proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB887

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions ...

Description: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provision ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Mar 13, 2025

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Latest News

S.C. pub owner doesn't want your business. :: 03/19/2014

"NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag."


Dr. Murthy for Surgeon General-part 2 :: 03/19/2014

"The White House is "recalibrating," but not abandoning, President Barack Obama's pick to be the next surgeon general after his high-profile views favoring gun control ."


HB 2011 Needs your support :: 03/19/2014


Civil Disobedience in New York :: 03/18/2014

Gun rights advocates in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., reportedly burned nearly one thousand gun registration forms to ashes in a clear act of civil disobedience.


NJ AG exerts undo influence. :: 03/17/2014

This is from ANJRPC Alert info&


Former Police Chief protects confidential informant-gets 14 days in jail :: 03/17/2014

"The director of the Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers was arrested and held in contempt of court Friday after he refused to reveal the identify of a tipster - even eating a piece of paper to prevent the judge from obtaining the details."


Kalifornia Gun Store gains a court order to keep the Feds away :: 03/17/2014

"Karras explained he has no problem turning over his inventory to the ATF. In fact, his lawyer has already told ATF agents they can come by any time to pick up the receivers. Karras' issue is the demand to turn over the names of his customers."


Connecticut Patriots refuse to comply with unconstitutional law-continued :: 03/17/2014

"Tens of thousands of Connecticut residents are refusing to register their firearms in defiance of new gun-control laws, and law-enforcement officers in that state and others are simply refusing to enforce the recently imposed restrictions."


Kids say the darndest things. :: 03/15/2014

"Speaking before the New Jersey Law and Public Safety Committee in Trenton, N.J., on Thursday, 9-year-old competition shooter Shyanne Roberts spoke in opposition to a proposed bill that would further limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds.


Glock Safety Trigger--sort of. :: 03/15/2014

Watch the video, especially if you carry a Glock. That "safety trigger" is not as safe as you may think.


Gun Control or Racism? You decide. :: 03/15/2014

We usually collect important stories about guns, ammo, proposed new laws, lawmakers that believe in your right to Keep and Bear Arms, Bloomberg, his newest front, Moms Demand Action, and the declining numbers in Mayors Against Illegal Guns.


Connecticut-the saga continues :: 03/12/2014

"Until now, gun control laws hadn't mandated the confiscation of weapons; generally, banned guns were grandfathered in under previous laws so their current owners could continue to legally own them. The Connecticut law changes all that. Passed last year in response to the Sandy Hook shooting, SB 1160 bans so-called "assault weapons" - certain rifles, more recently known as AR-15s, that have been singled out based on purely cosmetic criteria - and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition."


Never bring a knife to a gun fight, and don't mess around with seniors. :: 03/11/2014

"When a knife-wielding burglary suspect broke into an elderly woman's home in Seymour, Tenn., on Wednesday night, he had no idea her son was only two minutes away - and armed. If he had, he surely wouldn't have still been there when he arrived."


Indiana 19 year old 302'd. Thank God. :: 03/11/2014

"A man rode his bicycle seven miles on Thursday with a loaded rifle on his back, authorities say.


Second Amendment Rally 29 April 2014 :: 03/11/2014

The annual Second Amendment Rally will be held in Harrisburg, on the Capitol Steps, on Tuesday, 29 April 2014. Our goal is to rally 30,000 lawful gun owners to Harrisburg to meet with our elected representatives. Please, you are visiting the People's House, and we ask that you dressfor success. We've seen coats and ties (our FOAC staff favorite attire), as well as beautifully embroidered uniform shirts from the Beaver County contingent. We'll be on TV, so let's make a great impression, and prove once and for all that we are upstanding citizens, and that we respect our Capitol.


Only cops should have guns? We need mandatory training? :: 03/10/2014

"A pregnant woman was accidentally shot and killed Friday by her husband, a Pennsylvania State Trooper who was cleaning his gun."


If anti gunners are going nuts in Connecticut, they'll have a heart attack in New York :: 03/10/2014

"It will be interesting to see how loud-mouthed but largely impotent Governor Andrew Cuomo responds to the expected widespread non-compliance. AsAssemblyman Bill Nojay (R-Pittsford) noted earlier this year : "The rank and file troopers don't want anything to do with it," Assemblyman Bill Nojay (R-Pittsford) said Monday. "I don't know of a single sheriff upstate who is going to enforce it."


State college officials find (gasp) there are Laws governing firearms. :: 03/10/2014

"The system overseeing Pennsylvania's 14 state-owned universities, having spent nearly a year developing a unified weapons policy, might ultimately scrap the idea and instead leave the decision with individual campuses based on evolving case law."


Detroit Chief of Police knows that Armed Citizens are a valuable tool against crime.-(Pt. 2) :: 03/10/2014

"This is the 5th time in just two weeks that a Detroit homeowner has used lethal force to protect his home and family."


Missouri passes Daryl Metcalfe's Bill! (part 2) :: 03/10/2014

A proposal in Missouri to nullify certain federal gun control laws could actually mean jail for federal agents who try to enforce them. The nullification legislationpassed the House General Laws Committee on Thursday, the Associated Press reported , after having passed the full state Senate last month.


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