PA Bill Number: SB67
Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...
Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

Latest News

Obama Gun Grab on Social Security Recipients Part of Long-Term Citizen Disarmament End Game :: 07/21/2015
“Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others,” The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.
Our View: Open-carry is legal, but won't always make sense :: 07/21/2015
Bryan Scott Wolfinger had a completely reasonable plan. But he forgot to consider the unintended consequences - which turned out to be pretty dramatic.
Santorum Visits Brownells to Discuss 2nd Amendment Issues with Employees :: 07/21/2015
“The Second Amendment is there to protect the First,” Rick Santorum told an employee town hall in Brownells 200,000 square-foot warehouse in Grinnell Friday afternoon.
Sporting Purpose - Just One of Many Problems with the 1968 Gun Control Act :: 07/21/2015
Buckeye, AZ –-(Ammoland.com)- The term “sporting purpose” is imbedded throughout U.S. gun control laws, and its use is a violation of the Second Amendment.
As Conceal Carry Permits Climb, Murder Rates Drop :: 07/20/2015
Gun control advocates insist that tougher gun laws will reduce murder rates, but according to a new report by the Crime Prevention Research Center, just the opposite has been true under President Obama.
Chattanooga shooting: Why gun-free zones are dangerous :: 07/20/2015
It will be weeks or perhaps months before the investigation concludes into what some authorities have called an "act of terrorism" at two military recruiting stations in Chattanooga, Tenn., on Thursday.
'Gun-free' zones . . . until they're not :: 07/20/2015
While Thursday brought a rare confluence of events both heartbreaking and sobering, it’s even money the great course of this convergence will flow not toward a readily available solution. Instead, as the Mississippi River divides east from west, it will define the separation of ever-hardening positions.
How Erie City (PA) Council members believe we should address community violence :: 07/20/2015
The Erie Times-News recently asked all seven members of Erie City Council the same question: "What should be local officials' top focus when it comes to reducing violence in our community?"
If Guns Make Us Safer, Why Not Let Them Into the U.S. Capitol? :: 07/20/2015
It’s a curious feature of American life that when four innocents are killed by a gunman in Chattanooga, or when a young white supremacist opens fire inside a historic AME Church in Charleston, we talk about loosening gun safety laws.
In Nevada, bogus background check argument surfaces :: 07/20/2015
An editorial published today by Vegas, Inc., – a self-described “aesthetic hybrid between In Business Las Vegas and Fast Company” – dredges up a bogus argument in support of passing a universal background check measure in the Silver State next year, proving that if a lie is told often enough, it becomes accepted as truth.
Juan Williams of Fox News Gets Hammered After Making This Comment About Military Recruiters :: 07/20/2015
Fox News contributor Juan Williams is taking heat for a remark he made about the Chattanooga shooting.
Open-carry push having counterproductive impact :: 07/20/2015
WE have long supported robust Second Amendment rights, believing law-abiding Oklahomans with weapons are a threat only to criminals. Yet the recent push for open carry of firearms has, ironically, restricted the sphere where citizens may legally possess a gun. This suggests gun-rights supporters need to rethink their strategy.
Roaring silence from gun prohibitionists after another 'gun-free zone' fail :: 07/20/2015
While Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is getting lots of ink for statements made yesterday in the wake of the Chattanooga shooting that killed four Marines at a recruiting office clearly marked as a “gun-free zone,” there seems to be a roaring silence from the gun prohibition movement about the failure of a sign to stop a barrage of bullets.
Where Guns Are The Issue, Data Is As Data Does :: 07/20/2015
Science is supposed to be objective and data-based. Unfortunately, findings aren’t always fact-based and can be skewed, intentionally or not. Premises, like their conclusions, may be questionable. What is the risk that reports that dazzle with brilliance disguise attempts to baffle with bull—-? Pretty high, when they come from gun control advocates . . .
An Open Letter from a Military Wife to Obama About Military Property Security :: 07/19/2015
Allow our military members to carry personal sidearms in or out of uniform.
Clyburn looks to capitalize on Charleston shooting with new background check "loophole" bill :: 07/19/2015
In the gun grabbing community there is one rule which seems to be an absolute physical law of the liberal universe when it comes to tragic, mass shooting events; never let a good tragedy go to waste. In the wake of Dylan Roof’s hateful rampage in Charleston last month, that maxim is in full effect already.
Huckabee talks gun rights, Iran in Iowa City stop :: 07/19/2015
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee speaks on a campaign stop Friday afternoon at the Hamburg Inn in Iowa City.(Photo: Josh O’Leary / Iowa City Press-Citizen)
Local Congressman: Let Troops Carry Weapons On Military Installations :: 07/19/2015
U.S. Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, says shootings at military installations such as the one Thursday in Chattanooga, Tenn., that left four Marines dead could be prevented if troops were allowed to carry concealed weapons.
'Now is the time!' Medal of Honor recipient begs Americans to WAKE UP and fight to keep guns after attack :: 07/19/2015
A Medal of Honor recipient wants Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights to help keep the nation safe from terrorists.
Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush: Allow guns in military recruiting offices :: 07/19/2015
CARSON CITY, Nev. — Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says a ban on carrying guns in military recruiting offices should be lifted.
13576 Total News Items