PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

Latest News

Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting. Self defense if YOUR right, and its absolute. :: 03/22/2013
New York Student Uses AR-15 to Stop Home Invasion
Got a Smart Phone? Find the Victim Disarmament Zones near you. :: 03/22/2013
New app for your smart phone.
Harry Reid, Sure you can count on him to protect your rights. :: 03/22/2013
Harry Reid Will Introduce 'Universal Background Checks' in Gun Control Bill
Home Raided over a PHOTOGRAPH??? :: 03/21/2013
A New Jersey firearms instructor posted a photo of his 11 year old son holding a .22 rifle after the boy completed the state hunter safety course and the result was a police raid.
The Epic Gun Control Testimony You've Been Waiting For: 'The Constitution Did Not Guarantee Public Safety, It Guaranteed Liberty' :: 03/21/2013
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After the December mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., several Democrats advocating for stricter gun-control laws — including a law requiring universal background checks for gun purchases — took to using this talking point to support their case. In a Jan. 16 speech on gun violence, President Barack Obama, for example, claimed that “as many as 40 percent of all gun purchases are conducted without a background check.” The president’s gun-control plan, “Now Is The Time,” also says that “studies estimate that nearly 40 percent of all gun sales are made by private sellers who are exempt from this requirement.”
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Feinstein, if she knew anything about guns, would be dangerous. :: 03/17/2013
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If you're angry with your wife... :: 03/17/2013
...and you want to throw your wedding ring at her, remove it from your finger carefully, please!
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He pushed Health Control. Is gun control next? :: 03/15/2013
It is time to commit one way or the other: capitulation to a dysfunctional, deviant, totalitarian America, or a life-or-death fight for our liberty. ITS NOT GUN CONTROL, ITS PEOPLE CONTROL!
So, you think Registration won't lead to Confiscation here in the USA? :: 03/13/2013
C'mon, Obama's not after your guns. You're paranoid. You have Second Amendment protections. We're not after law-abiding citizens guns. We only want reasonable gun laws? Are you tired of hearing the same old ------ stuff. Check this article out. The Peoples Republik of California strikes again.
SB 374-Schumer-United States Senate-Possibly the most draconian bill ever. :: 03/13/2013
We Have Language for S. 374, the Transfer Ban
Veterans Administration tells New York's Cuomo "No Way" on mental health records :: 03/13/2013
From the Associated Press
Department of Homeland Security Backdoor Deal on Gun Registration :: 03/12/2013
Thanx to Mike Christenson for finding this obscure news from Missouri. If the Philly caucus ever gains strength, we're going to face the same threats. You must FIGHT for your rights. See you in Harrisburg on the 23rd of April
A LEGAL immigrant, an American by Choice, expresses his thoughts on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms :: 03/11/2013
In recent hearings, a man who CHOSE America speaks out on Freedom and Personal Liberty. Its a video worth watching.
Harrisburg Rally-You Simply MUST be there! :: 03/11/2013
Please get your reservations for the bus at once. Roger Kronz is our point of contact. Here's how to make your reservation. Mark the date--23 April 2013
Law Enforcement and Joe Biden Give Awful Advice! :: 03/08/2013
"You are on your own!" Listen to this 8 minute video. Thankfully, here in the Keystone State, we KNOW we're responsible for our own safety. The advice from some law enforcement officers, and Vice Pres. Joe Biden, will shock you. Towards the end, the Sherrif of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, has his own take on personal protection. He should tour the country with HIS message. http://patriotoutdoornews.com/5759/video-youre-on-your-own
13576 Total News Items