proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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More on Gun Free School Zones, law enforcement response times, and the Big Lie. :: 12/18/2013

No matter how you shake this shooting out, it took 30 minutes for law enforcement to find the murderer. You've read all the nonsensical verse about what we call Victim Disarmament Zones, and its high time we start exposing the Gun Free School Act of 1994 for what is. The BIG LIE!


Missouri proposed legislation--tell us if you own weapons and your child goes to school here. :: 12/18/2013

Fortunately, this is a pre-filed bill only, and the Missouri legislature will have an opportunity to roundly reject it. The author of the bill apparently doesn't understand the 4th amendment. We hope her bill gets only one YES vote, hers. This is what happens when legislators violate their oath of office.


COLORADO SHERRIFFS REFUSE TO ENFORCE DRACONIAN GUN LAWS. The press in the UK puts this on page one. Where are our "responsible journalists"? :: 12/18/2013

We find it rather odd that the U.K. reports on this, while our press is silent. Perhaps those who control the news in Britain now understand what a blunder their confiscatory gun laws are. (Editors note--this article first appeared in the New York Times)


Hitler Gun Control from the first person perspective. :: 12/18/2013

Do we think Obama appears more and more each day to mirror the Fascist Government of Adolf Hitler? You're going to have to read the article and make up your own mind. Thankfully, Obama can't be elected President again, and his actions are finding considerable disfavor even among his "supporters".


Bear Attack in Pennsylvania :: 12/17/2013

PETA aside (such morons), bear attacks in Pennsylvania are very, very rare. Anybody taking bets that this young girl found herself between a sow and cubs? Don't play with cuddly black bear cubs. They are cute, but momma bear's sense of humor is real thin.


DC Cops - Legal Expert Says Cops Murdered Mom W-Baby :: 12/15/2013

WASHINGTON - No one knows what was on Miriam Carey’s mind when the 34-year-old dental hygienist from Connecticut drove up to a White House barricade on a balmy and clear Thursday afternoon Oct. 3 before exiting the restricted area, resulting in a car chase and at least seven shots from police.


MAIG ARE LIARS! :: 12/14/2013

MAIG ARE LIARS. Indeed, they get a 5 Pinocchio award for this lie. What's the truth about interstate internet sales? Here's the law:


Does anyone think that BATFE abuses are NOT sanctioned by DOJ and State Department? :: 12/12/2013

Well, it appears the BATFE, despite serious thrashings from Congress and other watchdog groups (ourselves included) is STILL at it. And what, you ask, is "it"? IT is trying to prove some causal effect showing "assault rifles" (it hurts to type that phrase) just absolutely, positively are a scourge on America, and must be banned. Please read the article. You just cannot make this stuff up.


Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble thinks the Kenyan Mall massacre could have stopped by---Armed Citizens :: 12/11/2013

This is a very long read, but worth your time. Interpol and others have weighed in, and the solutions offered by Interpol sure don't square with the U.N.


INTERPOL Secretary General says Armed Citizens may have stopped the Kenyan Mall massacre. :: 12/11/2013

There's a lot to read here, and some may surprise you. Corrupt governments and out of control military in African nations are nothing new, but this rises to a new level of breaking the public trust. Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble raises a real hope that flies in the face of the United Nations effort to disarm the world. Even the NYPD weighs in.


More from the anti-gunners. You MUST know your enemy. :: 12/10/2013

This is the logic we're facing on a daily basis. An anecdotal incident here, another one there, and suddenly guns are evil, and your right to own a gun is the Devil incarnate. Please read and understand that the anti gunners actually believe this stuff.


Cops shoot innocent bystanders, "bad guy" is charged with crime. :: 12/10/2013

We weren't going to put this on the website, but the story is coming from several sources. The logic is priceless. An unarmed man causes a ruckus. NYC's finest shoot AT him, but strike others. Now the guy is on the hook for those folks getting shot? You cannot make this stuff up.


BATFE is at it again. Or is that still? :: 12/10/2013

You just can't make this stuff up. Disgusting.


Another "Mom's" group? This one is in Arizona. :: 12/10/2013

We thought we had run out of "Mom's" groups, but its pretty apparent that Bloomberg is willing to fund pretty much anybody who sets up a "Mom's for stuff Bloomberg doesn't think YOU should do/think/like/own/support" We're deliberately NOT showing the hyperlink, and caution you before you click on any hyperlinks you might come across in this article.


MORE on the militarization of local police forces. :: 12/09/2013

Good grief, what are Barney Fife's contemporaries preparing for? All out war?


The Truth about Lead! :: 12/07/2013

The truth about lead "Is it also accurate to say that we are looking at lead shortages all over? That is an accurate statement too, because 130,000 tons of lead will be removed from the U.S. market."


New "Mom's" Group lies? And they're tied to Bloomberg? Who would have thought! :: 12/07/2013

North Carolina has spawned a new "Mom's" group. Same idiotic logic, same sponsor, just a new name.



Please tune in to PCNC at 8 P.M. on Monday, 9 December, to watch Kim Stolfer take on a representative of CeaseFirePA. Try to get a call in. Its hard to do, as when Kim is on air, there is usually time for one, perhaps two, phone calls.


ACTION ALERT-Send Schumer a strong message on plastic guns :: 12/06/2013 If the link doesn't work, copy and paste into your browser and see the article "Gun Control Coming to the Senate Floor on Monday", Tell your Senators to, "say no"!


Uninformed Poster Child for Universal Background Checks :: 12/06/2013

There is no end to the shameful effort of the Obama administration to take away the 2nd Amendment. Please read the article, and submit a comment to the author in support of his position. Here's what we sent:


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