PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Latest News

Two America's, Part I: NYT's Timothy Egan and the two Americas :: 08/05/2015
New York Times columnist Timothy Egan has written an article titled, “Guns and the Two Americas,” offering his take on gun violence in the United States. I’m sorry to say that I found nothing surprising in what he wrote—with regard to his use of statistics and to his attitude toward regions and people in this country who are not like him.
What do N.C. and N.Y. cases tell us about cultural mindset? :: 08/05/2015
A potentially controversial federal case announced yesterday against three North Carolina men who are alleged to have “stockpiled weapons, ammunition and tactical gear” and tried to make explosives while preparing for some kind of martial law, and another arrest of an armed tourist at New York’s 9/11 memorial suggest some alarming things about the current cultural mindset.
With NRA support, top Republican proposes background check fix :: 08/05/2015
Legislation designed to enhance the current gun background check system by improving the identification and treatment of dangerous, mentally ill individuals was proposed Wednesday by the U.S. Senate’s number two Republican with endorsements by the National Rifle Association.
An Anti-Gun Meme is Born: "Sheepdog Fife" :: 08/04/2015
Tex300BLK called it in our article Washington Post: “Watch what happens when regular people try to use handguns in self-defense.” “This is the straw man we have been made into,” Tex300BLK wrote. “The bumbling incompetent ‘civilian’ who went into Walmart, bought a GLOCK and a box of bullets and got a CHL without ever firing a shot from it . . .
Change the laws regarding current and former military and their right to carry personal firearms on government property :: 08/04/2015
We the people request President Obama and Congress, under the authority of the second amendment, enact legislation effective immediately to ensure all current and former military members be granted the following rights to carry firearms:
CPRC: What Mother Jones Missed In Its Hit Piece About Me (Prof. John Lott) :: 08/04/2015
Mother Jones, a leftist magazine funded by people such as George Soros, and I have been in a running feud for years. They have continually made false claims about guns, often claims that have been cited by the general media, such as CNN, and I have corrected them. Unable to win the battle of facts, Mother Jones this past week published a report claiming that academics don’t support my research.
Fast and Furious Gun in Garland Latest in Long, Unending Line of Government-Enabled Crimes :: 08/04/2015
“Garland shooter bought pistol through ATF’s controversial gun running sting to track drug cartels,” the New York Daily News proclaimed, managing to pack two whoppers into one headline.
Federal Judge Requests All Clinton Email Records :: 08/04/2015
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered the U.S. State Department to request that Hillary Clinton and her top aides confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all government records in their possession, return any other government records immediately, and describe their use of Hillary Clinton’s email server to conduct government business.
Online database of psychiatric drug-linked shootings :: 08/04/2015
(NaturalNews) To help document the continued increase in violent shootings carried out by individuals whose minds are altered by dangerous psychiatric drugs, we've just launched a new website that lists and describes all the known "psych drug shootings."
Police chiefs discuss solutions to crime surge :: 08/04/2015
Big city police chiefs on Monday met to discuss rising U.S. crime rates, especially homicides, and blamed repeat offenders, drugs and guns with larger magazines for part of the increase.
Schumer touts new gun control scheme, ignores a gaping 'loophole' :: 08/04/2015
This morning in The Big Apple, perennial anti-gun Sen. Charles Schumer teamed up with his cousin, actress and comedian Amy Schumer, to launch another gun control scheme that doesn’t appear to close what may be a gaping gun control loophole, but maybe it’s because that loophole is a government agency.
Should 2015 see the end of gun ban zones? :: 08/04/2015
They probably thought it would work. I don’t understand why they did, but just accept that they did. But, failing to look at the history of laws and failure to obey them was their downfall.
As predicted, guns to be 2016 campaign issue; Dems eye 72-hour 'default' :: 08/03/2015
Yesterday’s Business Insider predicted that gun control will become a pivotal issue in the 2016 presidential campaign, while a story in The Guardian affirmed this column’s prediction that anti-gunners would seek to extend the “hold” period on gun transactions beyond the current three days.
Aussie PM Tony Abbott Goes Full Dictator in Shotgun Grab :: 08/03/2015
Australia’s descent into full blown fascism just accelerated again. The Adler lever-action ban in Australia just got serious as Prime Minister Tony Abbott has now decided to personally intervene and ban the firearms completely pending completion of a review of the NFA. Australian Customs and Border Protection have been ordered to detain all shipments of the Adler until the review is complete.
Bloomberg-Affiliated Propagandists Asking Oregon Gun Shops For Help With Anti-Gun PSA :: 08/03/2015
A Washington DC “Democrat media consulting firm” affiliated with Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (and a host of anti-gun politicians) is offering Oregon gun dealers $1,500 to allow them to film an on-location “public service announcement,” Oregon Firearms Federation announced Friday. The filmmakers need a gun store as a backdrop for an actor to tell viewers how “easy” it is to comply with form requirements . . .
Concern over 'copycat' shooters has some asking: Should media coverage change? :: 08/03/2015
On Friday, Dylann Roof pleaded not guilty to 33 charges related to the killing of nine people in Charleston. A first-of-its-kind study offers statistical evidence suggesting public 'contagion' when it comes to mass shootings.
Congressional Research Service Releases Study of Mass Shootings :: 08/03/2015
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has just released a report on mass shootings, drawing on two large chunks of data. The first is the FBI's series of supplemental homicide reports from 1999 to 2013, as buttressed by various scholars who have done their best to fill the gaps and fix the errors in the police statistics.
Question for the Mainstream Media: How Many Members Does Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Have? :: 08/03/2015
Over at courier-journal.com, reporter Debby Yetter [above] takes a look at the Bluegrass State’s civilian disarmament movement. The majority of her piece, ‘Ky., Ind. moms pushing for gun safety’, presents a history of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, including a lengthy profile of founder Shannon Watts.
Training Officers to Shoot First, and He Will Answer Questions Later :: 08/03/2015
WASHINGTON — The shooting looked bad. But that is when the professor is at his best. A black motorist, pulled to the side of the road for a turn-signal violation, had stuffed his hand into his pocket. The white officer yelled for him to take it out. When the driver started to comply, the officer shot him dead.
What to Do When Your Doctor Asks About Guns :: 08/03/2015
Have you had the experience of going to your doctor for a particular problem, let’s say headaches, and been surprised by the doctor asking you about a completely unrelated subject—whether you have a gun in your home?
13576 Total News Items