Regulated" :: 06/24/2014
We hear it constantly from droning citizen control cultists.
Rep. Saccone's bill would make hunting less safe? :: 06/23/2014
The anti's are out already, squawking about a hunting bill. You can read the article by clicking on the hyperlink. Here's our response:
"Ah-HA! Moment. Of course, it's so clear, I can't believe I didn't see it at first blush. Hunters in 48 other States use semi-auto firearms safely and responsibly, making certain of their target and what is beyond. Of course, Pennsylvania is surrounded by a force field that renders all hunters stupid beyond belief.
Florida Castle Doctrine gets better (part 1) :: 06/21/2014
"Florida Bill HB 523 signed into law and becomes effective on July 1st.
"Authorizes approved tax collectors to accept applications for licenses to carry concealed weapons or firearms; provides for tax collectors to be authorized to accept applications for licenses to carry concealed weapons or firearms; provides for memoranda of understanding between approved tax collectors & DOACS (Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services); provides for remission of revenue to DOACS; provides for retention of specified fees by tax collectors; prohibits tax collectors from maintaining certain lists; prohibits persons from receiving compensation for handling such applications unless authorized."
Previously you could either process via mail or if you were lucky to live nearby one of the eight regional offices of DOACS's Division of Licensing, you could apply in person and expect a quicker process or return. But with the possibility of 67 additional locations, the process of getting or renewing your CWP has gotten much easier.
Another one for the record books."
Kind of begs the question, why, here in Pennsylvania, is it only a Sheriff who can run a background check on an existing License To Carry Firearms holder?
Florida Castle Doctrine gets better (part 2) :: 06/21/2014
"House Bill 89 by Representatives Combee (R) and Edwards (D) in the Florida House, and Senator Evers (R) in the Florida Senate, was signed in to law today by Governor Scott. The new law clarifies that a person may threaten the use of defensive force in order to prevent or terminate an imminent or actual unlawful physical attack or commission of a forcible felony by an aggressor.
Mom's Demand Action are Recycling Vietnam War Protests :: 06/21/2014
"I just bumped into this in Twitter and had to laugh:
For the Youngins, this is not but a modern version of a Vietnam Era Ant-War poster. Back then, it was the "patriotic" duty of women to behave like whores on Spanish Fly to protest the war and convince young men to avoid the draft.
Here is the original poster (please open the hyperlink)
Supreme Court Rules Against Gun 'Straw Purchases' - NPR :: 06/16/2014
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a major victory to gun control advocates on Monday. The 5-4 ruling allows strict enforcement of the federal ban on gun "straw purchases," or one person buying a gun for another.
Obama (Again) Touts Australian Gun Control, Misleads (Again) On Background Checks :: 06/15/2014
On Tuesday, Barack Obama once again shared his desire for Australian-style gun control to be imported stateside.
CNN, did they just call Bloomberg's sheep liars? :: 06/13/2014
CNN, did they just call Bloomberg's sheep liars? "UPDATED (1:06 p.m. PDT) Having used what may be a faulty statistic on the number of school shootings since the December 2012 Sandy Hook tragedy, CNN reported that it "took a closer look at the list" that has been pandered by Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety," and its associated group, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA).
Now, CNN is not alone in its questioning of the statistic. The Portland Oregonian, National Review and Spectator all have on-line stories. And Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, has issued a press release suggesting that Bloomberg change the name of his $50 million organization to "Every Liar for Gun Safety."
Wow, Shannon Watts is lying? You really need to read the entire article to appreciate how this impacts the anti-gun movement.
CNN Exposes the Lie and anti-gunners are furious :: 06/13/2014
CNN Exposes the Lie and anti-gunners are furious. "CSGV: That Damned Right Wing News Network Spreading Lies! UPDATE
Also known as CNN.
Get riled up all you want, at the end of the day, no matter how much make up you slapped on that pig, it still ends up as bacon.
Have there been 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook? A closer look at a tricky statistic :: 06/13/2014
After an Oregon high school freshman armed with an assault rifle injured a teacher, killed a student and killed himself Tuesday, a striking statistic began circulating on the internet. It said that at least 74 school shootings had occurred since December 2012, when an assault on Sandy Hook Elementary School by Adam Lanza left 28 dead, including Lanza and his mother.
Liberals exploit bogus mental health talking points to push for gun control :: 06/13/2014
Liberals exploit bogus mental health talking points to push for gun control.
Moms Demand Action may get some respect, once they become accurate :: 06/13/2014
Moms Demand Action may get some respect, once they become accurate.
"The horror! Damnable Open Carry killed four people!
Except that Florida is one of the few states that do not have Open Carry.
Maybe they should call it a School Shooting since the kids might have been of school age?"
Once again, a Bloomberg funded bunch of shills who won't even perform minimal research as to the ACTUAL laws on the books. Nice try.
Senator Robert Casey affirms that he is anti-gun. :: 06/13/2014
"Dear (FOAC Editor)
Thank you for taking the time to contact me about recent proposals to reduce gun violence. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.
As you know, on December 14, 2012, an individual in Newtown, Connecticut forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School and opened fire on teachers and staff in the building.
74 School Shootings since Sandy Hook and Obama is "appalled"? :: 06/12/2014
74 school shootings since Sandy Hook in December of 2012. 74? Really? Actually NOT! Anti- gunners stretch the truth to their own devices, and we're appalled. Watch the video, and you'll see that 74 "school shootings" simply is not accurate. YOU need to be empowered with some facts. 74? Bloomberg's new Everytown group has changed the definition of a school shooting to include "...a firearm was discharged inside a school building or on school or campus grounds" and includes "assaults, homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings." It also includes college campuses, not covered by the Gun Free School Zone Act of 1996. 39 of these "shootings" were in college, 35 in K-12.
CeaseFirePA takes aim at the Pennsylvania Long Rifle :: 06/12/2014
Shira really irritates us, and if you read the comments that follow the article, apparently she's worn out her welcome with MOST Pennsylvanians. Here's our response to the liar. Predictably, it never got published.
7 minutes ago. Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Philly.com.
Dear Shira:
May I respectfully pass along some sage advice I got from my Dad when I was a child? "When you've found you're in a hole, the very first thing to do is drop the shovel."
Jerry Miculek on Open Carry :: 06/12/2014
Jerry Miculek on Open Carry
Worth a hard look. Jerry, who makes his living with firearms, calmly discusses open carry. You decide. We're firmly in Jerry's camp on this issue.
St. Louis residents are alive, and bad guys are dead. :: 06/12/2014
"ST. LOUIS. A husband and wife armed with guns were able to stave off an apparent home invasion Monday night, police said.
One man was killed and a second taken to a hospital in the incident, which happened about 11 p.m. in the 4600 block of Newport Avenue."
Read the entire article, and then ask "what were these two bad guys doing on the street?" We wonder if our detractors would have been happy to have had a gun in the house if faced with these same circumstances.
Universal Background Checks? :: 06/12/2014
Harry Reid is at it again, cashing in on a crisis. YOU can make a difference by sending either your own words, or a prepared letter from GOA to your US Senators.
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