proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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White House Admits It's Prepping For Gun Control :: 02/12/2021

The moment the Georgia runoff elections were over, anti-gun groups began salivating. They had their guy in the White House, a majority in the House, and a tie in the Senate with Democrats holding the tiebreaker. They were never going to get a better opportunity to cram gun control down America’s throat than this.


White House Reassures Gun Control Groups It Will Fulfill ‘Ambitious’ Gun Control Agenda :: 02/12/2021

With control of the House, Senate, and White House as a backdrop, Biden administration officials in their meeting with gun control advocates conveyed confidence about enacting gun control legislation through legislative and executive actions that in the past had not gotten the votes.


Biden Officials Discuss "Shared Goals" With Gun Control Groups :: 02/11/2021

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that senior members of the Biden adminstration, including domestic policy advisor Susan Rice, met with gun control groups like Brady and Everytown for Gun Safety this week as they gameplan their first moves against the Second Amendment and legal gun owners.


Rep. Maloney Proposes Gun Control Package :: 02/11/2021

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) presented five gun control bills on Wednesday.


Utah Passes Constitutional Carry :: 02/11/2021

I’ve long said that the Holy Grail for gun rights on the state level is constitutional carry. If you hit that point in a given state, you’ve probably achieved almost everything there is to achieve.


Wisconsin judge denies prosecutors' request to issue new arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse :: 02/11/2021

During a contentious hearing in which Wisconsin judge Bruce Schroeder accused prosecutors of treating 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse different from any other criminal defendant, the judge curtly denied the prosecution's motion to issue a new arrest warrant for the accused teen, or to increase his bail. 


Continuing Gun Voter Betrayals, Rubio Adds Blacklists to Red Flags :: 02/10/2021

U.S.A. – -( “Senator Marco Rubio introduces bill to suspend gun rights of anyone who has ever been ‘investigated’ for domestic terrorism,”  The Unz Review reported Sunday. “The Senate bill, named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, was reentered last week in hopes of exploiting the hysteria surrounding the January 6th Capitol protests. The law intends to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are not charged or convicted of a crime if somebody is deemed politically dangerous.”


Lt. Gov. John Fetterman again defends decision to pull gun on Black jogger in 2013 :: 02/10/2021

Lt. Governor John Fetterman’s announcement Monday that he’s running for U.S. Senate has prompted critics to raise the issue of a 2013 incident in which he pulled a gun on an unarmed Black man.


Senate Democrats Eyeing Reconciliation For Gun Control Bills :: 02/10/2021

With the U.S. Senate split 50-50, the chances of gun control legislation passing through the normal legislative process are slim at best. Unfortunately, there are a couple of legislative tricks that anti-gun Senators could use to get around the fact that 60 senators are needed to close off debate and approve bills.


Utah Set to Become the Seventeenth Constitutional Carry State This Week :: 02/10/2021

Finally…we’re seeing some real progress on civil rights now that President Biden is in the Oval Office. After passing both the Utah House and Senate by overwhelming margins, a constitutional carry bill is set to be signed into law by Governor Spencer Cox this week.


Bank of America Sells Out Gun Owners…Again…Still :: 02/09/2021

Bank of America, it turns out, is selling out their customers who bought guns or ammunition to federal authorities as people who should be investigated for ties to the criminal acts witnessed on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6.


Horowitz: Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment :: 02/09/2021

What is our recourse when our own government criminalizes our most basic rights while it allows Black Lives Matter and Antifa to rampage through our streets with impunity? Is there no Plan B when the federal or state governments treat all conservatives like terrorists, business owners like pariahs, and those who yearn to breathe unmasked air like murderers? Well, one Missouri county is demonstrating the importance of sheriffs and county officials returning to self-government and interposing between the governmental usurpers and the most sacred rights of the people. 


Newly Released Interview Reveals Biden’s Plan To Pass Gun Ban :: 02/09/2021

The interview with Joe Biden is a year-old, but for some reason the Las Vegas Sun decided not to release its full conversation with the then-candidate until now. The National Rifle Association is flat-out accusing the paper of burying the interview because it would have been too damaging to the Biden campaign, and since the paper itself hasn’t explained why the editorial board waited a year to release a full transcript, that explanation is as good as any at the moment.


Senator Manchin Wants All of Your ‘Suspicious Transmissions’ Reported to the Federal Government :: 02/09/2021

Senator Joe Manchin, whom you may recall from his star turn promoting the failed Manchin-Toomey universal background check push after Sandy Hook, is still busy in the Senate. He’s the “centrist” West Virginia Democrat who, in a 50-50 world, is described by many as the upper chamber’s most powerful Senator. But if those on the right are looking to Manchin as a safeguard against some of the left’s most ambitious attacks on individual freedoms, a bill he just introduced should be cause for concern.


Lee Catching Heat Over Gun Grab Attempt :: 02/08/2021

The efforts of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee have already been documented here. She wants to enact draconian levels of gun control to such a degree that the Second Amendment would cease to protect the right to keep and bear arms. Jackson Lee’s bills would instead turn guns into a privilege that you’d have to count yourself lucky to enjoy.


Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill To Suspend Gun Rights of Anyone Who Has Been "Investigated" For Domestic Terrorism :: 02/08/2021

Republican lawmaker Marco Rubio has reintroduced legislation that seeks to suspend the Second Amendment rights of any person who has been investigated for "terrorism" related offenses within 10 years of attempting a gun purchase.


The Flawed Thinking Behind Biden’s Gun Control Bill :: 02/08/2021

During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised a long list of gun control regulations. There is a reason that Michael Bloomberg spent $125 million helping Biden in Florida and something over $600 million nationally in the general election.


A Better Defense For The Second Amendment? :: 02/07/2021

A few days ago the Heritage Foundation released a lengthy report on the fight for our right to keep and bear arms entitled “Conservative Defense of the Second Amendment Falls Short: Needs-Based Defense No Longer Sufficient to Preserve Citizens’ Right to Self-Defense” authored by former congressman Bob Barr.


Catch & Release: Philly PD Nabs Suspect With 30 Prior Arrests :: 02/07/2021

The city of Philadelphia is currently arguing in court that residents have no Second Amendment right to have their carry permit applications processed in a timely manner. At the same time, however, criminals in the City of Brotherly Love are making it clear that the city’s gun laws are no impediment to them.


Deep State Boasts of “Conspiracy” Against Trump in 2020 Election :: 02/06/2021

Now that they think their anointed is safely enthroned at the White House, the Deep State, through its propaganda mouthpiece Time magazine, is gloating over a “conspiracy” of Big Business, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Labor, and other powerful forces to oust President Trump from office. The behind-the-scenes operation has eerie parallels with “Color Revolutions” staged in foreign lands by the very same operatives who took down Trump.


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