PA Bill Number: HB809
Title: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized.
Description: Further providing for definitions and for prohibited acts and penalties; and providing for syringe service programs authorized. ...
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: Mar 5, 2025

Latest News

CCRKBA launches new effort to counter Bloomberg :: 05/20/2015
Today’s announcement by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms that it has launched a media campaign to counter an “adjacent news operation” by Everytown for Gun Safety – the big-money lobbying group financed by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg – should come as no surprise.
Federalization of Law Enforcement Would Remove Bulwark for Second Amendment :: 05/20/2015
The call to federalize law enforcement departments and offices around the country was made more than once after Officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014.
Gun Owners In This State Are Taking A Big Stand Against Harsh New Bill :: 05/20/2015
Despite the fact that gun owners in Oregon are now facing new legislative Second Amendment roadblocks, a coalition of activists are determined to stand up for their constitutional rights. As the Gateway Pundit explains, state Senate Bill 941 – which mandates background checks for all private firearms sales – was recently signed into law, provoking the ire of gun owners who already feel their liberties are under attack.
Huckabee explains support of Second Amendment :: 05/20/2015
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee spent about 10 minutes Tuesday talking about the importance of the Second Amendment that provides Americans with the right to protect and defend themselves.
Police cash confiscations still on the rise :: 05/20/2015
The case of an aspiring Michigan businessman has reignited the debate over limits to the federal government's ability to seize property of those it suspects of being involved in criminal activity.
Senators: Stop Requiring 'Race, Ethnicity Disclosure For Gun Buyers' :: 05/20/2015
A bipartisan group of members of Congress is pushing a law that would stop the requirment for gun buys to disclose race and ethnicity. The effort is being led by Senators Roy Blunt, Mike Enzi, and Joe Manchin, a Democrat.
Should Christians Own Guns? A British theologian's view :: 05/20/2015
A couple of weeks ago a toddler shot himself in the head after finding a gun under the pillow of his parent's bed. Just days later a police officer accidentally shot his mother at a family wedding while adjusting his jacket. Last year, a nine-year-old girl was being shown how to use an automatic weapon and accidentally killed her instructor. In Idaho a two-year-old boy was shopping at Walmart with his mother and three other children, when he found a gun in his mother's bag; he pulled the trigger and killed her.
Time for Congress to Stop D.C.'s Anti-Gun Shenanigans :: 05/20/2015
Since the landmark 2008 Heller v. District of Columbia case, which Second-Amendment lawyer Alan Gura argued before the Supreme Court, anti-gun officials in the nation’s capital have spent every waking hour trying to avoid doing what the high Court ordered be done: allow District residents to exercise their right to keep and bear arms.
Defense Department, Bloomberg Expand War on Guns :: 05/19/2015
In a lawsuit filed on May 6, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) complained that the Department of Defense violated the First Amendment in demanding that CAD (computer-aided design) files containing instructions to 3-D printers to print lower receivers of firearms be pre-approved. SAF is seeking a court declaration “that Defendants’ prepublication approval requirements for privately generated unclassified information, on its face … violates the First … Second … [and] Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution.”
PA Attorney General: Corruption or Incompetence - The Kathleen Kane Saga: A Timeline :: 05/19/2015
Ahead of her court hearing, we [ed. note: Politics PA] provide a comprehensive timeline of the various scandals and tribulations of Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Pressure Building to Pass National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Law :: 05/19/2015
In February when Representative Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) reintroduced his Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2015, Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced an identical one in the Senate. Stutzman touted his bill:
Report calls for elimination of ATF :: 05/19/2015
The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, charged with enforcing the nation's gun laws and regulating the firearms industry, has been so hobbled by high-profile operational failures, internal dysfunction and external limits on its authority that the agency should be eliminated and merged into the FBI, a new report concludes.
UPS moves to stop carrying shipments of firearms suppressors :: 05/19/2015
Industry groups are working with United Parcel Service to reverse its recent decision to no longer ship registered Title II suppressors, even in cases where the items are going from dealer to dealer.
2nd Amendment Action Day Rally-Beaver County Sportsmen Message of Thanks :: 05/18/2015
Beaver County Sportsmen's Conservation League Message to Sportsmen
2nd Amendment Action Day Rally News Coverage Around the State :: 05/18/2015
Annual gun rights rally draws hundreds to Pa. Capitol -HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A few hundred gun rights activists brought their message to what has become an annual event at the state Capitol, urging lawmakers on Tuesday to protect their right to keep and own firearms and to widen legal protections.
Question of the Day: Does This Open Carry Takedown Reveal Police Racism? :: 05/18/2015
We’ve been saying it for a long, long time (in Internet terms): all Americans have a natural, civil and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Some Americans have more of a pressing need to exercise that right than others; entire classes of people are more likely to be subject to violent attack than the average population.
The Path to Liberty Begins with a Single Step :: 05/18/2015
Thirty-second sound bites. Instant coffee. On-demand streaming. We live in an instant gratification society, and this mentality tends to spill over into political activism.
Tripping Gun Owners At The Border :: 05/18/2015
A law-abiding Texan can buy a gun in the Lone Star State with no problem. Likewise, a law-abiding Arkansan can legally purchase a firearm in Arkansas. Why, then, can’t a Texan—who can pass a background check—buy a handgun in Arkansas, or vice versa?
House Dems want verification, reporting of online ammo sales :: 05/17/2015
A proposal would impose a national mandate that those buying ammunition online verify their ID in person with a licensed dealer and report sales over 1,000 rounds to the U.S. Attorney General’s office.
Licenses to exercise constitutional rights :: 05/17/2015
A commenter on a recent thread suggested that, if the government can require licenses or permits to possess a gun — even licenses that are available to all people who have Second Amendment rights — then the government would have a similar power as to other rights, such as the right to speak.
13576 Total News Items