proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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Latest News

States push for allowing concealed carry of guns without permit :: 01/24/2021

GOP lawmakers in multiple states are aiming to relax certain gun restrictions by allowing people to carry concealed firearms without having to obtain a permit, continuing a trend that many gun control advocates say is frightening. 


Anti-Gun Academics Push For New Restrictions On 2A :: 01/23/2021

It’s not just legislation that the Left is pushing in the wake of their total takeover of the government this week.


New York Targeting Gunmakers Instead of Criminals :: 01/23/2021

With the increased number of shootings recently in New York City and some other large urban areas, one New York lawmaker is pushing legislation to bypass the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) and allow gunmakers to be sued if their lawfully made products are used for criminal purposes.


Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is 'a Targeting of Almost Half of the Country' :: 01/23/2021

Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic representative from Hawaii, on Friday expressed concern that a proposed measure to combat domestic terrorism could be used to undermine civil liberties. 


FPC and FPF Urge US Supreme Court to Restore the Right to Carry Arms :: 01/22/2021

U.S.A.-( Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and Firearms Policy Foundation (FPF) announced the filing of an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in the case of NYSRPA v. Corlett, a case involving the right to bear arms in public. The brief is available at


Media Urges Biden To Move Swiftly On Guns :: 01/22/2021

President Joe Biden has had a couple of days in office, and so far, no gun control executive orders to speak of. Honestly, it’s kind of surprising, really, but also kind of not.


Order of the Brown Nose :: 01/22/2021

Britain’s esential fortnightly magazine Private Eye, whose trademark stance of delivering hard news with a witty bipartisan cynicism about politics has no parallel in the U.S., runs a regular feature entitled “O.B.N.” Longtime readers understand this to be the Order of the Brown Nose, an honor given to the most outlandishly, hilariously sycophantic punditry of the moment. If Private Eye were a U.S. publication, its O.B.N. feature would have to be expanded to sprawl across several pages as it considers the media’s bulk delivery of valentines to the incoming administration.


Pennsylvania: Game Commission To Consider Expanded Sunday Hunting :: 01/22/2021

U.S.A. -( Coming off a successful hunting season where additional Sunday hunting opportunities were permitted in Pennsylvania for the first time, the state game commission will have a discussion about expanding Sunday hunting for the 2021 season during its upcoming January meeting.  The meeting will take place virtually, however, the public has been invited to comment.


Anti-Gun Study Advocates For Red Flag Laws :: 01/21/2021

There is always going to be some percentage of gun fatalities that will be attributed to suicide. For some, this is completely irrelevant. To them, any firearm death is somehow proof that gun control is desperately needed.


Guardsmen Feeling Betrayed and Used After Getting Kicked Out of the Capitol :: 01/21/2021

The thousands of National Guardsmen stationed at the U.S. Capitol and nearby congressional buildings were abruptly told to vacate the premises on Thursday. 


Mag Claims Kamala Harris Could Save "Millions of Lives" With Gun Control :: 01/21/2021

The media approach to the Biden/Harris administration is already very different than what we saw over the past four years. Smears have been replaced with softball questions, and skepticism has turned an unquestioning support for the programs and policies offered by Democrats.


The Resistance To Biden's Gun Control Agenda Has Already Begun :: 01/21/2021

Now that Joe Biden’s officially been sworn in as president, it’s the Right that gets to #resist over the next four years, and several states are already taking steps to do exactly that in response to Biden’s call for a ban on modern sporting rifles, commonly-owned magazines, and a host of other restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.


ATF and the Pistol Brace Debacle :: 01/20/2021

The ATF is a boogeyman to any and all members of the 2nd Amendment community. Time after time they have proven to be hard at work chipping away at the right to bear arms, despite being an enforcement agency, not a regulatory agency.


New Zealand: The New Zealand Royal Commission Undermines NZ's New Gun Laws :: 01/20/2021

In their December report about the 2019 terrorist attack in Christchurch, the findings of the New Zealand Royal Commission critically undermined the justifications for the new Draconian firearms laws.


A Look At Biden's Potential Executive Orders On Gun Control :: 01/19/2021

Joe Biden is set unleash a flurry of executive actions soon after he’s sworn into office on Wednesday, and while the media has mentioned agenda items like a national mask mandate, rejoining the Paris climate accords, and suspending evictions and student loan payments, reporters haven’t said much about any potential executive actions on firearms.


A Sticky Issue: Medical Marijuana And Guns :: 01/19/2021

Throughout the nation, numerous states have decided to legalize marijuana for medical use, if not for recreational use. Medical marijuana is a fair bit less controversial since it’s medical, meaning it goes through a physician, but still, pot is being legalized to varying degrees all over the nation.


Baltimore Gun Control Activist Killed While Visiting Housing Project :: 01/19/2021

The city of Baltimore has some very serious issues. Despite the state of Maryland’s embracing of gun control, Baltimore still has a high violent crime rate and has since well before COVID started making everyone lose their damn minds.


Philly Murder Suspect Should've Been Behind Bars :: 01/19/2021

Philadelphia’s homicide rate is soaring right now, with 499 murders in 2020 marking the highest number of intentional fatalities in nearly 30 years. There’s a lot of blame to go around, from the soft-on-crime approach taken by Philadelphia D.A. Larry Krasner to Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw’s decision to lay off of enforcing some crimes during the coronavirus pandemic to the judges releasing criminals on low bail when they should be confined behind bars.


Shining Sunlight On Shannon Watts’ Campaign Contributions :: 01/19/2021

One of the benefits of making donations to federal candidates public, is that anyone can look them up and “follow the money.”


Democrat House Already Planning Gun Control Bills :: 01/18/2021

Emboldened by their newly-united government, Democrats, particularly Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas) have already introduced a raft of new gun control legislation — most of which does not even yet have text.


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