proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB443

Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.

Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

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Kahr Firearms leaves New York, will be manufacturing in Pike County :: 08/09/2013

ClearlyGovernor Cuomo's absurd SAFE Law was sure to have consequences.We're sure the folks from Kahr Arms are happy to relocate to Pennsylvania, and we're hopeful we can attract others. Are you listening, Kimber?


Denver Public Housing Gun Ban Won't Happen :: 08/08/2013

Yesterday we reported on a private holding company imposing a gun ban on residents of public housing left with few choices as to where to live, and robbing them of their Constitutional and God given right to defend themselves. There's been a change of heart, and a monstrous scolding from public officials. The reason public officials gave for making sure the gun ban never happens is quite telling. Please read the article, and note that this may impact Federally funded public housing across the country. Bravo to the Douglas County Housing partnership. Apparently they get it.---(Editor's note. In a TV interview, Douglas County officials clearly stated "It's unconstitutional to prohibit the legal possession of a gun or a firearm on public housing property," a fact that just came to our attention within the last hour.)


Colorado Apartment Complex Bans Guns, threatens evictions. :: 08/07/2013

We're particularly upset because this is an obvious infringement of the Second Amendment, and a not so obvious slap at the Fourth. Here is yet another example of those who can least afford to protect themselves from harm being denied the God given right to self defense. The gratuitous last sentence is NOT applicable to this situation. We've highlighted it for you.


Bloomberg-Two in one day? :: 08/07/2013

We promised all of you thatwe'd keep a sharp eye on Bloomberg. Not only does he enjoy the company of criminals and thugs in his cabal of MAIG, now he's got another category he can check off. Has the Bloom come off the rose, or would that be off the "berg"? Thanks, Boombox, for yet another chance to show how well you vet out your members in Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Putz!


Bloomberg- Our favorite target :: 08/07/2013

Bloomberg sure knows how to pick 'emFoot in MouthHere's another gem in the would be dictator's crown. We hope you find it as disgusting as we did.


Gun Bash, October 12, 2013 :: 08/04/2013

GUN BASH TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW AT ACE SPORTING GOODS. There are only 1000 tickets, and they will sell out fast. Donation is 50 bucks, and that gets you all you can eat, all you can drink, and a chance at 21 guns given away from 2 till 7. We apologize for taking steak off the menu, and hope you don't mind that we replaced it with Prime Rib! All of the side raffles you love are in place. Make plans to be there, and come hungry. Our caterer is Hugo's from Brownsville, PA and if you've been to the past few bashes, you know how yummy the menu is, and how much food is there. Did I mention you find any Davis or Jennings pop-guns on our prize list. You will find a FNH SCAR chambered in 7.62 NATO, a Kimber Crimson Carry II, and other fine firearms.


The National Security Agency (NSA) :: 08/04/2013

Editor's note: Bill Lafferty is an author, and member of FOAC. For more info on Bill, please visit his website for very clear opinions on Big Government and other topics. He is a regular contributor to FOAC's website.


Transporting Firearms. It can be very confusing. :: 08/01/2013

First in a series- watch next for Castle Doctrine


Bloomberg-another story we love to share with you. :: 07/31/2013

This article almost makes you want to cry for the poor little guy. Imagine, his alliance is falling apart because the mayors are waking up to the lies!


Republican Women-Take note! :: 07/30/2013

Its our opinion that women sway legislators in ways we guys just can't. Plan to attend this Northwest & Southwest Regional Conference2013. Simply click on the link for details, sign up, and note--they're holding it at Southpointe--convenient to most of you.


Idaho License to Carry no longer recognized in Pennsylvania :: 07/28/2013

We think Kathleen Kane is making a concerted effort to destroy honest citizens' right to keep and bear arms, one state at a time. Idaho is her latest target. The larger question, of course, is where is Governor Corbett, and what's he doing while she runs ragged over honest citizens here, and in other States as well?


What would Ronnie have had to say? :: 07/27/2013

Ronald J. DeLallo, 52, of Bethel Park, died Monday, May 17, 2004, after a 5 month and seventeen day battle with pancreatic cancer. He was the most opinionated man I ever met, a real conservative, and loud about it, too. Above all, he was and is my brother, and I wonder what Ronnie would have said about:


What Constitution is Nancy Pelosi referring to. It can't be ours. :: 07/26/2013

Pelosi: We Must Uphold Our Oath To The Constitution By Passing Gun Control


Women and Guns :: 07/24/2013

We think its very gratifying that the largest new segment of gun owners, women, are showing how responsible the "rest of us" ought to be. There are several photo's in this article, and you might have to click on the hyperlink to see them. We've highlighted some interesting talking points in this article. One of the best points was made by an instructor, and we agree They don't want to learn from their husbands.


Lets pass more laws in the wake of this shootout. :: 07/24/2013

On the way back from Gifford Pinchot State Park on Saturday night, we noted that several traffic signs were routinely ignored. One of us wondered aloud if perhaps putting up more signs would make drivers compliant. The concensus was that no, likely it would not.


Showdown in Erie :: 07/22/2013

We knew that at some point in time, some city in Pennsylvania would cite citizens for lawful activity. Looks like the rubber is going to hit the road in Erie, PA.


Bill Lafferty's Blog :: 07/21/2013

Our own Bill Lafferty offers some thoughts on Trayvon Martin, President Obama, Eric Holder, race baiting, an more insight. Just click on the hyperlink to visit Bill's blog.


More PEOPLE control. Do you really have a right to defend yourself? :: 07/21/2013

We think that Senator Durbin's efforts to "investigate" stand your ground laws is actually a CONCERTED EFFORT to lay more weight upon the backs of honest gun owners, all in the name of Trayvon Martin. He and Obama have shamelessly dishonored the tragic death of a teenage boy by using that death to urinate on your HUMAN RIGHT to self defense. We believe that from the moment of your birth, you have an unfettered right, given to you by God Almighty, to defend yourself from harm. WE need to contact Senator Durbin, and in no uncertain terms, tell him that his attempt to butcher the Constitution, and our human rights, is an abomination. There are some links at the end of the article. Perhaps you will weigh in on this crucial issue?


A Gun Buy-back Program we can support! :: 07/19/2013

Rather than taking firearms to the furnace, this group has a better idea. We support it, and if it comes to Pennsylvania, we'll promote it.


While you were sleeping, Marsico tries to sneak one through (See HB 1010) :: 07/17/2013

Here's the link to Brad Bumstead's article in the Trib


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