proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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Anti-gun arguments countered with FACTS :: 05/22/2014

In light of the "faked studies " being promulgated by anti-gun i.e. vulnerability advocate zealots here is a good site for factual research


Dana Loesch Calls Out Anti-Gun Writer for "Glamour" on Twitter :: 05/22/2014

I've never really thought of Glamour as having particularly high journalistic standards, and when you use websites such as Mother Jones, Slate, and The Brady Campaign as your source material for an article you tell you seriously don't care about getting the real story.
  Such is the case with a recent Glamour piece entitled, "Gun Extremists Are Stalking, Threatening, and Spitting on Pro-Gun-Control Women". The piece paints female members of groups such as Moms Demand Action as being the targets of vile attacks from pro-gunners.
  Journalist Dana Loesch, who is admittedly pro-gun, asked the author of the piece, Tanya Edwards a simple question about her vetting and research process for the article on Twitter. Here's how that simple question played out.
  Click on the hyperlink to see how Dana responds to more lies.


Don't spend your money at Chipolte? :: 05/22/2014

  NEW YORK (AP)Chipotle is asking customers not to bring firearms into its stores after it says gun rights advocates brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants in Texas.
   The Denver-based company notes that it has traditionally complied with local laws regarding open and concealed firearms.
  But in a statement Monday, the company said that "the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers."
  The announcement came after a petition by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which has called on other companies to ban firearms in their stores as well. The group said its petition was in reaction to open-carry gun activists appearing at a Dallas-area Chipotle restaurant over the weekend.
  Moms Demand Action, another Bloomberg front group, claims a victory here. Read the next article, where we put our foot down on responsible carry of firearms.


Gun control is racism at its ugliest :: 05/22/2014

You may have seen the new face of the NRA. Colion Noir, a 30 something black lawyer with a penchant for ball caps. Colion Noir, the new face of the NRA. The first episode of his web show, Noir, an NRA production aimed at exposing Millennials to a healthy gun culture, aired last week, and it's generating a lot of buzz, much of it negative. Critics are laying into Noir, calling the show hilariously bad poser garbage and questioning the authenticity of a young black man representing the NRA. Noir isn't taking the heat lying down.


Michele Obama uses her position to promote Stalin and Goebbels's techniques :: 05/22/2014

Good grief, does it get any worse when it comes to playing the race card? She should stick to expensive tax payer vacations.


More lies from Bloomberg :: 05/22/2014

"Last weekend members of Open Carry Texas exercised their Second Amendment civil liberty by peacefully open-carrying their rifles slung across their backs while visiting a Jack-in-the-Box restaurant. Michael Bloomberg's "moms" group claimed that terrified restaurant employees hid in the freezer. Many questioned this initially as photos showed employees working (when not taking photos with Open Carry Texas members). The pro-2A group disputed Bloomberg mom Shannon Watts/Troughton's story, repeated by a law enforcement agent, which today was thoroughly discredited by the New York Times' Jennifer Mascia:-See more at:"
  Even WE bought into this story, and reported the 'hiding in the freezer' as truth. Another Bloomberg lie put to rest by the New York Times.


More lies from Mother Jones and Jennifer Longdon :: 05/22/2014

Caren Teves whose son was killed in the Aurora, Colo., mass shooting, speaks Friday as she holds up a handwritten letter to her from Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., as Jennifer Longdon a shooting victim who was left paralyzed, holds up a protest sign as they join more than 50 anti-gun activists rallying outside Flake's office in Phoenix. Dana Loesch pointed to this story today at Mother Jones about a spitting incident in the Indianapolis Airport that reportedly occurred on April 25,2014. Check this story from a website that that I personally consider to be the Internet version of bathroom scrawl in a dive bar unisex bathroom. The difference is that I think bathroom scrawlists vet their graffiti.


