proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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Latest News

Harrisburg 2014 Second Amendment Rally-No words needed :: 05/04/2014

Dedicated volunteer activists making a statement!


PA State Police given the right to violate the Fourth Amendment :: 05/02/2014

"Pennsylvania police officers no longer need a warrant to search a citizen's vehicle, according to a recent state Supreme Court opinion. The high court's opinion , released Tuesday, is being called a drastic change in citizens' rights and police powers."


Detroit Chief of Police knows that Armed Citizens are a valuable tool against crime. Another story. :: 05/02/2014

"A 50-year-old Detroit woman shot an intruder early Tuesday morning after he tried to break into her home with a crowbar. Now she's very thankful she decided to take advantage of her Second Amendment rights last year."


Sad, sad commentary on putting bad guys in jail. :: 05/01/2014

These two links complement each other, and show the awful job being done to put bad guys in jail and keep them there.


Universal Background Checks???? :: 05/01/2014

Please read. We've posted our views on Universal background checks, and this is a great opinion piece.


Military Base Murders-a Considered Opinion :: 05/01/2014

"How to Stop a Would-Be Killer at a Military Base - The Wall Street Journal.


Lust for Photo op Backfires :: 05/01/2014

"When prominent gun control advocate Shannon Watts was asked by a man to take a picture outside of the 2014 NRA convention in Indianapolis, she granted his request. What she clearly didn't know was who the man really was.


World's Oldest Olympian dies :: 05/01/2014

Normally, this wouldn't be a fit for our pages, but retired Marine Colonel Walsh has a history of crime fighting that is really interesting, and his chosen sport in the Olympic games was 50m pistol (freestyle). Take 6-1/2 minutes out of your day to honor his memory. Semper Fidelis and Rest in Peace, Colonel.


Voters Guides for the 2014 Primary are ready :: 05/01/2014

Open the link to , click on your County, and see who is most likely to support you and your right to keep and bear arms. You MUST get out and vote in the primaries, especially in the face of increased attacks on your rights by the Philadelphia Coalition.


Chaplain raises hell :: 04/25/2014

"Army veteran and chaplain Nicholas Purpura exploded on Democratic lawmakers in a passionate speech during a New Jersey gun control forum , resulting in thunderous applause from the packed room. Though the video is from February, the veteran's impassioned speech went largely unnoticed and is now getting some attention.


AZ Governor vetoes pro-gun bills :: 04/25/2014

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed two gun-related bills supported by the NRA and other Second Amendment advocacy groups this week.


Do Guns Save Lives? Here's How These High-Profile Conservatives Plan to Prove Definitively the Answer Is 'Yes' :: 04/25/2014

"Author, economist and researcher John Lott announced on Wednesday that he is creating a new research center to "advance the scientific understanding of the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime and public safety."


Bloomberg=Epic Failure :: 04/25/2014

"Mayors Against Illegal Guns has crumbled because he duped mayors into thinking they were actually going to fight illegal guns," Cupp - who contributes to TheBlaze's "Real News" and host CNN's "Crossfire" - said during a discussion on ABC's "This Week" Sunday. "And when they all found out actually they were going after law-abiding gun owners, they said, 'that's not what I want to be apart of.' His efforts are duplicitous and they're measurably failing."



Please read carefully. This article contains valuable information on buses, where they are leaving from, and so forth. Thanks to the many guys and gals who helped with this article: (images are not available-please read script)


Massive errors in the Violence Policy Center's "Concealed Carry Killers" :: 04/24/2014

The Violence Policy Center regularly puts out the claim that concealed handgun permit holders are a danger to themselves and others. Right now they claim that concealed handgun permits have been responsible for 636 deaths from the entire United States over almost seven years from May 2007 to March 2014. John Lott has pointed out errors in the VPC numbers for Florida, so here let’s take the errors in just one state Michigan.


If you are going to make a point, at least be almost accurate. :: 04/21/2014

Everytown for Gun Safety, an anti-gun campaign paid for by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg , seemingly posted a photo on its new Facebook page Sunday that had gun owners rolling their eyes.


This Incredible New Footage Shows How Close Bundy Standoff Came To A Massacre :: 04/21/2014

The video, of a New York reporter, shows the lengths to which a draconian and repressive tyrant will go to ignore the Constitution.


New York Patriots suffer a setback in court. :: 04/19/2014

"A New York state judge dismissed a challenge to New York's controversial and sweeping gun control law, rejecting a state constitutional challenge over procedure in which the law was passed.


The Liberal Media misses the point on Bloomberg's spending--and others :: 04/19/2014

"Gun control has largely been a top down effort. Michael Bloomberg's latest announcement that he will spend another $50 million to push gun control - 2.5 times the amount spent by the NRA annually on political activities - is all too typical. Last year, gun control groups, largely due to Bloomberg's money, outspent gun rights groups by about 7.4 to 1 on TV advertising.


Pizza delivery guys are easy targets, right? :: 04/18/2014

"A pizza deliveryman in Buffalo, N.Y., gave a group of would-be robbers an unforgettable lesson on the Second Amendment and concealed carry on Monday.


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