PA Bill Number: SB443
Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.
Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

Latest News

Kathleen Kane Defies the PA Legislature-Again! Changes Reciprocity with Arizona and Virginia! :: 04/15/2013
After exceeding the spirit of PA law that allows the AG to enter into Reciprocity Agreements (Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 6109(k)), Kathleen Kane has thumbed her nose at Pennsylvanians again. After her "success" in closing the so called Florida Loophole, she has now attacked Arizona and Virginia. Your non-resident permits or licenses from those two States are null and void. Read more to see the entire summary of all reciprocity agreements.
Letter to Senator Toomey :: 04/13/2013
Senator Toomey:
Schumer-Toomey-Manchin Gun Bill :: 04/12/2013
Toomey-Schumer Gun Bill Contains Potential Caveat to Gun Registry Prohibition
Here's the Only Thing That Matters About the NRA's Stance on a Gun Bill :: 04/10/2013
Shortly after 11 a.m., my inbox rattled with the arrival of an article marked "Buzzfeed Scoop: NRA staying neutral on gun control compromise." The story, by Ruby Cramer, described an NRA that was staying out of the Manchin-Toomey fight -- a breakthrough if true.
NRA Says Background Check Compromise Won't Work :: 04/10/2013
As Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania prepare to roll out a bill on expanded background checks for gun purchases Wednesday morning, the National Rifle Association has been in talks with both senators, but remains neutral on the deal, according to Manchin’s office.
State Rep. Steve Santarsiero call for vote on bipartisan bill to require universal background checks for firearms in Pa. :: 04/10/2013
HARRISBURG (APRIL 10) – Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane joined state Rep. Steve Santarsiero, D-Bucks, in his call for a vote on his universal background check legislation for firearms purchases (H.B. 1010) at a Capitol news conference today.
“Right now in Pennsylvania, criminals may lawfully purchase an assault rifle even though it is illegal for that same criminal to purchase a handgun,” Santarsiero said. “I and the people standing here with me today are among the 95 percent of Pennsylvanians who believe that is something that needs to be fixed.”
Santarsiero explained that a loophole in Pennsylvania’s background check laws allows private, non-licensed sellers to sell long-barrel guns, including assault rifles, without conducting a background check on the buyer. Santarsiero’s legislation would close this loophole by requiring all sales and transfers (except familial transfers) to undergo a universal background check, including sales by non-licensed sellers.
Recent public opinion polling shows overwhelming support for universal background checks for the purchase of firearms, even among firearms owners. Santarsiero said H.B. 1010 would bring consistency to the law.
“A clear majority of Americans, Pennsylvanians and even gun owners support universal background checks as a commonsense law to help keep our communities safer from gun violence,” Santarsiero said during the news conference in the Capitol Media Center. “While federal legislation would bring greater consistency across the nation, we can no longer wait for Congress to act.”
Santarsiero was flanked by scores of Pennsylvanians who came to Harrisburg to lobby House Judiciary Committee members to vote in favor of H.B. 1010.
“Not only does this legislation have bipartisan support in the House, but it also has the support of many in the law enforcement community, including our state’s top law enforcement agent, Attorney General Kathleen Kane,” Santarsiero said.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police has called for federal, state, local and tribal laws to close the loopholes that allow people who would fail a background check to purchase firearms legally through private sales.
Several mayors, as well as other representatives from gun safety groups, attended the news conference in support of H.B. 1010. Groups endorsing the legislation include Ceasefire PA, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Bucks Safe, The Peace Center, Keystone Progress and Bucks Against Gun Violence.
Santarsiero explained that H.B. 1010 would make for a more consistent system for conducting gun sales by requiring them to occur through a gun dealer with a Federal Firearms License. He said this process includes the background check and preserves the effectiveness of the laws in place and protects responsible gun owners.
“We know that passing H.B. 1010 will not stop all gun violence. No bill or group of bills will do that,” Santarsiero said. “But consider this: over its 15-year history, the Pennsylvania Instant Check System, or PICS, has enabled the state police to stop over 100,000 people from illegally obtaining firearms. In that same period, PICS has resulted in the successful prosecution of over 2,150 criminals. It’s time to expand that success.”
If H.B. 1010 is enacted into law, Pennsylvania would be the 6th state to close the loophole for background checks on long guns in private sales. California, New York, Rhode Island, Colorado and Connecticut all have universal background check laws.
“It has been nearly four months since the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. I represent Newtown, Pennsylvania, where more than a common community name first sent a wave of sorrow washing over mothers and fathers who watched the horrible news that day,” Santarsiero said. “We cannot undo the past. We cannot prevent every tragedy in the future. But we can and must take reasonable steps to make our communities and state safer. If we do it for no one else, let’s do it for our children. They deserve a vote!”
Santarsiero represents all of Lower Makefield and Newtown townships, all of Yardley and Newtown boroughs and half of Upper Makefield Township in Bucks County.
