proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB443

Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters.

Description: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for employment leave for voters. ...

Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT

Last Action Date: Mar 14, 2025

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PICS is on the way out-but only if you help :: 03/06/2013

I just now go off the phone with Rep.Krieger's office. PICS elimination in favor of NICS, saving some 7 million dollars of Pennsylvania tax dollars annually, is on a fast track, but it needs your help. I sent this note out to a few members, and I'm asking you to take action


Insensitive, or just plain out of touch? You be the judge. :: 03/06/2013

Colorado's Senator Hudak, speaking from her committee chair, makes the most outrageous and insensitive statement I've ever heard. When a Republican made a similar statement, he was beat from pillar to post in the media (and he SHOULD have been, too), but Senator Hudak is getting a free pass. Read the article, and you decide if the anti-gunners have it right, or horribly wrong. Thanks to Mike Christenson for this update. Be sure to listen to the video, and watch the young rape victims reaction.


The Gun Debate: Gun crime prosecutions on decline, amid call for more laws :: 02/25/2013

In radio and billboard ads across the country, the federal government is telling potential gun buyers "don't lie for the other guy." The campaign message is intended to stop those with clean criminal records from buying firearms for felons who legally can't buy guns on their own. 


Let's do it like Arizona--gun buybacks,indeed. :: 02/21/2013

PHOENIX -- In Arizona, where guns are allowed in bars and concealed weapons can be carried without a permit, state lawmakers are moving to force police to sell -- rather than destroy -- firearms they collect in the wake of Tucson's scrapping more than 200 last month.


Blast away with both barrels, because everybody knows a 12 gauge shotgun is easier to handle than an AR platform rifle! :: 02/21/2013

Joe Biden--home defense expert? (From GunsAmerica blog)


No More Compromises! :: 02/20/2013

I picked this GOA Alert out of my e-mails today. It's absolutely worth a read. Wait until you see what former Governor Rendell has to say about the Newtown, CT murders.


I want to write, too! :: 02/20/2013

After several meetings, and tutorials, Krystal has found that yes, you actually can teach on old dog new tricks. That said, you want to write an article. By all means, do it. Write it, spell check it, and simply send it to submissions& . I try to look at the submissions weekly, or sometimes more frequently. If your article is used, it will appear on the webpage as a featured article, or it will go into the news articles you can look up. Not every article is going to be chosen, but we're going to be relying on social media such as this website, or our "Official" Facebook page. You can see the official page at!/foacpac?fref=ts . You can, for the moment, still get on the non moderated Facebook page!/groups/100913181555/?fref=ts and comment there, too. We would love to hear from you, especially now that I know how to drive the bus!


Put Criminals in Jail for Gun Charges? City Paper thinks that's wrong. :: 02/18/2013

Even CeasefirePA got it right for once , then again a broken clock is right at least once a day.


Attorney General Kane closes the Florida Loophole :: 02/18/2013

In an unprecedented move, Kathleen Kane exceeds the spirit of her office.


Farnese vs. Metcalfe :: 02/18/2013

For those of you who missed the fireworks, Daryl Metcalfe beat Senator Farnese's every anti gun argument. Hopefully, you can still find the debate on PCN. Other than looking like a complete fool, Senator Farnese showed that the anti-gunners will go to every length, and use every dirty trick possible, to ban your guns, your magazines, and your ammo.


What History Tells Us..... :: 02/18/2013

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) expresses his feelings regarding the the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets. "When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out."


FOAC ByLaws :: 02/14/2013

Calling All Members!


Rage and resignation at Maryland gun control town hall :: 02/06/2013

A recent poll showed that 62 percent of Marylanders favor a ban on assault weapons, and 71 percent favor a limit on the number of bullets in a gun magazine.  If the members of the General Assembly vote the way the polls are blowing, it appears Gov. Martin O'Malley's sweeping gun reform bill could become law.


Possible Ammo Ban? :: 01/31/2013

BREAKING NEWS - Today - January 31, 2013, on PCNC's Pittsburgh Live with Chris Moore: Bruce Kraus - Pittsburgh City Councilman - who works closely with Ceasefire PA openly admits that Ceasefire Pa and all other anti-gun groups are working on legislation to BAN ammunition. This ties in closely with DHS buying up over a billion rounds of ammo over the past year before ammo is banned.


Background checks rise with permit spike-PICS Problems :: 01/16/2013

Along with the increase in applications for concealed weapons permits, the Pennsylvania State Police also saw a large increase of background checks running through its Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS) Unit.


Here Are The 23 Executive Orders On Gun Safety Signed Today By The President :: 01/16/2013

President Obama has signed 23 executive orders designed to address the problem of gun violence in America.


Harrisburg Mayor Thompson Calls for Ban on Military Weaponry; May Use Executive Powers :: 01/10/2013

City Mayor Linda D. Thompson again called for a ban on the sale of military-type weapons during a town hall discussion about gun violence sponsored by Harrisburg Hope and the Midtown Scholar Bookstore last night. The mayor also said a legal review is underway in the City Law Bureau to clarify the executive powers the mayor’s office has to address automatic weapons control in the city.


Pull the Trigger on Gun Laws :: 12/28/2012

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., the country has been struggling with unanswered questions. Why children? Why did Adam Lanza do what he did?


Police Wonder if They'll Need To Confiscate Assault Weapons In Event of Ban :: 12/27/2012

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - Amid talk of reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired eight years ago, police departments nationwide are thinking of ways to confiscate such weapons. As WCBS 880's Marla Diamond reported,among the departments considering taking action is the NYPD. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said if Congress were to reinstate the ban,police are wondering whether it will be their responsibility to confiscate them. WCBS 880's Marla Diamond reports "I think that is a big, big question," Kelly said. "Do you engage in a buyback?" Kelly said the NYPD's existing gun buyback has been successful.


Sen. Bob Casey changes stance, supports new gun laws :: 12/21/2012

WASHINGTON - Sen. Bob Casey, who has long opposed new gun laws, said Wednesday that he had changed his views in the aftermath of last week's shootings in Newtown, Conn., and would support bills to ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips.


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