PA Bill Number: HB887
Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...
Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Mar 12, 2025

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Gun Control 2.0. Shall Not Be Questioned :: 07/15/2014
And trying new things is what Shannon Watts is busy doing. She’s trying to make her own horizontal interpretive community to match ours. That’s clear as crystal with all the information she’s been gathering under various guises, and if she has decent data analysis tools, she’ll get an idea of which people are most ripe to push for further action and deeper involvement. She could also get a pretty effective GOTV (Get out the Vote) machine going with what she’s been collecting if she’s smart enough to mine the data in an intelligent manner. There’s a lot of options when you have money to burn, and have the technology to micro target in a manner similar to the methods that swept Obama into power.
via Gun Control 2.0.Shall Not Be Questioned
A sobering reminder that the Opposition isn’t done yet. Not till we drive the political stake through its heart.
Shannon Watts FABRICATES information? Say it isn’t so.
How the liberal media determines how many shootings occur each day. :: 07/15/2014
GIGO Stands for Garbage In, Garbage Out. It means that if invalid data is entered in a computer program, the resulting output will also be invalid.
A year and a half ago, after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Joe Nocera, an Op-Ed columnist at the New York Times, asked me, an editorial assistant at the newspaper, to find out who gets shot in America every day. Right out of the gate my first question was: So what the heck were you guys using as raw data? And the answer was obviously that they were just reprinting the press releases of whichever Gun Control organization was flavor of the month.
Jersey Ex-con and cop killer's wife makes a grisly wish :: 07/15/2014
A New Jersey ex-con wanted on a murder warrant hoped to get “famous” by going out as a cop killer. Since he couldn’t get a firearm legally due to his convictions, he robbed an armed security guard of his handgun at knifepoint at a local Walgreens pharmacy, and waited in ambush as police officers arrived to answer the 911 call. Rookie police officer Melvin Santiago was one of the first officers on the scene, and was gunned down before he could even get out of his car.
The cop killer was shot down by other officers before he could cause any more deaths.
The reaction of the ex-con’s wife was stunning.
She showed little remorse that her husband was a murderer, and display only sadness that he didn’t kill more police officers before he was taken out.
Trust us, there are far better ways to become famous. It’s O.K. to criticize police departments. Killing cops is still a crime.
Shotgun Maker Mossberg Moving Operations Out Of Connecticut :: 07/15/2014
More on the unintended consequences of legislation on jobs.
Do we really have to comment on the loss of jobs in Connecticut being directly in proportion to absurd anti-gun legislation?
39th House Dist-Rep. Saccone Challenger Twists and Distorts the Truth :: 07/14/2014
There is a difference between Stout-Bashioum and Levdansky, supporters said.
Corbett finds few fans among fundamentalists and gun owners :: 07/14/2014
New poll. Corbett finds few fans among fundamentalists and gun owners
New poll.Corbett finds few fans among fundamentalists and gun owners
Corbett lacks support among fundamentalists, gun owners.
FOAC is prominently featured in this article. Please read, and be sure to vote.
CSGV recycles WWI Red Cross Poster :: 07/14/2014
CSGV recycles WWI Red Cross Poster
CSGV: Notch up the rhetoric. (UPDATED).
It wasn't that long ago when the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence asked his Facebook followers to tone down on the Kill The NRA comments and such. Well, I guess that intern was fired or the usual intern came back from summer vacation.
I wonder where they are getting those posters. I need to do some searching.
Update: sfcmarkc located the original poster. It turns out is a WWI Red Cross poster:
We are the Hun now too? For being all for peace and assorted crap, they love their war stuff.
I was saving the next pic, waiting to hear from the Show's producers, but since I have not yet, I am posting this screen cap from yesterday
Their tank of original ideas is indicating a big fat "E.”
Anti-gunners appear to be quick to steal ideas and subvert them to their own agenda of lies and obfuscation.
Feinstein Responds to FOAC Editor :: 07/14/2014
Dear John
Thank you for contacting me to share your opposition to gun control. I respect your opinion on this issue, and I welcome the opportunity to provide my perspective.
I support an individual's Second Amendment right to own a gun. I recognize that there are many law abiding gun owners who use guns in a safe manner for activities such as hunting, sport, or self defense.
FOAC Member - Letter to the Editor - Corbett v. Wolf :: 07/14/2014
Bloomberg as next PA Governor??
Gun Confiscation Begins :: 07/14/2014
Liberals will start in the cities and keep expanding this out. Second amendment activists are expressing concern that authorities in New York State have begun moving towards mass gun confiscation after a man had all his firearms seized by police over a 15-year-old misdemeanor charge.
