PA Bill Number: HB887
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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If D.C. is allowed to do this, how long before our Commonwealth tries it? :: 11/22/2013
This simply cannot happen. Coming soon to a State you live in?
Licenses to Carry are on the increase in California? :: 11/20/2013
Seems the citizens in California have awoken, and filed several suits against Sherriffs who simply wish to make up their own laws. Those suits have resulted in more approvals, but of course the anti gunners have their own spin on the lawsuits. In their mind, obeying the Constitution is bad, perhaps even evil.
Doctors are trained in medicine, not statistics. Even the CDC disputes the latest "study" by doctors. :: 11/20/2013
CDC Data Refutes New Anti-Gun Study's Claims
You want me to pay YOU for the return of MY gun? :: 11/20/2013
Seems this fellow in Cleveland is not caving in to oppressive government. Indeed, he's gone to Federal Court to seek redress of a grievance. See how nicely the Bill of Rights is tied together? The 4th, 1st, and 2nd Amendments are all very apparent. Please read and see what you think.
Does contacting State Government really do anything?" :: 11/18/2013
"Yes it does-and here's a response from State Representative Stephen Bloom from the 199th District. We applauded his resistance to universal background checks, and he replied.
Here's a really easy way to promote FOAC. :: 11/18/2013
Social media is not going to go away. We don't use it enough, but if everyone who reads this article "likes" www.facebook.com/foacpac which is our Official FOAC Facebook page, and then shares it on their own timeline and with a few friends, we could have a million folks watching our Facebook page in no time. Will you help? It only takes a few seconds. Don't forget to save www.facebook.com/foacpac on your Favorites directory, too.
Why Bloomberg is a LIABILITY FOR POLITICIANS. Pennsylvania Legislature, take note. :: 11/18/2013
Bloomberg has lost another battle in his war to be King of the World. Sorry, Boombox, but a big mouth and lots of money does NOT trump common sense, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Come January, you can scratch Chambersburg, PA from the MAIG rolls.
Call or e-mail Rep. Bloom :: 11/17/2013
Once again its liberal media 0, right thinking State Representatives 1. Please contact Rep. Bloom and thank him for his support in the fight against the absurdity of universal background checks. http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/House_bio.cfm?id=1199 Click on the hyperlink, then click on the e-mail icon. Please reference the footage from WGAL.
Now HERE's a real ambassador from the anti gun community :: 11/16/2013
9 second video pretty much says it all.
Toomey - Manchin all over again, this time with Peter King :: 11/16/2013
We think that making sure you sell your gun to a non prohibited person is smart. We always ask for I.D., and especially a License to Carry Firearms. We sell long guns as private citizens, and use a short bill of sale, and insist that the buyer signs offthat he is not a prohibited person,and handguns with the help of a local FFL. If these dim bulbs are so keen on mandatory universal background checks, give We the People access to NICS. Problem solved! Of course that would be way too easy, andin Foggy Bottom there's no way they'll take the easy way. Wake up, King. Bad guys aren't going to obey any new law. Not ONE! Call Your congress-critters today.
Metcalfe is a bully? Why, because he wants to reign in the AG? :: 11/15/2013
This is an ACTION ALERT. Please get the word out to your State Rep and State Senator that Representative Metcalfe needs their support. AG Kane is a loose cannon on the deck, and is certainly not a friend to gun owners.
State Department Travel Warnings :: 11/15/2013
No, not OUR State Department, but rather State Departments from around the world warning their citizens about visiting the United States. You only need to scroll down to Pittsburgh (yep, we made the list) to help you connect the dots and see the big picture in the USA. "Troubling" doesn't even begin to describe what's going on right here at home. We've published enough articles on revolving door justice. What do you think? Are these warnings valid?
How can we restore greatness to our military? :: 11/14/2013
Hagel says pay must be cut. Obama allows retirees to be hung out to dry on medical benefits. The VA is backlogged to next year with claims. And through it all, young men and women are on the line of departure, ready to take a bullet for you and me. We think its high time that the United States Armed Forces be restored to its proper place of prominence.
Will Holder's arrogance be rewarded or punished? :: 11/14/2013
Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General, holds two things, a Cabinet position, and an attitude of utter disdain for the law. Fast and Furious should have put him behind bars. The least Congress can do is toss him out in the street.
Will the Pittsburgh juvenille shooter do hard time? :: 11/14/2013
We noted that this shooting was right in the backyard of a neighborhood we lived in for 25 years. There is an awful disconnect, as the news initially said the victims would not cooperate with the authorities. 16 year old kids with guns? We suppose CeaseFirePA will be in full force asking for more laws. Last time we checked, every facet of this crime is illegal, from possessing the gun, to discharging it in City limits, to attempted murder, to assault with a deadly weapon, and even heavy charges should be placed on the fool who allowed this hot-headed young man to get his fingers on a gun. Ever wonder what really exasperates the police? Watch the case and see how quickly the shooter gets out of jail. We're taking bets he won't live to be very old unless he undertakes some serious changes, AND the judicial system gives him a chance to sit in prison for the full ride, 30-50 years.
ANOTHER Philadelphia solution to a problem that does not exist. :: 11/13/2013
We're going to give Philadelphia City Hall the Dumbazz of the Week Award on this one. Anyone who has been checking the internet knows that the only plastic parts that have produced are a portion of a lower receiver for an AR and a trigger mechanism. Does anyone remember the "undetectable" Glock plastic gun furor? There is a company that has produced a pistol made of Inconel. First of all, the machinery necessary to do this costs a small fortune. Then there's assembly. Before all of that, a furnace to reduce the Inconel to plasticity. We don't see gang bangers laying out 10 grand for a 1911 they can buy off the street for a few bucks. We think Philadelphia would do well to enforce straw purchase violations, and start putting criminals in JAIL. 15 or 16 year olds in JAIL on gun charges? We'll be happy to listen to any reasonable argument telling us why they should be set free to commit more crimes. We won't buy the argument, but we will listen.
Tracking Cell Phones (and electronic devices). Is it good or bad? :: 11/13/2013
To the extent that you no longer have to wear a watch that transmits on 121.5 to be found in an emergency, such as a car crash, or lost in the woods, or a sunken boat, we like the idea that your cell phone or electronic device emits your location every 10 seconds or so.
One down, many to go. :: 11/13/2013
Yes, we're pleased to see Jim Ferlo go on with his life's work. We can't rest on our laurels, though. There are a lot of folks running for office in 2014 that need to be replaced. Stay tuned for targeted races, where we're going to need boots on the ground to put pro gunners in the House and Senate. If every Keyboard Kommando would take a day off on the computer and spend it working for candidates, whether knocking on doors, phone banking, poll watching, or whatever, we could get a lot of dead wood out of the Capitol. Note that his new opponent, due to redistricting, is Sen. Vulakovich, the first co-sponsor of SB 448, the elimination of PICS.
The militarization of local police forces, Posse Comitatus, and other thoughts :: 11/12/2013
We do not see the need for martial law, not even SIMULATED martial law. There are dark forces at work, and Obama has said he wants a civil security force. For what? We think he wants it so he can do an end run around the Posse Comitatus laws.
A positive nod to Fallen Veterans--from right here in Pittsburgh :: 11/12/2013
We weep without shame alongside the families of the fallen. Bravo Zulu to the men and women who recognized a problem, didn't run around bitching about it, and resolved it. And right here in Pittsburgh, too. While this article has little to do with our core mission statement, many of us are Veterans and many of us know Vets who came home in a flag draped coffin. Please offer up a little prayer every day for those who even now guard the Gates of Freedom.
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