PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

Latest News

Tyrants in D.C.? :: 06/08/2013
Are there tyrants in D.C., or just some folks hoping that by painting all of us with same broad brush, they will escape scrutiny?
Mullen cries for money. What happened to the $5.00 surcharge? :: 06/08/2013
I'm asking you to carefully weigh this article. For several years, every application for a License to Carry Firearms carried a 5 dollar surcharge. Sheriff Mullen, by his own admission, is violating Commonwealth statute. Remember, a right delayed is a right denied. NOW do you see why we need to push for Constitutional Carry?
Ten Surprising Findings From a New Report on Gun Violence :: 06/06/2013
Surprising findings from a comprehensive report on gun violence.
Your guns are the next ones to get grabbed. :: 06/01/2013
When I was in college, a professor told me that a principle rule of business is YCDBSOYA--You Can't Do Business Sitting on Your Ankles (you might pick a different body part). What, you were going to wait until your trap gun gets registered before you got involved?
Just Say NO to New Jersey :: 05/29/2013
Spread the word to every gun owner you know. Let the Jersey Shore and the Atlantic City casino industry dry up and blow away. No guns, no money. And where, or where is Gov. Chris Christie? He sure isn't very forthcoming with a pardon for this poor guy. And YOU thought it was safe to transport firearms across state lines?
Memorial Day :: 05/26/2013
We kindred spirits, We the People who champion Freedom, who love Liberty, and for some of us, swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. We served, we fought, we bled, and many of us left good friends behind. On Memorial Day, many folks will simply have another three day weekend, replete with frosty beverages, cookouts, and the company of friends.
House Bill 357 and the "Supremacy Clause" :: 05/24/2013
and our independence from the tyrannical monarchy of Great Britain. The 'socially disgruntled' that you referenced in your letter also includes many of America's great leaders, such as the authors of the Virginia and Kentucky
voter guides :: 05/20/2013
With more guns, there should be more gun crime, right? Duh, there's been a 49% drop since 1993 :: 05/16/2013
Dear Readers--there is a TON of information that is valuable in this report. Incredibly, as this nation has armed itself to the teeth, gun homicides are down 49% from 1993. Could it be that the bad guys have gotten the message "We're tired of dialing 911. That's simply Government sponsored dial-a-prayer. We're sick of being victims. Threaten us with bodily harm or death, and you will be shot right now, not when the cavalry arrives."
Where's the Editor?? :: 05/14/2013
I want to publicly apologize to the folks who rely on this site for information and articles. I have been derelict in my duties as editor, and while I have plenty of excuses, I'll try to get back in the saddle shortly. As those of you who live in Bethel Park know, I'm running for School Director with Pam Dobos, Steve Hussar, and Tom Majernick. There are a lot of issues, not the least of which is school safety, that we'll have to address when we're elected. If you're on my Facebook page, you know that my sweetie is going to have her gall bladder removed most riki-tik, and that trumps everything. Please keep her in your prayers.
Where IS the gun "problem"? :: 05/07/2013
Its probably not in the suburbs, or on farms, or in thinly populated States. As you might have guessed, where there is massive and draconian gun control, there is gun crime. I know that's counterintuitive, and the gun grabbers don't want you to know it. Read on to see some real statistics that really have Democrats in big cities upset. Its obvious, but taking our guns isn't going to cure inner city violence.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics :: 05/07/2013
Some folks will go to any lengths to convince you that guns are evil. In the following article you're going to read about the "many" youths who have suicidal thoughts and access to firearms. Read a little further, and you'll see that this "startling" article proposes that a sample size of 151 children, FOUR of whom answered in the affirmative, represents a National crisis. As Mark Twain said, there are Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics. You might also note that the definition of "children" now extends to age 24! I've highlighted a few key numbers in yellow for you.
Kim Stolfer's Story on Hannity TODAY & 3pm! :: 05/03/2013
Yup, you heard that right. Rose Tennent from the Quinn & Rose radio show broadcast out of Pittsburgh, PA on 104.7 will be filling in for Sean Hannity's radio show today starting & 3:00pm.
After Crushing Defeat, Obama and Gun Grabbers to Revive Effort :: 05/02/2013
After Obama-backed legislation imposing more infringements on the right to keep and bear arms suffered a crushing defeat in the U.S. Senate despite shrill media hysteria and the trumpeting of bogus polls, the president and anti-Second Amendment lawmakers are quietly working to revive the controversial push for gun control.
Toomey Damage Control :: 04/30/2013
I, and many of you, have no doubt received a letter in response to your complaints to Senator Toomey. Here's his response, in full. My comments are highlighted in yellow. This is pure damage control, and Toomey has said, as recently as yesterday that the Senate has voted, and this issue is done. Senator Manchin, on the other hand, just won't let go. Please read, and see where I'm calling Senator Toomey on parts of his answer. Please make note that this editorial is my own personal opinion, and does not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Directors of Firearm Owners Against Crime, or any affiliated organizations.
Illigitimae Non Carborundum :: 04/28/2013
Loosely translated from Latin, the phrase means "Don't Let the Bastards Wear you Down". Its time to jump on our Congress Critters again. The willful violation of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, and the mis-use of executive privilege by the President cannot be tolerated.
Arkansas To Become Fifth State with Constitutional Carry :: 04/26/2013
In July of this year, Arkansas will become the fifth state in the United States to allow Constitutional carry. Act 746, which was sponsored by Representative Denny Altes of Fort Smith, cruised through the state government with only one “nay” vote in the legislature and it received Governor Mike Beebe’s signature on April 4th.
House Bill 357 gains momentum :: 04/24/2013
PLEASE read this. I was in Daryl Metcalfe's office yesterday when thousands of signatures were brought to him on a petition to advance HB 357. Do NOT stop calling YOUR rep, and forcing this bill out of committee and onto the House Floor.
So, how did our members respond to Toomey? Here's one guy's response, and I think it echoes all of our thoughts. :: 04/20/2013
Not everybody got a quote in the news, but our own Tim Sorady did.
Bloomberg Shills attempting to make Pro-Gun folks look like fools. :: 04/17/2013
Here's an article from GunsAmerica, and it really makes sense. Be careful what you read, believe, and pass along. The anti-gunners will stoop lower than we can believe to advance their anti-Freedom stance.
13576 Total News Items