proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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Latest News

Collectible Weapons: How to Protect Your Wealth - and Your Family - With Valuable Guns :: 12/19/2020

It’s an unusual means of investment, but one that we think will appeal to our readers on a deep level: collectible weapons.


Howard Stern Just Dropped A Lot Of Truth About Gun Control :: 12/19/2020

Howard Stern said the call for increased gun control in the wake of the Orlando attack is ridiculous, because gun control won’t stop the bad guys from hurting people.


State Sen. Blames Gun Industry For "Killing Black America" :: 12/19/2020

A firearm is a tool. It’s a device that, in and of itself, does nothing. Guns don’t just go off. They don’t hurt people out of the blue. They don’t really do anything. No, for them to do something, a person has to enter the picture.


What Should You Do If the ATF Knocks at Your Door? :: 12/19/2020

Knock, knock…


6 First Gun Control Measures To Expect From A Biden Administration :: 12/18/2020

If we have a Joe Biden administration in the White House on Jan. 20, we will have the most overtly anti-gun president in American history.


DRGO: We need honest debate and rigorous research on gun control :: 12/18/2020

The Hill recently published an opinion by Griffin Dix allegedly exposing a “time bomb under President-elect Biden’s doormat.” The time-bomb wasn’t a bogus dossier, FBI agents lying in order to spy on Biden’s campaign, or a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. It was, rather, the appointment of renowned but controversial researcher John R. Lott Jr. as a senior advisor for research and statistics at the Office of Justice Programs at the Department of Justice.


Former Special Forces Officer Warns of Color Revolution Tactics Used Against Trump :: 12/18/2020

Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign leaders are now being used by President Donald Trump’s opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.


NYPD Says Release of Gun Suspects Has Fueled Shooting Spike :: 12/18/2020

Nearly 90 percent of suspects thought to have committed gun-related crimes in New York City have been released back onto the streets, a policy the New York Police Department says has fueled a crime spike that has left more than 1,756 dead or wounded.


New ATF Power Play Could Impact Millions Of Gun Owners :: 12/17/2020

The proposed rule change won’t be officially published until Friday, but a draft document of the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco, and Explosives’ new plans for pistols with stabilizing braces has been published to the Federal Register, and gun owners, Second Amendment activists, and manufacturers of the devices are already crying foul.


Sheriff Candidate Running On Not Enforcing Unconstitutional Laws :: 12/17/2020

When the Second Amendment sanctuary movement got underway, it was driven a lot by county sheriffs. Some unilaterally announced they wouldn’t be enforcing unconstitutional gun laws while others urged county commissions to codify it in law.


Why Gun People Don’t Trust Politicians Words :: 12/17/2020

In the course of my day, I read a lot of letters to the editor. A proverbial ton of the. Many are pro-gun, many are anti-gun, but most simply restate things we’ve seen a thousand times in a thousand different places. While the editorial page of the local newspaper used to be the place to engage in political debate, the modern era has rendered it to a spot where new facts or ideas are rarely introduced.


Are Democrats pulling an Operation Fast and Furious scam? :: 12/16/2020

During Obama’s first term, his Attorney General, Eric Holder, implemented Operation Fast and Furious. The ostensible purpose was for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to catch straw purchasers who bought guns in America and sold them in Mexico. ATF blew it and taxpayer-funded guns vanished into Mexico. A secondary goal, though, was to try to convince Americans that guns are bad, to drive gun control laws. When I read about Democrats flooding cities with gun crime suspects, I wonder if they’re trying the same psychological trick again.


Decorated general: Dems used software as a weapon :: 12/16/2020

A retired Air Force general says the software programs he is convinced were used to steal the 2020 election must be exposed, or future elections will suffer dire consequences.


Pistol Brace Criminalization and How to SBR a Pistol :: 12/16/2020

U.S.A.-( I'm hearing too many rumors over pistol brace criminalization to ignore this distinct and real possibility.  I’ve lost my perspective somewhat on what ‘regulations' some agencies are willing to enshrine.  With each significant question I've faced in my life, I've pondered two things.  First, whom do I seek to serve with my actions?  Second, who ultimately, are the beneficiaries of the intended outcome?  I seriously doubt these are the kinds of ethical quandaries ATF considers with their regulations.  Simply translated, our pistol braced weapons might well be on the chopping block.


Senator-Elect Nails It On Biden Gun Tax :: 12/16/2020

With President-Elect Joe Biden, we know what we’re going to get. He’s been a rabid anti-gunner for decades and he’s not about to change any time soon. He ran in the primary on gun control and while not much was said about guns in the general election thanks to a compliant media, he also didn’t exactly hide his anti-gun beliefs. I mean, they were right there on his website for all the world to see.


Are You Suffering From Post-Constitutional Syndrome? :: 12/15/2020

Are you suffering from a post-concussive shock after the Supreme Court declined to hear the Texas election challenge case against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia? For many of the case’s supporters, it felt like a whack on the side of the head with a 2×4. What you are actually suffering from is post-Constitutional syndrome. Second Amendment rights activists and gun owners have been suffering from this disillusioning malady for more than a decade.


Come And Take It: Gun Range Defies COVID Shutdown Order :: 12/15/2020

A northern Minnesota gun range is open for business, despite being warned by the state Attorney General that the range is violating Gov. Tim Walz’s COVID-19 shutdown orders. Dead on Arms actually did shut down briefly back in the spring under the governor’s original shutdown order, which specifically referenced indoor shooting ranges, but Chad Walsh, who owns the range outside of Duluth, says the governor’s latest emergency declaration shouldn’t apply to his training facility.


The Bill of Rights :: 12/15/2020

December 15, 1791, marks the ratification of our Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution, and the Rule of Law it enshrines.


We need more honest debate and rigorous research on gun control :: 12/15/2020

The Hill recently published an opinion by Griffin Dix allegedly exposing a “time bomb under President-elect Biden’s doormat.” The time-bomb wasn’t a bogus dossier, FBI agents lying in order to spy on Biden’s campaign, or a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. It was, rather, the appointment of renowned but controversial researcher John R. Lott Jr. as a senior advisor for research and statistics at the Office of Justice Programs at the Department of Justice.


Left Wants Biden To Do What They Blasted Trump For Doing :: 12/14/2020

Progressives are rejoicing now that it seems there are no legal challenges left for President Donald Trump to avail himself of. It looks like we’re about to see Joe Biden in the White House. While that’s far from ideal, it simply is what it is.


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