Gun Death Rate Scams Designed to Defraud Public and steal Rights :: 07/14/2014
Gun Death Rate Scams Designed to Defraud Public Out of Rights. A new study by the Violence Policy Center finds States that have weak gun laws and higher rates of gun ownership also have the highest overall gun death rates in the country, a report on New Jersey's 101.5 WKXW-FM Radio claims. Note "report" has been placed in quotation marks, as this, like so much of what Authorized Journalists churn out, is really nothing more than regurgitated gun-grabber talking points, and in spite of making sure the story making these claims holds the headline spot on their home page at this writing.
More lies? It sometimes seems our only task is to correct the record with TRUTH.
How To Beat the NRA - Rolling Stone :: 07/14/2014
The NRA remains one of the most formidable forces in American political life. But it is not bulletproof. Since the massacres in Aurora and Newtown, states from New York and Maryland to Colorado and California have made modest progress against the gun lobby, passing a raft of new laws aimed at reducing gun violence. There are sharp lessons to be learned from these victories, and even more important ones to be gleaned from the playbook of the NRA itself. The seven strategies below can empower gun-control advocates to stop bemoaning their helplessness, and start carrying the day.
Lawsuits Filed As Chicago Denies Black People Concealed Carry Licenses :: 07/14/2014
Since the State of Illinois passed a controversial Concealed Carry Weapons permit law last year, a flood of African American applicants have found themselves denied even though they are qualified to receive the permits according to the prerequisites of the law.
NYT Publishes Real Data on Illegal Gun Sales, no good news for Gun Control Activists :: 07/14/2014
NYT Publishes Real Data on Illegal Gun Sales, no good news for Gun Control Activists
NYT Publishes Real Data on Illegal Gun Sales, no good news for Gun Control Activists. Conducted by Garen J. Wintemute, a renowned gun researcher , public health expert and professor of emergency medicine at the School of Medicine at the University of California at Davis, the survey canvassed 1,601 federally licensed dealers and pawnbrokers in 43 states on how often attempts were made to acquire guns illegally and how sellers reacted to such attempts. Before the survey, there were almost no answers to those questions.
We're refuting new lies here.
Op-Ed: The 'Stealthy' Plan to Infuse HS American History with 'Sharply Left-Leaning Curriculum' :: 07/14/2014
Op-Ed: The 'Stealthy' Plan to Infuse HS American History with 'Sharply Left-Leaning Curriculum' and Its Common Core Connection.
The way American history is taught in high schools across the United States may soon undergo a radical shift toward a "centrally-controlled and sharply left-leaning curriculum," one conservative commentator said - and there's a curious connection to Common Core underneath it all.
In his op-ed for National Review Online, "New War Over High School U.S. History," Stanley Kurtz noted that the College Board - which issues the SAT college entrance and Advanced Placement exams - is implementing a new framework for the AP U.S. History Exam.
There are efforts in Common Core to gut the Second Amendment in favor of a revisionist view.
The "Stealthy" Plan to Infuse HS American History with "Sharply Left-Leaning Curriculum" - and Its Common Core Connection :: 07/14/2014
Op-Ed: The 'Stealthy' Plan to Infuse HS American History with 'Sharply Left-Leaning Curriculum' and Its Common Core Connection.
Toomey-RINO anti-gunner :: 07/14/2014
Toomey-RINO anti gunner
Here's Senator Toomey's reply to us regarding the anti-gun bill now before Congress:
July 11, 2014
Dear Mr.
Thank you for contacting me about S. 2363, the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act. I appreciate hearing from you.
As you may know, Senator Kay Hagen (D-NC) introduced S. 2363 on May 20, 2014. Among its provisions, this legislation would reauthorize numerous conservation programs, such as the North American Wetlands Conservation Program. It would also exempt sport fishing equipment and firearm ammunition subject to federal excise taxes from regulation under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
Army to replace 9mm pistol with more reliable gun packing better knock down power :: 07/12/2014
We never bought into the "wonder-nines", and we think the Armed Forces did a disservice to the sidearm when it went away from the .45ACP. This article tells us that perhaps there is hope.
Concealed carry groups sue Ohio State University over campus gun ban :: 07/12/2014
Two concealed carry advocacy groups have filed suit against Ohio State University, calling the school’s zero-tolerance policies on firearms on campus unlawful.
Obituary-Stan Switzer :: 07/11/2014
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