proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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Biden AG Pick Declares There's "Room" For More Gun Control Laws :: 02/22/2021

Judge Merrick Garland, who’s been tapped by Joe Biden to be the next Attorney General, told a Senate confirmation panel on Monday that there’s “room” for Biden’s anti-gun policies to be enacted into law, and if confirmed he’ll work with the administration to carry out its gun control agenda.


Feinstein To Biden: Where's Your BATFE Nominee? :: 02/22/2021

Anti-gun politicians on Capitol Hill have sent a letter to President Joe Biden demanding that he get to work on his gun control agenda, starting with appointing a permanent director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. The letter, signed by California’s Dianne Feinstein, Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen, and several other lawmakers, urges Biden to “quickly nominate” someone “who is committed to increasing public safety, working with federal partners to investigate domestic terrorists, providing robust oversight of the firearms industry, and tackling our nation’s gun violence epidemic.”


House Hysteria over Boebert’s Guns in Zoom Committee Hearing :: 02/22/2021

Firebrand freshman Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-3rd District) is fighting back against claims she has a “gun fetish” for sitting in on a House Natural Resources Committee hearing via Zoom from her Colorado district office with a pair of modern sporting rifles and a pistol on a shelf in the background.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Biden Could Make Gun Control Dreams Come True :: 02/22/2021

Three years ago last Sunday, a gunman opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17. The deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history mobilized students and others to demand sane national gun policy, only to be thwarted by an obstinate Republican Party in the thrall of the National Rifle Association. If the Biden administration and the new Democrat-dominated Congress do nothing else in the coming two years, it’s crucial they institute universal background checks and other rational reforms.


Defensive Use Of Firearm Destroys Gun Storage Argument :: 02/21/2021

There’ve been gun control bills been introduced by Democrats in Congress this year, but so far none of them have seen any progress. One piece of legislation that’s expected to be a priority for anti-gun lawmakers is H.R. 748 and its Senate companion, S. 190, which would establish a new federal law requiring gun owners to keep their firearms locked up unless they were being used or “under the control” of the gun owner. While the text of the legislation isn’t yet available, the intent of the bill, according to Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, is to require “households with children under the age of 18 to lock all firearms.”


Hong Kong Has Its Own 'Loophole' Issues When It Comes To Guns :: 02/21/2021

Anything discussing the subject of “freedom” and in the context of Hong Kong is going to be a polarizing and interesting topic, to put it lightly. With its own very long and sordid history, Hong Kong has its fair share of what we’ll lightly define as “issues” when it comes to the concept of civil liberties.


Researchers propose 'ethically correct AI' for smart guns that locks out mass shooters :: 02/21/2021

A trio of computer scientists from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York recently published research detailing a potential AI intervention for murder: an ethical lockout.


There are now 18 Constitutional Carry States, and there is a reasonable chance it will be 20 later this year :: 02/21/2021

On Friday, February 12th, Utah’s Governor Spencer Cox signed a bill making Constitutional Carry the law in Utah. On Thursday, February 18th, Governor Greg Gianforte’s first priority for this legislative session has been signing a Constitutional Carry/eliminating gun-free zone, and it is now on his desk.


TV Shows Push Gun Control Myths - in Sync With Biden :: 02/21/2021

Last week, the Biden administration promised gun control groups that it will soon roll out a massive push for limits on firearm purchases and other measures. President Biden reiterated that promise on Sunday. And the television networks aren’t waiting to lay the groundwork for this effort.


Aggressive New Scheme Exposes Article V Convention Lobby :: 02/20/2021

The United States is dangerously close to Congress calling “a convention for proposing amendments” under Article V of the U.S. Constitution — otherwise known as a constitutional convention, convention of the states, or Article V convention (A5C) — based on a new scheme for aggregating (counting and combining) applications submitted by state legislatures.


Democrats' public gun registry bill blasted as 'frightening,' ‘anti-police’ :: 02/20/2021

Proposed new bill would create national firearm registry, require licenses - Gun Owners of America spokesperson Antonia Okafor Cover argues the bill is ‘unconstitutional’ on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend.’


Hollywood Working With Anti-Gun Orgs, Biden Administration to Push for New Gun Control Laws :: 02/20/2021

Last week, the Biden administration promised gun control groups that it will soon roll out a massive push for limits on firearm purchases and other measures. President Biden reiterated that promise on Sunday. And the television networks aren’t waiting to lay the groundwork for this effort.


Mind Reading - With Safety in Mind by Richard Busch :: 02/20/2021

To paraphrase an old alleged Chinese curse and merge it with Thomas Paine (The American Crisis, 1776): we live in interesting times that try men's souls! And we do. There's no doubt about it! With all the uncertainty, day to day danger as we lose right after right, even just walking down the street is a potential risk. We constantly flirt with unknown danger as we dance with the possibility of encountering pure hate and evil at a moment's notice. Just being in a mall, a shop, a restaurant, virtually anywhere, even at home, is without question a lot more dangerous than at any time in many decades.


Guns And Suicide: More Guns, Less Suicides? :: 02/19/2021

Anti-gunners have long tried to use suicide as yet another reason gun control should be enacted. In their minds, someone deciding to take their own life is not just a health issue, but groups for legislative intervention. They believe that if they pass enough laws, those people who use a gun to take their own life will simply not try to kill themselves.


Montana Becomes 18th Constitutional Carry State :: 02/19/2021

Just a few days after Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed Constitutional Carry legislation, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte has followed suit, signing HB 102 into law on Thursday and making Montana the 18th state in the nation to recognize the right of legal gun owners to lawfully bear arms without a government permission slip.


Most Republicans Satisfied With US Gun Laws, Most Democrats Dissatisified: Poll :: 02/19/2021

A majority of Republicans are satisfied with gun laws in the United States while most Democrats are not satisfied, according to a new survey.


“Tragically Misguided” School Shooter Drills :: 02/19/2021

As the nation continues to cry out for police reform and the creation of a kinder/gentler law enforcement presence, school safety drills are being increasingly criticized and abandoned.  After Columbine and several other high visibility school shootings, the public clamored for more cops in schools.  They demanded emergency preparation drills.  Now the tide has turned.  School resource officers are finding their positions eliminated all across the country.


Broward School Board Member Claims She Was Intimidated Into Cover Up :: 02/18/2021

Three years after what happened in Parkland and we’re still debating what failures led to the deadly shooting. For gun-control advocates, the failure is simply a matter of people being able to buy scary-looking guns.


Oakland Liquor Store Owner Arrested After Opening Fire During a Robbery :: 02/18/2021

Like so many parts of the Bay Area, Oakland’s Chinatown has seen a sharp spike in criminal activity over the last year. Residents and business owners have been the targets of robberies and assaults that have many of them understandably on edge.


The Problem With Thinking Magazine Bans Prevent Crime :: 02/18/2021

When looking at the country as a whole, the more freedom friendly states are easy to separate from those that stifle civil rights.  Jurisdictions that enact arbitrary laws that limit what type of firearm one may have and further, magazine capacity, are no safer than other states in The Union.  In fact, states with more restrictive laws are less safe. Take for example New Jersey, with three of the most dangerous cities in the nation; Trenton, Camden, and Newark. 


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