Special Alert - Toomey In Talks over Universal Background Checks :: 04/09/2013
Senator Pat Toomey is engaged in talks with Governor Joe Manchin of West Virginia regarding universal background checks. We ask that you contact Senator Toomey to tell him that you are opposed to universal background checks.
What does the cop on the street think about new gun laws, ammo bans, magazine capacity restrictions? :: 04/09/2013
This will come as no surprise to those of us who know cops on the street. Quoting from the article "Breaking down the results, it's important to note that 70 percent of respondents are field-level law enforcers - those who are face-to-face in the fight against violent crime on a daily basis - not office-bound, non-sworn administrators or perpetually-campaigning elected officials." Also quoting from the article "1.) Virtually all respondents (95 percent) say that a federal ban on manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds would not reduce violent crime."
What happened to the Senator Toomey we thought we knew? :: 04/09/2013
The press now reports Senator Pat Toomey is the top Republican working for a deal to pass Obama's gun control. Not only is Toomey REFUSING to support Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee's filibuster of Obama's gun control package; he's actually working behind the scenes to help Obama PASS new gun control. And his action is critical because a dozen or so weak-kneed Republicans and squishy Democrats wait in the wings, ready to pass this anti-gun nightmare if Toomey will lead the surrender.
Character and Reputation Clause :: 04/09/2013
New York, just as Pennsylvania, has a "character and reputation" clause in its License to Carry Firearms statutes. FOAC has been firmly against it for years. Here's a reason, from New York, why "character and reputation" can be used capriciously against any gun owners. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/04/n-y-dads-pistol-license-suspended-over-something-his-10-year-old-son-said-and-it-could-be-8-years-before-he-gets-it-back/
Obama Lies About Gun Used in Sandy Hook School Shooting :: 04/05/2013
Obama was at it again last night, claiming in a San Francisco speech speech that the rifle Adam Lanza used to murder 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, last December was "a fully automatic weapon." This was no slip of the tongue; Obama initially called the rifle "a semi-automatic weapon," then immediately "corrected" himself:
Bloomberg recruits another thug into MAIG :: 04/04/2013
We told you, Mr. Blooperberger, you keep screwing up, and we'll be delighted to report on it. Don't you spend some of your cash on vetting criminals before accepting them into MAIG? And this character used a gun? We gotta give you credit, Boombox, you are becoming the best advertisement we have when we say NO MORE NEW GUN LAWS! http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2013/04/mayor-against-illegal-guns-busted-for-demanding-gay-sex-at-gunpoint-2506168.html?utm_campaign=&utm_term=http%253A%252F%252Fb4in.info%252Fd0I4&utm_source=direct-b4in.info&utm_medium=verticalresponse&utm_content=beforeit39snews-verticalresponse
Liver for Kim :: 04/03/2013
If you have not yet heard, our fearless leader and chairman - Kim Stolfer - has been very ill and is in need of a liver. We are asking that if you have anything to give to help defer the costs, if you have a moment to pray for Kim's health to return, if you have the ability to share this out with your friends and family, please do so. The link below will take you to the Liver for Kim website where donations and updates on his condition can be made.
Liver for Kim :: 04/03/2013
Kim Stolfer Needs YOUR Help right NOW! He's fighting for his life.
Bus Transportation to Harrisburg for the 23rd April Rally :: 04/03/2013
Please forward this to friends, gun boards and membership of your gun club.
Mass Shootings are rare, and have a common thread. (Hint--its not guns) :: 04/02/2013
(editors note: FOAC was able to offer testimony to Rep. Murphy on 1 April regarding this subject. So did others, and there were powerful statements that brought to light how poorly we handle mental illness in the USA. Only one person got on the "ban everything" soapbox. He was told that, in Murphy's mind (Rep. Murphy is a practicing psychologist), he wants to take "all guns from a very few people, but NO guns from every person." Encouraging words indeed from Congressman Murphy)
Obama Lies on Guns? Again, or still? :: 04/02/2013
Wrong Again: Obama Claims 40% Of Gun Sales Done Without Background Check
You wonder where the ammo went? Now the FBI is on a buying spree. :: 04/02/2013
FBI plans to spend $100 million on ammo http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/03/fbi-plans-to-spend-100-million-on-ammo/
Madness, Sheer Madness Part II--and its close by. Connecticut lunacy. :: 04/02/2013
After the Newtown tradgedy, knees have been jerking in rapid succession. You need to read this. These laws, if the Philadelphia caucus has its way, will be right here in Pennsylvania. We NEED you at the April 23rd rally. If you haven't gotten your reservation on the bus, please contact brk357&aol.com right away.
Georgia town's mandatory gun ownership law is just 'symbolic' :: 04/02/2013
In another illustration of just how divisive gun control rhetoric has become, a small town in northern Georgia passed a measure yesterday requiring every household to have a gun and ammunition — despite the fact that the town has virtually no crime and no plans to enforce the law.
13576 Total News Items