proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 22, 2025

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Don't Make Brazil's Gun Rights Loss Be America's Future :: 06/09/2011

I am a loyal reader of Guns & Patriots every week living in Brazil. As I watch what is happening in America, I am compelled to reach out my friends in America to share my story.


Tea Party Express preemptively surrenders gun rights to RINOs :: 06/09/2011

"The Tea Party will support whoever wins the GOP presidential nomination - - even if that person is former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney," Fox News reports . "That's the affirmative word from Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer."


Sipsey Street Exclusive: Gunwalker Scandal hearings to proceed in 3 phases."Eric Holder is toast. If he stays out of federal prison I'll be surprised" :: 06/09/2011

There's been a lot of scrambling this weekend behind the scenes at the Gunwalker Corral, especially since Congressman Issa's FOX interview. I just confirmed with a second source this morning that the hearings promised by Issa are planned to proceed in phases. This, it was explained to me, is necessitated by the continuing stonewall of the Obama administration. "They're going to go with with they've got or they'll be waiting for documents until Hell freezes over. They've figured out what the rest of us knew all along -- that the only way to break the cover-up is under oath."


Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious :: 06/09/2011

The Obama Justice Department has been stonewalling Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa for months over an investigation into the lethal Operation Fast and Furious even after a subpeona was issued, but Issa isn't playing softball.


Issa releases witness list for first 'Gunwalker' hearing :: 06/09/2011

"Operation Fast and Furious Hearing to be Held June 13th," a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform press release issued today declares. The title of the hearing is "Obstruction of Justice: Does the Justice Department Have to Respond to a Lawfully Issued and Valid Congressional Subpoena?" and it will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday in the Rayburn House Office Building.


Confirmed: Mexican military helicopter was shot down with 'gunwalked' rifle :: 06/09/2011

Last Tuesday, Sipsey Street Irregular Mike Vanderboegh (and also Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman ) speculated on rumors that a drug trafficking syndicate's .50 caliber rifle that forced a Mexican military helicopter into an emergency landing was a "Project Gunwalker" gun. Mr. Vanderboegh was quoting forum member who posts under the name "Epic Failure" (emphasis added):


Washington D.C. - gun free zones and corruption :: 06/09/2011

CHEYENNE--Washington D.C. is one of the premier gun free zones in America. By contrast this is also the roost of our elected officials that take an oath to protect our rights enumerated in the Constitution.


Negligent Discharges Kill 90 U.S. Soldiers in Iraq :: 06/09/2011

The average police officer's firearm handling, safety and shooting skills are poor. Sadly, the news carries all the examples of this you'd ever want to read about. But you can almost understand it, given the infrequency with which the average cop has to use his weapon. Not that it's an excuse. If you're entrusted to protect the public and given a firearm as one of your tools for the job, you damned well ought to know how to use it as effectively and safely as possible. So when looking at the military, I would expect - as someone who's never been there - that the extensive drills and training would result in a significantly more stringent culture of firearms safety. It turns out I'd be sorely mistaken...


The U.N. Small Arms Treaty is Not A Gun-Grabbing Conspiracy :: 06/09/2011

It's been a while since TTAG attempted to dispel fears about the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. As we've said on numerous occasions (enter "treaty" in the home page search box), the U.N. Small Arms Treaty is about regulating inter-governmental sales of small arms; to get the rest of the world to sign up to the same controls that the United States uses currently (e.g. end user certificates). It's a shame the U.N. is about as transparent a granite wall; the lack of a draft accord has allowed the GG-RAN (Gun Grabbing Red Alert Network) to run wild with rumors of U.N. storm troopers showing up at American gun owners' doors to prize weapons from their [soon-to-be] cold, dead hands. A Forbes article entitled U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up in Arms has reignited these rumors


Brady Center sues Florida governor over new law banning doctors from asking about guns in home :: 06/09/2011

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence is suing to overturn Florida's new law that bans doctors from asking patients about gun ownership.


Terrorists prefer Americans unarmed, just as the 'gun control' lobby does :: 06/09/2011

The forcible citizen disarmament lobby is positively giddy today, over having found a new ally--someone else who wants guns to be more difficult for Americans to obtain, and available (legally) to fewer of us. Who is this ally? A kind, peace-loving soul, who is horrified by the "gun violence" in the U.S.?


Detroit Concealed Weapons Permit Teacher's IHOP Boycott Site Nets 800th Supporter :: 06/09/2011

Online PR News - 07-June-2011 -The "Boycott The Detroit IHOP - Crime Empowerment Zone" Page, an anti-IHOP presence on social media giant Facebook has just netted its 800th supporter. The boycott site was created by a local Michigan Concealed Weapons Class Teacher, Rick Ector, in response to that local restaurant's active ban on the possession of all legally carried firearms - openly carried or lawfully concealed carried with a state of Michigan Concealed Weapons Permit.


Al-Qaeda Boosts Bloomberg's Antigun Campaign :: 06/09/2011

Things you need to know about American al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, or, as I like to call him, Azzam al-Berkeley: He's a bratty California kid, offspring of hippie parents , and steeped in the deeply ignorant suburban pop anti-Americanism that fuels protests against World Trade Organization meetings and the like. He is, like practically all of his kind, not too terribly well informed.


NSFW: Why We Need the Second Amendment: Anti-Corruption Edition :: 06/09/2011

Take a look at the image after the jump. [Warning: graphic] Notice that the man on the left's missing his right foot. Note the billboard in the background; the men were hung from a highway overpass in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Resist the urge to dismiss this carnage as collateral damage in the ongoing Mexican drug cartel turf wars. Instead, clock this from : "At around six in the morning, motorists circulating about Gonzalitos Avenue observed a group of armed men. They hung two bodies at the same bridge where they hanged La Pelirroja . . .


CDC Misrepresents Their Crime Data to Promote Gun Control :: 06/09/2011

In a new report, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) attempted to link firearms with violence, especially against children. The authors wrote : "Gun violence historically has been a problem in cities, and youths have been affected disproportionately."


America safer today than it has been for past 40 yearsViolent crime has fallen to its lowest level in 40 years. :: 06/06/2011

America is a safer place. According to The New York Times, "the odds of being murdered or robbed [in the United States] are now less than half of what they were in the early 1990s."


Stamp of disapproval--Proposed law for gunmakers misses target :: 06/06/2011

When I travel throughout Upstate New York, I routinely visit businesses - some of which had been founded near the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.


Time to target illegal firearms :: 06/06/2011

IT WAS in Austin, Texas, that I once visited a gun fair displaying sufficient weaponry to stage a medium-sized war and all for sale to those citizens claiming their constitutional right to bear arms.


We can't ignore source of weapons :: 06/06/2011

Most recently a teenager's body is found - apparently executed by multiple gunshots - dumped at the Natchez City Cemetery.


NYPD Collects Hundreds Of Guns, Including This Uzi, At Bronx Gun Buyback :: 06/06/2011

Yesterday, the NYPD held a gun buyback at three locations in the Bronx, offering $200 (for handguns) or $20 (for rifles and shotguns) bank cards in exchange for weapons, and collected hundreds of guns . Including an Uzi submachine gun.


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