proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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'Sanctuary,' not weak gun laws to blame for San Francisco slaying? :: 07/07/2015

Outrage has erupted in the wake of last weeks’ slaying of a woman in San Francisco as reports spread that the man accused in that killing is a recidivist illegal alien who picked the city because of its “sanctuary” policy, and even last night Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly launched a tirade against city officials during his "Talking Points" memo that initially focused on remarks Donald Trump made about Mexico.

So far, nobody has blamed “weak gun laws” for the murder of Kathryn Steinle at Pier 14 last week. They dare not, because California has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, and the account that suspect Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez – scheduled for arraignment today – found the pistol he allegedly used, wrapped in a shirt, seems incredulous.

A gun was recovered by scuba divers following the shooting. Sanchez allegedly told authorities that after the shooting, he threw a gun into the water.


UPDATE: The San Jose Mercury News and KGO/ABC7 News reported Tuesday afternoon that the handgun used in this crime apparently belonged to a federal agent. According to KGO, "it's unknown how he got the gun." In court Tuesday, the suspect pleaded not guilty to murder charges in Superior Court.


The rest of his story, told to a reporter with KGO, rings true because it is hardly unique. Sanchez, if guilty, would not be the only illegal alien to commit a heinous crime after being repeatedly booted out of the country, only to return.

Right now, authorities in Pinal County, Arizona are dealing with another repeat offender, Manuel Perez-Vasquez, the suspect in a horrible July 4 crash that nearly killed three people. He reportedly told authorities there that he was high on drugs when he crossed the center line, smashing into an oncoming car. Perez-Vasquez has been deported six times in the past three years, the Daily Mail reported yesterday.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu told reporters that he wants Perez-Vasquez to do time in an Arizona prison before he gets kicked out again. Otherwise, he said the illegal alien will likely be deported, only to return again.

It’s not likely that Sanchez will be turned over to immigration authorities in San Francisco. The Pier 14 slaying has ignited fury over cities around the country that have given themselves “sanctuary” status. San Francisco is only one such city.

Another sanctuary city is Seattle. Indeed, according to one website, all of King County is a sanctuary. Back in mid-April, U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik ordered the Department of Justice to obey a law that allows for the release of some undocumented immigrants without posting a bond, according to the Seattle Times. Many readers were not enthusiastic about that news.

Back in San Francisco, there is no possible way that Sanchez could have legally obtained a firearm. State and federal laws would have prevented that. Because their sanctuary agenda is under fire, liberals will likely try to shift the focus to guns. But Sanchez apparently violated so many laws, not the least of which was being in this country illegally for the sixth time, the gun gambit may fall flat.

Legal immigrants can legally have firearms. Legal resident aliens can even obtain concealed carry licenses or permits. The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation has successfully pushed several cases in court to make that happen in several jurisdictions.