proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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Reciprocity in Pennsylvania takes a big hurt. :: 10/28/2013

There are tons of documents published regarding Commonwealth v. McKown, and Kathleen Kane has seized upon this case to further selectively enforce laws.


Metcalfe calls for Kane's impeachment. :: 10/26/2013

Its about time someone grew a pair and called Kane on the carpet. Its impeachment or a recall election. We like impeachment, and hope you will contact your State Senator and State Rep to add your voice against Kathleen Kane. Selective enforcement of laws, the false flag closing of the non existent Florida loophole and other actions should tell you she's not acting in the interest of honest Pennsylvanians!


Borghetti for Westmoreland County District Attorney :: 10/25/2013

"I will establish a Drug Task Force in the DA's office on day one because it's not a war on


Sleepless, oops, that would be Clueless, in Seattle :: 10/25/2013

Hey, no problem. If I walk into your store, before I spend a nickel, you're going to sign a release form that clearly indicates you are responsible for my safety. You have to read the article. It shows the growing influence of the anti-gun crowd. It also shows why we have to be so vigilant and active.


D.C. Police violate gun laws to support disarmament of the citizens. :: 10/25/2013

Emily Miller is an absolute firebrand. We'd like to spend a day at the range with her, but in the meantime, READ her in the Washington Times.


Essential Liberty, the Constitution, and those who wish to relieve you of your Liberty :: 10/25/2013

Read the article. We're under assault, and our Liberty is in danger. Get out and be vocal. Get out and vote. Be informed and stay informed.


HB 921-PICS Elimination :: 10/25/2013

FOAC is all for HB 921, but there is spirited debate going on. Please call your State Rep and ask him to co-sponsor this important legislation if you agree with FOAC's position.


Why won't CeaseFirePA engage FOAC in a straightforward debate? :: 10/25/2013

A few of FOAC's members attended a PittsburghPublic Safety/Community Activism/Violence seminar the other night. Its of particular note that FOAC was not allowed to speak. We may have created a controversy! Kids are dying in Pittsburgh, violence in certain areas is real, and its deadly. Controversy? We may have suggested that jurists are too quick to release dangerous young men from jail, only to have them locked up again in a few days.


Warning shots, teenage kids; what's a mother to do? Maybe a warning shot wasn't her brightest idea. :: 10/25/2013

We've been pretty much against firing "warning shots". Its a waste of ammo, and you're not focused on a potentially lethal threat. Read this article to see how you can end up at the Iron Bar Bed and Breakfast. Read Castle Doctrine. We've done an extensive piece on what Castle is, and more importantly, what its not. Read FOAC's in depth look at Castle here


Armed Feds Raid Reporter's Home :: 10/25/2013

The paranoia of the current administration is showing through. Read this flimsy excuse to serve a search warrant for guns, and then read what the Feds confiscated.


The Post Gazette--"You lie" again; or is that still? :: 10/25/2013

Make sure you read this on an empty stomach. Bloomberg is worse than Goebells, Hitler's minister of propaganda. Why? Because Goebells croaked, but we still have to listen to Bloomberg and his patsies prattle on about how unsafe guns are. Ever heard of SAAMI, drop tests, safety training? If he admitted such things exist, his arguments would blow away as so much dust in the wind.


Where's the Editor?? Where are the articles? :: 10/24/2013

Your fearless editorial staff has finally gotten the flood damage repaired from July 10th, and is moving furniture back into his newly renovated family room. I've got a backlog of commentary, articles, and opinion that I'll be trying to get to early next week. School Board elections in Bethel Park are coming up (don't fail to vote, wherever you live, on November 5th), and you humble editor is making a run at School Director, too.


Why won't the Supremes directly address the Second Amendment? :: 10/17/2013

Constitution Check: Is the Supreme Court only willing to work at the fringes of the Second Amendment?


Feinstein commits a criminal offense to further an anti gun agenda. Really? :: 10/15/2013

Yes, really, and this is in the Washington Times! Imagine that, Diane Feinstein commits a criminal act in her quest to make us all criminals, AND the D.C. Police Chief covers her wrinkled behind? We're not surprised, but we're sure not happy.


Note to the American Medical Association--prove it! :: 10/15/2013

In typical fashion, the Journal of American Medical Association comes up with a passionate argument to disarm us, but can't back it up with facts. Surprised? Neither are we.


Final Notice-Don't Mess with Vets :: 10/15/2013

We, your humble scribe included, are the 1%. The one percent who put on the uniform, took up arms, and fought, and bled, and yes, some of us died to preserve the right to peacefully assemble. Bloomberg's thugs couldn't accommodate an extension of the curfew past 10 P.M.? What kind of jackass treats our military in this way? Hmm, we almost forgot about the Barry-cades around the WWII Memorial. Here's a final notice to those who would like to tangle with our Veterans. Don't!


Gun Bash Fall 2013 Winners :: 10/15/2013

Here is a list of the main entry ticket winners from our Gun Bash held on 12 October. Hope to see you all there on March 29, 2014. Congratulations to our winners, and thank you for supporting Firearms Owners Against Crime in our fight to advance YOUR rights.


Obama closed the WWII Memorial :: 10/14/2013

Certainly, the POTUS has lost Harry Truman's desktop sign that reads "The buck stops here." While the current inhabitant of the White House, the Commander in Chief (what a ghastly thought) won't admit it, HE, Barrack Hussein Obama shut down something that doesn't belong to him. We the People own it. The WWII Memorial was reopened yesterday. Not by executive order, not by a Congress that's hell bent on proving some asinine point, no---it was reopened by Veterans of many Wars. The barricades were taken down and cast aside in a pile, giving unfettered access to the Memorial. Listen up, Mr. President. If there is one group you don't want to mess with, it is us, the United States Veteran.


Brian Aitken: My Life as a Convicted Gun Offender Who Did Nothing Wrong :: 10/13/2013

At 6 AM, the sky outside my apartment is still purple-black. It’s too early. I stagger out of bed and stand under a scalding jet of water in the shower, trying to remember where I’ve been, where I am, and where I need to be. Oklahoma. Austin. Houston. In less than eight hours I have to climb a stage and tell a roomful of strangers my story. As far as stories go, it’s pretty interesting, I guess. It’s got thrills, heartbreak, what technically counts as crime, and even a little bit of vindication. But telling it wears me out. Living through it was more than enough.


D.C., Philly Top Cops, Senate Sergeant at Arms implicated in conspiracy to illegally provide Democratic Senator "assault weapons" for P.R. stunt :: 10/09/2013

Pro-gun confiscation Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has managed to land Chief Cathy Lanier of the Metropolitan Police Department in a criminal scandal. Lanier conspired with D.C. and Philadelphia Police to provide Feinstein with weapons in blatant disregard of the city’s draconian gun laws.


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