proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB319

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.

Description: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 24, 2025

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MSNBC's Alex Wagner Grouses That Americans Are Too Pro-Gun, As Opposed to 'Intelligent' Brits :: 11/18/2011

Brand new MSNBC host and Second Amendment critic Alex Wagner devoted a segment of her November 15 Now with Alex Wagner program to express her exasperation at the fact that she's far left of the American public on the issue of gun control. Wagner prefaced a panel discussion with footage of an ABC News interview with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was critically injured in a January shooting.


Members of Congress hold Holder's feet to fire over 'blasé' attitude toward murdered Border Patrol agent :: 11/17/2011

Florida Republican Rep. Allen West said it was "reprehensible" for Attorney General Eric Holder to leak to the press his long-overdue apology letter to slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's family before Terry's mother had read it.


Victory for Self Defense :: 11/17/2011

U.S. House of Representatives Passes H.R. 822


GOP seeks to expand right-to-carry :: 10/27/2011

WASHINGTON - In the latest skirmish over guns, House Republicans on Tuesday advanced a bill that would expand the rights of concealed firearms permit-holders, allowing them to carry hidden weapons in any state that issues permits.


Justice Department Proposes Letting Government Deny Existence of Sensitive Documents :: 10/27/2011

A longtime internal policy that allowed Justice Department officials to deny the existence of sensitive information could become the law of the land -- in effect a license to lie -- if a newly proposed rule becomes federal regulation in the coming weeks.


Record-Low 26% in U.S. Favor Handgun Ban :: 10/27/2011

Support for stricter gun laws in general is lowest Gallup has measured


Napolitano Grilled Over 'Fast and Furious,' Likens Hearing to Cross Examination :: 10/27/2011

House Republicans on Wednesday turned their sharp questioning over "Operation Fast and Furious" toward Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano , who acknowledged her agents were twice told to "stand down" in deference to what she called a "very troublesome" operation.


Bill to end long-gun registry will destroy data already collected :: 10/27/2011

OTTAWA-Prime Minister Stephen Harper has acted to kill any attempt by a provincial or future federal government to recreate the doomed long-gun registry.


Crime and Courts: Permit holders from 25 states (PA Included) will be able to carry guns in Wisconsin :: 10/26/2011

Gun owners with concealed carry permits from 25 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will be allowed to carry their weapons in Wisconsin when the state's law legalizing concealed weapons goes into effect on Nov. 1.


A long time coming-Canada Scrapping Long Gun Registry :: 10/26/2011

As Solomon Friedman sees it, the history of Canadian gun-control laws amounts to "a slow, creeping process of criminalizing law-abiding members of the public."


Gun smuggling sting nabs 5 NYPD cops :: 10/26/2011

NEW YORK - A sting operation resulted in the arrests of 12 people, including five New York Police Department officers, on charges that they smuggled $1 million worth of firearms, cigarettes and slot machines they thought were stolen, authorities said Tuesday.


Cornyn urging wider probe of 'Fast and Furious' :: 10/26/2011

Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Darrell E. Issa on Monday to expand their formal "Fast and Furious" investigation to include accusations that similar gunrunning probes took place in Texas.


Obama admin weak on gun prosecutions, report shows :: 10/25/2011

While the Obama administration has been furiously defending its scandalous gun trafficking sting operation called Fast and Furious, an independent tracking effort by Syracuse University has revealed that Eric Holder's Justice Department is prosecuting fewer federal gun crimes this year than the Bush administration was pursuing in 2005.


Breaking news--ATF 'prior knowledge' of cash in pipeline for Gunwalker plot :: 10/22/2011

In a breaking news story reported today it was revealed that the ATF--the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives--had prior knowledge that cash was in the pipeline, multi-thousands of dollars from taxpayers, for the Gunwalker scheme known as 'Operation Fast and Furious.'


U.S. Rep to U.N. Says Obama Wants Senate to Ratify Arms Treaty :: 10/20/2011

BELLEVUE, Wash., Oct. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Obama administration "is seeking advice and consent" for Senate ratification of an international small arms treaty, and also supports the inclusion of small arms in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms learned today.


In Holder Subpoena, Issa Also Probes White House Press Aide :: 10/20/2011

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) made headlines this week by issuing a subpoena for documents from Attorney General Eric Holder about a botched weapons investigation, but Holder is apparently not Issa's only target.


Documents Suggest Holder Knew About 'Fast and Furious' Earlier Than He Claimed :: 10/04/2011

For the first time, documents appear to show Attorney General Eric Holder was made aware of the Operation Fast and Furious earlier than he claimed -- up to nine months earlier.


Media Silence Is Deafening About Important Gun News :: 10/01/2011

Murder and violent crime rates were supposed to soar after the Supreme Court struck down gun control laws in Chicago and Washington, D.C.


Letter implicates ATF in committing straw purchases for Gunwalker :: 09/27/2011

A Gun Rights Examiner/Sipsey Street Irregulars exclusive


Activists want bullets to carry bar codes :: 09/27/2011

Yvonne Carrington Payne and Carolyn Funches have cooked Thanksgiving dinners for the homeless, raised money for needy families, and set up a shelter for battered women.


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