proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Mar 12, 2025

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Smart Guns Back in the News: Smart Guns To Be Marketed to US Law Enforcement Market :: 08/11/2014

The backlash against the Armatix iP1 smart gun has been swift and harsh in the US consumer market. The incredibly expensive .22LR pistol will only fire if the user is wearing a special wireless watch which is sold separately.


Anti-Gun Bloomberg Group Going After Pro-Gun Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke :: 08/10/2014

It looks like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is going after any pro-gun politician he possibly can. Bloomberg's anti-gun political action committee just bought $150,000 in ads to target outspoken gun rights activist Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.


'Blue Wall of Silence' shrouds Capitol Hill shooting :: 08/10/2014

WASHINGTON - It's called the "Blue Wall of Silence," and it goes up when police officers close ranks and seal their lips to protect their own. Critics say officials have erected a wall of silence around the details of the death of unarmed suburban mother Miriam Carey, who was shot five times, once in the head, three times in the back and once in the arm by federal authorities in the shadow of the nation's Capitol.


LAPD misclassified nearly 1,200 violent crimes as minor offenses :: 08/10/2014

Once police had Nathan Hunter in handcuffs, they tended to his wife. She was covered in blood. She told the officers Hunter flew into a rage that night in February 2013 because she hadn't bought him a Valentine's Day gift.


One Million United wants women to embrace self-defense :: 08/10/2014

One Million United wants women to embrace self-defense. It's certainly no secret that the vast majority of the gun industry is made up of males, but one northern Nevada-based non-profit group is targeting women in an effort to educate them not only about the fundamental right to bear arms, but the overall importance of personal protection.


Cops Kill Man In Wal-Mart Carrying An Air Rifle. It ain't kosher. :: 08/09/2014

A man who was carrying an air rifle in an Ohio Wal-Mart told the police officers that fatally shot him that the gun was "not real," according to a family member.


D.C. residents should have to justify to police their need to own guns :: 08/09/2014

Robert McCartney's call to limit the right to carry handguns in the District "to people who can justify to police that they need the weapon for self-defense" highlighted how out of touch Post columnists are with legal and social norms pertaining to gun rights ["Beretta's hypocrisy in Maryland highlights crazy gun culture," Metro, Aug. 3]. More than half of the states allow open or concealed carry without a license, and the number of concealed carry licenses issued nationwide is estimated to have more than doubled since 2007 to more than 11 million.


In 'Bizarro World,' gun laws actually make sense :: 08/09/2014

Last week, I woke up in Bizzaro World. "Deal set for tighter gun laws," The Boston Globe headline read. The article's subhead was even more telling: "Compromise state plan would let police go to court to deny licenses."


SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID: DC's Way of Thinking :: 08/09/2014

Washington DC sure is special. There is stupid.. and then there is that special kind of DC stupid. The DC City Council is a perfect example. The DC City government needs to pave their streets, run their schools and arrest violent criminals.


How smart guns change the gun control debate forever :: 08/07/2014

Smart guns have ignited a firestorm of debate between both sides of the gun rights conflict. Now tensions are rising and citizens are calling for action on smart gun laws.


Opinion pieces illustrate problem with 'progressive' gun philosophy :: 08/07/2014

An Oregon physician wants to "register all guns like we register all motor vehicles" and a left-leaning Florida blogger insists that citizens leave their firearms, and self-defense rights, at home in a nightstand; two opinion pieces published Tuesday at far ends of the country that demonstrate what gun rights activists see as a fundamental disconnect between anti-gunners and reality.


Stalker Victim Pleads with Dartmouth University: PLEASE let me Carry a Gun!! :: 08/07/2014

Over the last four years, I have lived with the constant threat from a stalker - a stalker who is now in jail for the third time for violating a restraining order.


Top 5 Smart Phone Apps for Gun Owners :: 08/07/2014

Technology is constantly changing and improving. While some people will inevitably fight the changing times, I tend to embrace new technology and love trying out new things. With that in mind I wanted to share a few apps with you that you can use to further your gun hobby on your smart phone.


'We need the iPhone of guns': Will smart guns transform the gun industry? :: 08/07/2014

One of California's largest firearm stores recently added a peculiar new gun to its shelves. It requires an accessory: a black waterproof watch.


4th Grader in Georgia Suspended Three Days For Bringing Nerf Gun to Show and Tell :: 08/06/2014

Here we go again. Georgia is only in its first week of the of the 2014/15 school year and we're already seeing anti-gun hysteria rearing its ugly head.


A children's book to teach kids about gun rights :: 08/06/2014

Two gun rights advocates have authored a book in an attempt to teach kids about self-defense and the Second Amendment.


Canada Considers "Easing" Gun Laws - Officials Fear "US Style" of Gun Rights Would Follow :: 08/06/2014

It seems that our neighbor to the north is considering easing gun control laws. What does easing mean? Well, it seems that in Canada whenever a gun owner in Canada wants to leave their house with a gun, they have to ask permission. Every. Time.


GOA's Open Letter to President Barack H. Obama on 2nd Amendment :: 08/06/2014

Dear President Obama:


Judge denies motion to dismiss case against Philly mom arrested for legal gun in NJ :: 08/06/2014

A New Jersey judge denied a motion to dismiss charges Tuesday against a Philadelphia mother who mistakenly entered New Jersey, where she was stopped for a traffic violation and found in possession of a handgun loaded with hollow-point bullets.


Landslide victory for Missouri gun control nullification vote :: 08/06/2014

On Tuesday, voters in the Show Me State appeared at the polls and when the smoke cleared, 66 percent approved a ballot measure obligating Missouri to defend the right to keep and bear arms.


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