proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB67

Title: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations, ...

Description: In Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission; in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulati ...

Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES

Last Action Date: Mar 3, 2025

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'Sanctuary,' not weak gun laws to blame for San Francisco slaying? :: 07/07/2015

Outrage has erupted in the wake of last weeks’ slaying of a woman in San Francisco as reports spread that the man accused in that killing is a recidivist illegal alien who picked the city because of its “sanctuary” policy, and even last night Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly launched a tirade against city officials during his "Talking Points" memo that initially focused on remarks Donald Trump made about Mexico.


This Sheriff Has Had It With Federal Overreach and Does Something About It :: 07/07/2015

There are many constitutional sheriffs in America, those that stand for the rights of the people and defend those rights, even when it means that are facing a behemoth federal government hell bent on infringing those rights. One such sheriff is Sheriff John D'Agostini of El Dorado County, California. Sheriff D'Agostini has had enough of the US Forest Service and has decided to strip them of any "perceived authority" they have of enforcing state law within the county.


Three Reasons Why I Should Be Disarmed :: 07/07/2015

I’m heading to Beantown for a couple of days, then on the UK to watch my eldest daughter graduate from college. I’ll be disarmed throughout. I’m not happy about it. I consider a gun my best defense against a violent attack. If the excrement hits the rotating air circulation device while I’m away from my beloved Lone Star State, I’ll do what I can to protect myself, my girlfriend, my children, yes even my first ex-wife.


Three Strange Claims in Mother Jones's Report on the 'Rise of Right-Wing Extremism' :: 07/07/2015

This week Mother Jones posted a story headlined "The Rise of Violent Right-Wing Extremism, Explained." Alas, some of its explanations are a bit off:


2 states to see final push for constitutional carry this week :: 07/06/2015

Governors in New Hampshire and Maine are set to make a decision on if the carry of a concealed handgun without a permit will be signed into law in coming days.


A Word To President Obama About "Gun Violence" :: 07/06/2015

I can easily forgive President Barack Obama for not understanding American culture, especially gun culture.


Bernie Sanders: Respect American Gun Owners. Ban "Semi-Automatic Assault Weapons" :: 07/06/2015

Bernie Sanders wants to ‘bring us to the middle’ on guns‘s headline proclaims. And what middle might that be? “If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible? Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer. That is not what a lawsuit should be about,” Sanders told Jake Tapper.


Brady Campaign "A+" Politician Guilty of Weapons-Related Racketeering :: 07/06/2015

Fairfax, VA –-( The Sacramento Bee reports that former California State Sen. Leland Yee, a gun control advocate rated “A+” by the Brady Campaign, has pled guilty to weapons-related racketeering charges in an organized crime case and now faces 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.


Gun Control Advocates Pissing in the Wind? :: 07/06/2015

Never take your gun rights for granted. Always repel politicians’ aspirations to degrade and destroy your right to keep and bear arms. Remember that millions of Americans live in states that restrict the type of guns they can buy, force them to register their guns and ban them from carrying guns.


Is That Common Sense Gun Control . . . or More Spin? :: 07/06/2015

Media spokesmen from anti-gun lobby groups say they want to regulate guns in the name of safety.  They say they are for “common sense gun safety regulations”.  Are they really?  Let’s look at what the ant-rights groups say, and at what they really do.  Let’s see if we agree with their gun control proposals after we strip away the public relations spin.


Jack Kelly - Black lives should matter :: 07/06/2015

To the “Black Lives Matter” crowd, it seems that most black lives don’t.  Roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered each year — more than 90 percent by other blacks. To some Democrats, only those shot by white police officers or white bigots seem to matter.


'Limitless' host Theresa Vail: Second Amendment is my life :: 07/06/2015

A top ten Miss America 2014 finalist, an avid bowhunter and a sergeant in the Kansas Army National Guard, Theresa Vail is out to prove she can do anything she sets her mind to.


PRI: Disarmed British Police Are Better than Armed U.S. Police :: 07/06/2015

Anti-gunners love Britain. Guns are banned! Not even cops have guns! Hardly anyone’s shot! Comparing Britain to the U.S. is like comparing chalk and cheese. The U.K. is, for the lack of a better word, a police state. It’s the most surveilled country on earth. The right to remain silent is dead (see: “adverse inferences“). They have non-criminal anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs). And so on.


San Francisco pier slaying: Another gun control failure? :: 07/06/2015

While yesterday’s big news about the slaying of a woman on a San Francisco pier Wednesday involved the illegal immigration history of suspect Francisco Sanchez, at some point the conversation should focus on how a man with a reported "rap sheet with seven felonies" allegedly got his hands on a firearm in a state with mandatory background checks on all transfers.


The Dictionary No Longer Holds :: 07/06/2015

So says the independent, active clause of the Second Amendment. The Heller decision, handed down in 2008, was in large part about the meaning of those words, particularly “right,” “the people,” “keep and bear,” “arms,” and “shall not be infringed.”


What's Wrong With This Picture - Gun Safety Edition :: 07/06/2015

What’s wrong with this picture? It gives the impression that small children gaining access to firearms is a big problem. It isn’t. The number of children under 10 who die from accidentally shooting themselves or another child is, thankfully, in the single digits.


Ignorance & dereliction on guns :: 07/05/2015

A couple of years ago, President Barack Obama said he had “a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations.” That's a vision shared by many Americans, namely that the Framers gave us the Second Amendment to protect our rights to go deer and duck hunting, do a bit of skeet shooting and protect ourselves against criminals.


Incendiary Image of the Day: Freedom's Just Another Word for Fascism. :: 07/05/2015

Apparently Freedom means being free from “gun violence”? The only way to remove the threat of firearms-related crime would be to remove all the criminals. And crazies. And the potential criminals and crazies (as defined by anti-gunners, of course). The idea that government could restrict guns to the point where we’d be free from the threat of firearms-related crime and assault is utopianism at its finest.


Are anti-gunners tossing rocks in glass houses? :: 07/04/2015

An e-mail yesterday from the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) complained about “deception” and “outright lies” told by the so-called “gun lobby,” ironically two days after the Washington Post called out a Connecticut senator for using misleading data about school shootings from Everytown for Gun Safety, and after a CNN poll released Tuesday showed shrinking support for Barack Obama’s gun policy.


Question of the Day: Would America Benefit From Australia's Gun Laws? :: 07/04/2015

An Australian student writes:


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