proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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Background Check Bill Provision Would Pair AG With Gun Control Group :: 03/11/2021

Right now, there’s a lot of gun control bills flying around. So many, in fact, that is not difficult to miss something in all the comings and goings. Plus, frankly, legislation is written in language that makes most people’s eyes glaze over. It’s not exactly entertainment, even for people who like to read and like politics.


House Passes Pair Of Biden-Approved Gun Control Bills :: 03/11/2021

There wasn’t much suspense in the House chamber today as Democrats advanced the first two pieces of Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda along a mostly party-line vote, but the prospects of passage in the U.S. Senate will likely provide much more drama in the days and weeks ahead.


Guns are Not a Disease :: 03/10/2021

Politicians who don’t believe you should have Second Amendment rights have often tried to hide their gun-control laws in arguments for “public health.” The idea is to turn a matter of elementary liberty into a crisis that mandates instant action. Joe Biden has been loudly signaling that he plans to do this about guns, and the mainstream media is already obediently playing along.


How Gun Control Moves Women's Rights Backwards :: 03/10/2021

2020 marked what many may call, “The Year Of The Woman,” but as we move into 2021, that concept is actually fleeting, especially during Women’s History Month.


Massachusetts Gun Law Fail Shows Folly Of Universal Background Checks :: 03/10/2021

Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the Union. With provisions in their law like requiring a Firearms Identification card or License to Carry in order to purchase and possess a gun, it’s baffling how there are any illegal firearms at all. Massachusetts also has restrictions on so called “assault rifles” and “high capacity magazines”.


The Moronic Myths Of Microstamping :: 03/10/2021

Microstamping has reared up as gun control schemers elevate it as a sophisticated means of “gun safety,” a sly euphemism for gun control. Proponents of the unworkable, unreliable and ineffective concept keep their heads in the sand regarding the feasibility of microstamping mandates because they can’t face the truth. It doesn’t work.


Biased Press Echoes Political Spin and Ignores Results of Gun Control :: 03/09/2021

U.S.A.– -( Politicians say one thing and do another. They give us their best smile as they claim that up is down. A skeptical press is supposed to ask tough questions and see through the politician’s spin. Reporters are supposed to get at the truth even if it is uncomfortable. I suspect it is easier to make a politician uncomfortable than for reporters to question their own beliefs. Gun control legislation is a sad example where both the politicians and the media are spinning the truth. Unfortunately, we see that happen from coast to coast and in-between. Since the mainstream press won’t do it, it is up to us to separate the grain of truth from the flood of political spin. Here are a few examples of the work the news media failed to do.


Democrats' Approach To Crime At Odds With Gun Control Push :: 03/09/2021

Democrats in the U.S. House are expected to advance two gun control measures on Wednesday, both of which are aimed at legal gun owners and gun sellers and impose criminal sanctions for gun transfers that take place without the express permission of the federal government. Under the Democrats’ universal background check bill, for instance, someone could face up to a year in federal prison simply for loaning a gun to her neighbor so she could protect herself if her abusive ex suddenly showed up at her home.


Does Constitutional Carry Imply Reciprocity With Other States Permits? :: 03/09/2021

U.S.A. –-( Constitutional Carry has become a mainstream movement. The term means a state’s laws concerning the carry of weapons approximates the state of the law when the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791. At that time, no permits were required to carry weapons, openly or concealed.


Columnist Misses The Point About Guns In Churches :: 03/08/2021

Do you ever run across a column that’s so completely oblivious to the obvious that you can’t help but think that the author is engaging in a bit of intentional ignorance to try to make a point? My most recent experience with an eye-rolling editorial comes from Louisiana, where lawmakers are currently debating a bill that would require churches, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship to opt-out of allowing the lawful carrying of firearms inside, rather than opt-in, as is the case right now.


February 2021 NICS Second Highest Gun Sales on Record :: 03/08/2021

U.S.A. -( The number of National Instant background Check System (NICS) checks done in February of 2021 was another record for the month. The number of NICS done for firearms sales was the second-highest February ever. This shows the expansion of the NICS for uses other than firearms purchases is continuing.


Shapiro’s Anti-Gun Task Force Monitoring Gun Shows for “Ghost Gun” Sales :: 03/08/2021

PHILADELPHIA, P.A. –-( Four Philadelphia men face charges for buying Polymer80 kits to assemble and sell completed guns in the city allegedly.


Tennessee on the Move Toward Constitutional Carry (HB0786/SB0765) :: 03/08/2021

U.S.A. –-( The Tennessee legislature has introduced two bills, one in the House, the other in the Senate, that have a good chance of passage. The bills change current law enough to qualify as a reasonable version of Constitutional Carry.


Almost Half the United States has Constitutional Carry :: 03/07/2021

U.S.A. –-( In 2021, the philosophy of states’ law on the Second Amendment right to bear arms fall into three broad categories. They are:


GOP state lawmakers seek to nullify federal gun limits :: 03/07/2021

With Democrats controlling the presidency and Congress, Republican state lawmakers concerned about the possibility of new federal gun control laws aren't waiting to react.


Washington County joins list of "Second Amendment sanctuaries" in Pa. :: 03/07/2021

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. — Washington County this week became the seventh in Pennsylvania to proclaim itself a “second amendment sanctuary.”


Why Are Lifetime Gun Bans Being Imposed on Tax Cheats? :: 03/06/2021

That the punishment should fit the crime is a widely held axiom. If you lie on a tax return, you might expect to face certain consequences, such as fines and the repayment of back taxes, probably with interest, and perhaps even home confinement, or (in the extreme case) prison time. But you would not expect a lifetime restriction on your fundamental rights — such as the freedom to speak, to own property, or to enjoy your privacy. These punishments would be arbitrary and unjust given the nature of the crime.


5 Reasons Why Democrats' Extremist Gun Control Will Always Fail :: 03/05/2021

U.S.A.-( With the launch of their frontal assault on firearms rights via H.R. 8 and H.R. 127, Capitol Hill Democrats have made it clear they are not interested in facts or the “common sense” their gun control campaign perennially claims to represent, and instead provided all the justification necessary for a hard-hitting pro-rights ad campaign by a grassroots gun rights organization now heading into its second week.


A Poisonous Police-Reform Bill :: 03/05/2021

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is a misnomer. If passed into law, it wouldn’t advance justice or any other reasonable goal.


Montana Paper Calls For Legal Challenge To New Campus Carry Law :: 03/05/2021

One of the provisions of the Constitutional Carry law approved in Montana earlier this year extends the right to carry onto college campuses in the state, though gun owners will still need to provide proof of firearms training if asked to do so by police.


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