PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

Latest News

Never Again! Never, not Ever. :: 08/25/2013
This video from 60 minutes dates back to 2007, but its important to watch it, and share with our brothers and sisters at JPFO the refrain--"Never Again" It's 15 minutes that should make you think back to the 1940's. What does Freedom mean to you?
Dead Souls of a Cultural Revolution :: 08/25/2013
Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.
Now here's a real defense against mass murderers in our Gun Free School Zones! :: 08/23/2013
We couldn't make this up, so we borrowed it from a trusted source. http://www.examiner.com/article/bulletproof-whiteboards-a-comic-book-denial-of-gun-free-zone-realities You simply have to read the commentary, and some of the questions posed by the half wits who are going to spend 60 grand for these anti-shooter devices. Good Lord, even at a grand a pop you could arm and train 60 teachers would could put up a REAL defense of our children. We don't think we really understood the words "in denial" until we read this gem.
WVCDL-Our brothers and sisters in West Virginia :: 08/22/2013
WVCDL has similar issues, but they also have Manchin :( Please support them if your schedule allows.
Not Backing Down anti gun rally-Part 2 :: 08/22/2013
From our folks on scene. There appeared to be something on the order of 25 or less Obama supporters in front of Rep. Murphy's office yesterday, ranting about gun control, but offering little in the way of facts.Here is a report from Mt. Lebanon from one our members:"Several FOAC activists went to US Rep Murphy's office on Washington Rd in Mt. Lebanon and discussed the 2nd Amendment with "gun control" activists, most of which were polite except for a raving nut who was from Australia( claimed to be an American citizen) and had BS talking points. To our amazement, they also appeared to actually support Obama (see signs) !!!! A young Cease Fire Pa. woman, who admitted to being paid to be there, had a discussion with me, but had to leave abruptly once I showed her a copy of Article 1 Section 21 of the Pa Constitution ! :-)
Bloomberg vs. Free at Last.com :: 08/22/2013
We've often opined that gun control is racism in its worst and most evil form. Please watch this video. It shows the rantings of new Napoleon, bent on destroying the Constitution, quickly followed by a man of color who admonishes all of us to rise up to the challenges of the Nanny State. Its absolutely worth a look.
Gun Crime 'Out of Control' Despite Strict Australia Laws :: 08/21/2013
As former Australian politician Tim Fischer turns the shooting of Christopher Lane into an opportunity to push a travel boycott until the U.S. changes its gun laws, police in Sydney launched “a new plan to tackle out-of-control gun violence” there.
Not Backing Down Counter Protest :: 08/20/2013
A demonstration is being held at Congressman Tim Murphy's office in Mt. Lebanon tomorrow (Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 12:00pm). This demonstration is being called the 'Not Backing Down -- Action Event'. The intent is to support comprehensive gun reforms which they believe will reduce gun violence.
First (?) successful use of Castle Doctrine :: 08/20/2013
Of course we all know that a case in Westmoreland County never made it past the magistrate. DA Peck would have had his arse handed to him. The article we found says that Fisher's case is the first one supported by Castle.
The "debate" continues! :: 08/19/2013
This article was published over 3 years ago. Its worth a look to see that the same arguments against private ownership of firearms, and against concealed carry are still being presented by the same dullards who refuse to acknowledge that more guns in the hands of more honest citizens equals less crime. Click on the hyperlink. What do you think about more armed citizens?
Keep an eye on New Jersey. :: 08/19/2013
On the surface, Governor Christie's actions in exercising his veto power appear to be remarkable, given New Jersey's penchant for draconian gun control. What the article doesn't address is incremental gun control, as he did not veto the ENTIRE bill. Nor did Christie put any pressure on lawmakers to do away with schemes introduced by Lautenberg, Corzine, and others before them. While there is good news in this article, there are still dark clouds hanging over New Jersey residents, and visitors to New Jersey. You read it, you decide. Until New Jersey recognizes that good people have an unfettered right to defend themselves, posturing like this is practically meaningless.
Where have we been? :: 08/19/2013
We're still here, but your editor has just purchased a new computer, and is waiting for the install keys from the manufacturer in order to continue posting articles. We're also working on a marvelous new tool to keep you informed, and with luck and hard work, we'll be rolling it out on Sunday. Please stay on this page for more about our new way of communicating with you.
Pennsylvania is Gun Friendly? Maybe not so much as you might think. :: 08/15/2013
Guns and Ammo does a credible job ranking States as gun friendly, or not so much. We came in 20th, and we have the Legislature in place to become number ONE in a big hurry.
Sorry Bloomberg, your money doesn't give you a right to suspend the 4th Amendment :: 08/13/2013
Bloomberg, one of our favorite persons to write about, has more detractors than he thinks. The courts have spoken. Sorry, Bloomey, but even your money doesn't trump the United States Constitution.In typical arrogant fashion, he says he'll appeal, even though he won't be Mayor by the time the appeal is thrown back in his face.
Republicans Simply MUST band together. :: 08/12/2013
A War Worth Fighting: Rand Paul and Chris Christie
On Arming School Security Guards, Part 2 :: 08/12/2013
From Rasmussen Polls: And do YOUthink teachers armed with a point and click mouse are better equipped to protect YOUR child than an armed teacher?
"How to" Guide to demonize guns and gun owners :: 08/12/2013
Holy Mackerel! Now they've come out with an actual manual on how to take advantage of a murderer's rampage to demonize guns and gun owners. And YOU thought the opposition wasn't organized? WE need to become more active---much more active.
Council on Foreign Relations pushes executive gun controls--smells like Bloomberg to us! :: 08/12/2013
Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) says YOU (and us) are responsible for all of the ills in Central and South America. You should be ashamed. Please be certain to read this article on an empty stomach. We're not responsible for you retching all over your laptop.
On safe students, armed teachers, and rock headed Attorneys General :: 08/09/2013
We're of the opinion that it should never be the Attorney General's role, whether at Federal or State levels, to make law. We're also of the opinion that when an Attorney General makes a rock-head decision, we're not bound to follow their suggestions. We're really happy to see that folks in the Clarksville Schools in Arkansas think just as we do. Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel recently issued an advisory opinion to Clarksville schools instructing them to abandon plans to let teachers and staff volunteer to carry weapons on school grounds. Here is the reaction by the Clarksville School District. I hope the movement catches on here in Pennsylvania.
Dumb Criminal of the Year-1990 :: 08/09/2013
From another board we peek at from time to time (USA Carry): (in the interest of fairness to the dearly departed, this happened in 1990, but we're told that criminals aren't getting any smarter. Here's a link to the original article.)
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