Obama targets gun dealers :: 05/22/2014

For seven years Theodore Roosevelt Liberti-known to his friends as "T.R.",ran a retail gun shop in New Jersey and then moved it to Florida. T.R.'s bank had always been BankUnited (BU), which handled his accounts and cleared his customers' credit card purchases. But when he decided to open an online store called Discount Ammo-N-Guns, BankUnited closed his accounts on March 12 pursuant to the terms and conditions listed in our Depositor's Agreement.


Peduto Lies about Lost or Stolen :: 05/22/2014

When Bill Peduto talked about fighting crime during his run for mayor last year, he touted a measure he'd supported while on Pittsburgh City Council-a 2008 ordinance requiring gun-owners to report the loss or theft of handguns.


Remington Arms Moves :: 05/22/2014

Remington Arms Company, Inc., founded in 1816 in upstate New York, announced in February they will build their new factory in Alabama and not the Empire state. Since New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) signed the SAFE Gun Control Act, multiple gun companies have left the state. And, now Remington will not build its new plant there.


Straw purchaser gets away with murder, and a light sentence. :: 05/22/2014

Dawn Nguyen was sentenced to 16 months in prison Monday after pleading guilty last month to falsifying firearms forms in June 2010 at a Gander Mountain store Rochester, New York. There she was accompanied by William Spengler, who wasn't allowed allowed to purchase a gun because he had previously been convicted of killing his 92-year-old grandmother with a hammer. Nguyen paid $1,425 for two firearms, a semi-automatic rifle and a shotgun that Spengler eventually would use.


The Latest News on Smart Guns :: 05/22/2014
  Once you've read through these articles, read this one, as we like it best--- 
  Top Ten Police Departments Issuing Their Officers Smart Guns.


The sign is clear. No weapons, no concealed firearms. So why did these 3 characters disobey the signs? :: 05/22/2014

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign. Yes, signage works so well. Yet another reason to stay out of victim disarmament zones.


Thieves in NC are Targeting Cars With Gun Related Stickers :: 05/22/2014

It looks like gun thieves in North Carolina are getting smart in their search to illegally acquire guns.
According to a local report today, police have managed to bust several thieves they say are targeting cars that have gun related stickers on the bumper or windows.
They are also targeting cars that are parked near gun free zones. These areas force law abiding concealed carriers to leave their firearms in their vehicles where they are the target of thieves. NRA stickers,Insured by Smith and Wesson, and other such decals are an invitation to theft. Use your head, and don't advertise that you have a gun in your car.


You've Probably Never Used Ointment to Treat Something Quite Like This :: 05/22/2014

An Alaska man accidentally shot himself in the head, then spent the next five days treating the wound with an antibiotic ointment. According, James Doppler, 43, was handling his firearm last weekend when it went off. He apparently refused to go the hospital at the behest of his girlfriend."
  A little light reading for a change. Next time you call somebody a hard head, refer back to Mr.Doppler.


Dumb and dumber--uh, actually dumb and deceased :: 05/16/2014

Blake Randall Wardell, 25, was congregating with friends in a house's garage in the wee hours of the morning when he donned a bulletproof vest.


US Department of Agriculture needs full auto firearms? WHY? :: 05/16/2014

At first glance, we looked at a heads up from one of our FOAC members, and thought "no way". Having worked in Federal Procurement for over 40 years, I checked the hyperlink, and its true. Here is the full article sent to us:


FOAC uses facts to slam CeaseFirePA's position on background checks :: 05/16/2014

CeaseFirePA's misfire


Hypocrites to the max. We're calling out the gun grabbers on this one. :: 05/14/2014

Gross hypocrisy: Brady Campaign head talks gun control with armed security


Texas Gun Shop's 'Funny' Sign Is Sure to Rile Up the Left: 'I Like My Guns Like Obama Likes... :: 05/13/2014

Tactical Firearms ruffled some feathers with its "funny" sign in front its Katy, Texas, location recently. The sign was both pro-gun and anti-Obama .


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