PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

Latest News

HB 357 isn't going anywhere? Take a look at some other States response to intrusive Federal Laws. :: 06/21/2013
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - Imagine the scenario: A federal agent attempts to arrest someone for illegally selling a machine gun. Instead, the federal agent is arrested - charged in a state court with the crime of enforcing federal gun laws.
Erie County Judge apparently has never read the PA Constitution. :: 06/21/2013
Judge denies injunction request from gun-rights activist By KEVIN FLOWERS, Erie Times-News kevin.flowers×news.com
Boston Bomber and Cop Killer bought his gun legally? Not so fast. :: 06/21/2013
Did Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev steal the gun used to kill police officer Sean Collier from victims of 2011 triple homicide?
Bloomberg and MAIG screw up again. Or would that be "still"? :: 06/21/2013
Besides having criminals as members of MAIG, Bloomberg's bunch of lunatics paint the Boston Bomber as a gun victim. Pretty much par for the course. As we have said before, keep screwing up, Bloomberg, and we'll call you out every time.
We have a problem with Zero Tolerance in our schools---again! :: 06/19/2013
You know they used to suspend the student and then have a parent teacher conference to talk it out first, not call in the police to enforce the schools will to obey our authority no matter what. http://news.yahoo.com/14-old-kid-arrested-over-pro-nra-shirt-071819724.html
Stopping a carjacker with a 4000 pounder. Apparently it works as well as .45 :: 06/17/2013
Getting between a mother and her children, no matter how whacked out you might be, is a really bad lifestyle choice. Remember her words well: "I didn't mean to run him over...." You gotta love this gal. Even the liberal media is painting her as a hero. By the way, given the choice between a 230 grain projectile, and a two ton minivan, use the minivan. Its less paperwork.
Remember the inbred red-neck who sent Ricin laced letters to Bloomberg in New York, and MAIG offices? Not so fast, there! :: 06/17/2013
Gee, it would appear that the mainstream media forgot to tell us about this strange turn of events.
Chicago Gun Control still doesn't work. Send a memo to Rahm Emanuel. :: 06/17/2013
Slaughter in Gun Control Chicago Katie Pavlich Jun 17, 2013
Who do YOU trust? Good grief, this is worse than Nixon's "I'm not a crook" claim. :: 06/16/2013
Some folks think Big Government is running rampant. Obama does not. You read and decide for yourself.
Ammo-One Guy's Opinion, and I think he is incorrect. :: 06/16/2013
The Old Gunhand is entitled to his opinion, but completely discounting the billions of rounds on order from DHS, IRS, and nearly every other alphabet agency doesn't work for me. Here's the Old Gunhand's opinion. I think he missed the point of intrusive Government driving up costs and killing availability.
Wait a minute, its O.K. for the Government to deny a basic right using criminal background checks, but its NOT O.K. for employers??? :: 06/16/2013
Murders are rampant in New York after Cuomo's new gun laws? I'm shocked (NOT!) :: 06/16/2013
AUTHOR Warner Todd Huston
Are the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence guilty of treason? :: 06/14/2013
Sipsey Street Irregulars 0 Email Policy & Issues newsletter Last December, as advocates of "gun control" were gearing up their campaign to exploit the murdered children in furtherance of their forcible citizen disarmament agenda, Stewart Rhodes, founder and president of the Oath Keepers, wrote an important piece articulating his commitment to a personal stand against citizen disarmament, particularly attempts to strip Americans of detachable magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifles (so-called "assault weapons").
Zero Tolerance is Ridiculous, especially for a 7 year old with a Pop-tart :: 06/13/2013
I could see the fuss if the kid had brought a pop-gun to school, and received a stern warning, and his parents were called in to see the Principal, but honestly, a Pop-Tart????
Letters to the Editor by our VP :: 06/12/2013
Our own Dan Campbell, Vice President of FOAC has written a letter to the editor which has been published on the TribLive website. Visit, comment, share... SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!
Media, Rights and Hypocrisy :: 06/12/2013
The news stories "Freedom key to watchdog role, experts say" and "Controversies over journalist phone records reignite calls for federal media shield law" (both June 2 and TribLIVE.com ) highlight the hypocrisy of major liberal media, specifically The Associated Press, when government "abridges" their constitutional rights, specifically the First Amendment's freedom of the press.
Recidivism and Juvenille Offenders :: 06/11/2013
The Commonwealth has released
FBI statistics show----------- that more than 73 million background checks for gun purchases have been made since Barack Obama assumed the presidency in January 2009. And they've increased markedly each year he's been in office. Gee, wonder why. Ahem. ...
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. :: 06/11/2013
There has, of late, been a great cry from the illuminati that the police will protect us. Please carefully read this article. It makes much ado about the shooter having 1300 rounds of ammunition in a carry bag, but gives little credence to the "the cops are here to protect us. Put down your arms" crowd. Santa Monica is not some small town in the middle of nowhere, and the police took--------10 MINUTES---------to respond. If you really think that your best option for self defense is an armed police officer, read the article again and again and think what could have happened in 10 MINUTES!
Why we ELECT sheriffs in Pennsylvania! :: 06/08/2013
If you live in Luzerne County, your attempt to lawfully own a NFA Class III firearm is under attack by an APPOINTEE. That's just plain wrong.
13576 Total News Items