proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB800

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.

Description: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Feb 28, 2025

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Smart gun business triggers furor :: 10/26/2015

After vehement protests helped block the nation’s first smart gun from entering the marketplace, proponents of the technology are gearing up for another fight, intent on capitalizing on renewed interest in gun safety following a spate of high-profile shootings.


Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: the NRA is A Terrorist Organization :: 10/25/2015

Following the lead of New York Daily News’ aptly named columnist Linda Stasi, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence recently labelled the NRA a terrorist organization. I’m surprised it’s taken the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) this long to join the throng of anti-gunners confusing pro-gun patriots with people who want to exterminate Americans, wipe their feet on our Constitution and establish a totalitarian theocracy. What really galls me . . .


Everytown for Gun Safety Spent $36m on Gun Control Lobbying in 2013 :: 10/25/2015

U.S. News‘ headline above an AP report on Everytown for Gun Safety: Backed by activist moms and Bloomberg’s money, gun-safety group expands influence in states. The article regurgitates Everytown’s spin on their progress (or lack thereof) degrading and destroying Americans’ gun rights.


Jack Kelly: Good guys with guns :: 10/25/2015

Mass shootings almost always end with shooters getting shot


Anti-Gunners: Backed by moms and money, gun-safety group expands its clout :: 10/24/2015

A gun-control organization backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg that enlists mothers to speak out against gun violence is racking up some modest victories around the U.S., employing the state-by-state strategy used so effectively to fight drunken driving and expand gay rights.


Guns are here to stay :: 10/24/2015

My earliest understanding of guns was formed by television westerns. (It was the Fifties. It was eastern Kentucky. There were three channels. There was nothing else to watch.) Those shows were moralizing, and the moral was always something to the effect that if you have to carry a gun to show you’re a man, you can’t be much of a man.


How have states responded to the gun control debate? :: 10/24/2015

With efforts by the Obama administration to toughen gun laws stymied in Congress, states and some cities are stepping into the void, passing laws on both sides of the fiercely contested issue.


If This Firearms Legislation Goes Through, Legal Gun Owners Will No Longer Be 'Silenced' :: 10/24/2015

A new bill aimed at loosening restrictions on firearm suppressors is making its way through Congress in an effort to slightly expand the scope and strength of the 2nd Amendment.


Kansas LEO: The Day The ATF Showed-Up At My Door :: 10/24/2015

A TTAG reader and police chief writes:


Anti-Gunners: Bloomberg delivers another $1.5 million into Virginia Senate race (VIDEO) :: 10/23/2015

Coming just a day after news surfaced of a $700,000 ad buy to move the chamber towards an anti-gun agenda, Everytown doubled down on another contest in the Virgina state senate.


Anti-Gunners: Newsom's guns measure will give residents a say :: 10/23/2015

For years, one thing standing in the way of a smart debate about gun laws has been the hesitance of many top politicians to take clear stands on the issue.


A Soldier Fights Back :: 10/23/2015

Retired Army Sgt. Howard Ray is a hero. Just ask the men and women—both comrades and civilians—whom he saved at Fort Hood back in 2009, when Nidal Hasan went on a shooting rampage, killing 13 people and wounding dozens of others.“I know for a fact that had I had my firearm that day, I would have been the deciding factor that stopped that terrorist ...”


Dave Kopel: 2nd Circuit Defied SCOTUS to Uphold 'Assault Weapon' Bans :: 10/23/2015

On October 21 Independence Institute’s Dave Kopel explained that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit defied the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in handing down a verdict upholding “assault weapons” bans in New York and Connecticut.


Demographic Death Of NRA Just Another Big Media Myth :: 10/23/2015

Gun ownership is greatest among rural whites, a group whose voting power is diminishing. The conclusion, according to Adam Winkler in the Washington Post, is that the NRA will inevitably decline in power.


Florida Sheriff: "My support of Open Carry goes even deeper" :: 10/23/2015

As each of us watches with astonishment at what is currently taking place across our country, we struggle to find solutions to reduce the potential for the next active shooter or violent crime that could take place in our own communities.


For Pa. Senate: Elect Guy Reschenthaler :: 10/23/2015

Voters in Pennsylvania's 37th Senatorial District — much of northern, western and southern Allegheny County, plus Peters Township in Washington County — should elect Republican Guy Reschenthaler over Democrat Heather Arnet in a Nov. 3 special election.


Nazi Gun Control: Three Words that Go Together :: 10/23/2015

Ben Carson is in the crosshairs for his candid, principled comments on gun control — which included a statement that the Nazis could have been resisted more effectively had Europe’s Jews not been disarmed by their own governments before the Nazis took over their respective countries. Some have leveled the absurd charge of anti-Semitism against Dr. Carson, distorting his words to suggest that he accused Europe’s Jews of cowardice. Quite the contrary is true.


New Ammo Bill Will Force ATF To Approve Lead-Free Bullets :: 10/23/2015

The Obama Administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has long been in opposition to modernization in the ammunition industry, attempting to ban alternative metals that might be used as rifle projectiles as being “armor-piercing.”


Pennsylvania Senate to explore removing Kane as attorney general :: 10/23/2015

HARRISBURG — The Senate on Friday took the first step toward using an obscure provision of the Pennsylvania Constitution that could trigger a vote to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane, an accused felon, from her position as the state's top law enforcement officer.


Poll: Most Americans support NRA despite mass shootings :: 10/23/2015

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Most Americans maintain a favorable view of the National Rifle Association despite criticism and a presidential rebuke of the gun lobby after a massacre in Oregon this month, Gallup said.


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